
4 Records Found

3944 days ago :: Rank: (6340) :: Categories: Species, Saltwater, Flatfish
Halibut is a flatfish, from the family of the right-eye flounders (Pleuronectidae). Other flatfish are also called halibut. The name is derived from haly (holy) and butt (flat fish), for its popularity on Catholic holy days. Halibut are demersal fi
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3221 days ago :: Rank: (277) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
As you have been reading our blog you may have wondered what some of our fishing terms mean! I’ve made a short glossary of the most commonly used terms… 1) Pig hog cannon tiger: all of these terms refer to a large fish or a Tyee 2) Chick
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4230 days ago :: Rank: (202) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
There will come a time in your life when I won't be there for you and when that day comes you are going to need to know some very specific knots. This is especially true for our wonderful fly fisherman am I right or am I right? Fly fishermen will
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921 days ago :: Rank: (151) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Just when I think the days can't get any prettier we have a beautiful one like we had this morning. I had met Jack Larini and his girl friend Alexa down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp under clear skies and we left the dock just as the sun was com
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