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Custom SD Card
Fishing Status will create a custom map of fishing spots for your specific GPS unit.
Save time and allow us to create a custom SD card full of fishing spots for your favorite fishing area. Give us your specifications, and we will build a card specifically for your GPS unit. A microSD card and a SD card adapter will be shipped with your order. Already have a bunch of spots that you would like for us to merge with our data? Send us the GPX file or a zip file of your backup and we will add those as well.
Includes 1 year subscription of Fishing Status Professional
Download Fishing Spots Maps.
Create Custom Fishing Maps.
View Future Fishing Predictions.
Get Featured Business Listings.
Custom SD Cards may take up to 5 business days for processing, depending on how calm the seas are and how well the fish are biting. Most orders are shipped in 24 hours, especially during the winter months. Summer months can take more time due to volume, but most orders are shipped within 48 hours. You will receive email notifications as we prepare your card for delivery. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
$99.00 USD
GPS Manufacturer:
Maximum Distance (radius in miles):