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By Seamus on 11/12/2024 12:33:33 PM • Views (13)
It is an opinion that I hear all the time that heavier gear lands fish more rapidly and with less stress to the fish and that light gear advocates are killing fish through their selfish machinations.. A recent post on line about an admittedly unintentional capture of a 4.5lb cock salmon on 7X tippet highlighted […]

By Seamus on 11/6/2024 8:10:30 AM • Views (19)
Euro-nymphing isn’t simply “Chuck and Duck” Now it so happens that I have been fortunate enough to spend something in the region of forty years fishing some of the best dry fly water publicly available in the World. (Although I suspect that most anglers have never heard of the rivers of the Limietberg). Those waters […]

By Seamus on 7/31/2024 5:56:52 AM • Views (41)
Damp days Euro-Nymphing and line stick. I have been doing OK here on the upper Wye in mid-Wales rarely actually suffering a blank but always wondering if things shouldn’t be better than they are. For one thing there have been few rising fish I mean really FEW. The last serious amount of surface activity was […]

By Seamus on 6/13/2024 5:38:18 AM • Views (64)
The Wye Usk foundation have a number (in fact a good number) of streams designated as “wild” and one can obtain an annual permit to fish them should they not be booked by day ticket anglers. They tend to be smaller streams less well known frequently slightly overgrown and containing on average (but not always) […]

By Seamus on 6/7/2024 5:14:38 AM • Views (43)
When Otto in the film “A Fish Called Wanda” discovers the safe he expected to contain millions in diamonds is in fact empty he exclaims with understated angst “Disappointed!”.  It is only a single word but within the delivery is captured gut wrenching despair and upset. Sadly I have to say that I know exactly […]

By Seamus on 5/26/2024 3:31:39 AM • Views (54)
Yesterday was a day of firsts in fact quite a few firsts for me the executive summary: The notion to target some bass started about a week ago when I  had to visit Aberystwyth Hospital for an appointment and arriving early into town I wandered a little. I discovered “Aber Fishing Tackle” and of course […]

By Seamus on 5/22/2024 6:32:05 AM • Views (46)
With my Wye/Usk foundation “wild streams” annual permit I can attack any number of wild streams if they haven’t been booked for the day. The website is remarkably efficient in terms of providing notification of which streams are about to be unfished. Today I had a plethora of choices and I have been trying to […]

By Seamus on 3/11/2024 5:44:50 AM • Views (54)
It is early March here in mid-Wales and spring is trying to bring a burst of new life to town. There are daffodils on every grass verge and new lambs are starting to populate the local fields despite the lingering winter chill. It isn’t warm but it is warmer than it was which means that […]

By Seamus on 1/9/2024 3:02:19 AM • Views (47)
This past December was one of the wettest on record we had water leaking through the mortar of the chimney breast and spreading chill damp patches on the walls of the loft space. The Wye had been in full flood breaching its banks in a few spots only days ago. But after three or four […]

By Seamus on 12/31/2023 7:48:00 AM • Views (62)
It has been wet and windy here in Mid-Wales although we have avoided most of the “Yellow Weather Warnings” which seem to bypass us to the North West or East. I have taken some time away from my cottage restorations and did hope that I might try my hand at some winter grayling fishing. Trouble […]

By Seamus on 2/10/2023 12:32:29 PM • Views (73)
Without many fishing options I am still obsessing about flies. Some more thoughts on trout and fly design.

By Seamus on 2/2/2023 8:20:44 AM • Views (72)
I remain convinced that the idea of close copy fly design is erroneous. That there are other things we need to consider in terms of producing and fishing more effective patterns.

By Seamus on 1/30/2023 7:19:48 AM • Views (104)
Of late I have had little of anything much to do but tie flies and perhaps think more than I should. Time does that for you it leaves space to think and one can do too much of it. But I have recently been working on filling a fly box with patterns in preparation of […]

By Seamus on 1/3/2023 7:15:57 AM • Views (56)
Having recently moved to the UK in mid-winter and not having access to any winter grayling fishing where I am located it didn’t seem likely that I would have much to comment on for a while. Generally I rely on experiences on the water to stimulate some sort of thought or provide some observations I […]

By Seamus on 12/11/2022 3:46:33 AM • Views (60)
Modification of a landing net can prove to be a boon for both angler and fish. Hands free stress free catch and release.

By Seamus on 12/10/2022 9:35:00 AM • Views (52)
Trying to enjoy once last really good day on the streams before my departure from SA proved harder than you might think. More failures than successes but then its fishing.

By Seamus on 6/21/2022 6:17:12 AM • Views (113)
Waiting is a necessary evil of travel it turns out sometimes it isn't a bad strategy on a trout stream either.

By Seamus on 6/18/2022 3:01:43 PM • Views (136)
Experimentation and modification of the F Fly has resulted in a new favourite pattern for me. Success on the rivers of Mid Wales has secured this fly's place in my boxes

By Seamus on 5/15/2022 4:12:15 AM • Views (120)
What’s this? A new initiative to post some information primarily designed for novice fly anglers if you see “The Beginners Page Logo” it means that the post is primarily designed to help novice anglers but of course everyone is welcome to read and comment. I hope that you will it might help end up with […]

By Seamus on 5/6/2022 7:34:50 AM • Views (165)
A short post about the origins of fly casting why it is different and encouragement that anyone can learn to do it.

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