Brush Piles, Grass, Timber, and Weeds

Fishing Status has 6027 Brush Piles, Grass Beds, Lily Pads, Timber/Trees, and Weed Beds in the database. Providing cover and shelter to many different species of fish, vegetation of all types are fish magnets that many call home.

Please check your local laws before fishing or diving on any of the fishing spots/areas provided in our database.


Most Popular Vegetation

By xfernal on 9/10/2017 • Views (607)
Broken Bottom

By xfernal on 2/16/2016 • Views (605)
Good grass beds for bass.

By Seamus on 2/18/2016 • Views (604)

By Seamus on 5/6/2011 • Views (603)
28.405966666667 -83.212683333333

By xfernal on 2/16/2016 • Views (601)
Grass Beds

By Seamus on 7/6/2013 • Views (600)

By xfernal on 2/23/2017 • Views (596)
Good bass fishing on the rocks and grass beds around bridge

By xfernal on 3/5/2015 • Views (592)
Grass flats with bass in the spring/fall.

By Seamus on 11/13/2018 • Views (588)

By Seamus on 11/13/2018 • Views (585)

By Seamus on 2/18/2016 • Views (582)

By xfernal on 9/10/2017 • Views (579)
Broken Bottom

By Seamus on 2/18/2016 • Views (574)

By xfernal on 1/28/2017 • Views (573)
Eel Grass Grounds

By Seamus on 6/21/2017 • Views (572)

By xfernal on 9/10/2017 • Views (572)
Broken Bottom

By xfernal on 2/15/2016 • Views (571)
There are some good fallen trees in the water along this bank. The tree at this point is known to hold crappie, bream, and bass in the spring.

By Seamus on 6/21/2017 • Views (571)

By xfernal on 2/28/2015 • Views (568)
This area holds bass. Lots of grass to work.

By Seamus on 8/28/2018 • Views (568)

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By christopher hewitt on 10/10/2024 6:18:58 AM • Views (26)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (53)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (48)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (44)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (46)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (51)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (47)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (47)

By Seamus on 12/20/2023 • Views (118)

By Seamus on 12/20/2023 • Views (122)