Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 8/15/2021 4:17:05 AM • Rank (102) • Views 645


 I'm sure many of you have seen that You Tube video circulating about 2 guys fighting at the Cape Cod Canal recently. There have been other incidents reported this year and last which depict the very worst in fishing humanity and ethics.  While these knuckleheads get much of the attention, I have to tell you that I've always found the Ditch a very pleasant place to fish.  I will also admit I fish mostly in the daytime and avoid that early morning frenzy.  Most of the problems seem to arise from sleep deprived early morning fishermen that go from fishing should to shoulder to yelling in one another's face. There is a much kinder and gentler crowd that fishes there in the daytime. 

Today and yesterday I was down there.  At one point today I was about to fish a spot that was steep and challenging at best.  I mentioned to one young man who was fishing nearby that "Those rocks look real treacherous. Sure difficult to get a fish up here." He turned to me and said that if I wanted to fish there, he would be happy to go down and unhook any fish I caught.  

At another point today I was riding my bike looking for fish.  I came upon two older guys fishing.  One shouted, "Hey, the fish are here."  I told him I didn't want to crowd him, but he said plenty of room here.  So, I went about 20 yards from this guy and proceeded to catch a few fish.

At another point today I was talking with a couple of younger guys.  We compared notes about where we caught fish the last couple of days.  They offered some generous info as to where they had landed some fish.

I could also tell you countless other stories about other fishermen I have met at the Canal recently.  Some are daytrippers, some are out-of-staters and some are resident fishermen.  The common thread....all quite friendly and pleasant. 

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2000 Sailfish Point
Manteo, NC US

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