Great one day, OK the next, that's how it's been the week. Today I had Peter for a 6 hour trip for an all around mixed bag of fishing. We started off bone fishing and after much work we landed one and missed a couple of bites. This wasn't great based on how it's been it was slow however, any time you catch a bone fish it's a great day. Anyway, we tried snook fishing but the water level was really high and they were tucked deep into the mangroves. Moving off to find bait I located a huge school of pilchards and quickly loaded up the live well. Fishing two wrecks and a channel proved slow so I took one more awing at it in a channel that I hadn't fished in a while and there we landed three nice yellow jacks, a small black grouper and lost a big grouper to the rocks. The trip wrapped up with a little more bone fishing where we drew a blank.
Capt. Mo Estevez
Follow me on Instagram @MiamiBonefishing
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