Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 8/23/2024 11:22:23 PM • Rank (23) • Views 24


 I last fished Friday and we had an outstanding trip, catching Slot Redfish, Oversized Reds, keeper Trout
and a huge Flounder. But 4 days made a difference - we caught fish today and had to work for those, but we didn't get the massive fish last week. I noticed this morning the moon looked almost full and the wind was blowing out of the NE which made for higher tides than normal, and it seemed to come quicker. 

I had met Gordon Fowler and his fishing buddy Bill up at the Old Town Bait and Tackle boat ramp early. We had a bait well of purchased live shrimp and I had cast netted a few dozen finger mullet. We eased out of Eagans Creek and then made a run up to the Jolly River and turned in to the incoming current at the "bank" and proceeded to toss float rigs with the live shrimp. Both anglers were getting good casts but we only got a few nibbles.

After running up the river to Snook Creek we again fished the floats. They both had some good bites, but no takers, and even one Redfish that "boiled" on a bait but didn't take it. Finally, Bill "knocked the skunk off" when  he hooked up and landed a fat Seatrout. After catching one more we moved on. Our next stop was back at the cut going thru Tyger and here we drifted the floats long along the bank, to no avail. We came out of the Jolley and worked along the outside of Tyger now tossing jigs and here we had a small flurry of catching. Bill caught a couple of the Trout and one small Flounder using the finger muillet and Gordon tanlged with some high flying Ladyfish.

We came back and ran thru Tyger and over to Bell River, fished that stretch for a bit, then ran uip Lanceford where Bill picked up one more Seatrout. After fishing around the corner at the final stop, we headed back to the ramp. We had fished 7 spots and had to show for it about (Maybe) seven fish but it was a beautiful day and another great one to be fishing here at Amelia Island, Florida. 

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10 Ash Street
Fernandina Beach, FL US

GPS Latitude: 30.66968 Longitude: -81.46259
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