Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 9/8/2024 6:17:24 AM • Rank (8) • Views 9



It was one lone striper last evening along with
a bluefish.  Fishing has improved slightly though
it is still way off for this time of year.

The poor shore striper fishing from the summer continues, but there has been a slight improvement in the last couple of days.  I'm beginning to see some small schools of bait along the oceanfront, something I have not seen in weeks.  These are mostly small bay achovies although some fishermen are reporting seeing some peanut bunker.  Big schools of peanut bunker would really get the fishing going.  I've also seen a few fish breaking and birds working over these bay anchovy schools. Some of these predators are bonito which have been popping up here and there.  But, some are also stripers and blues. 

 I was out last evening and did find some bait with a few fish on them. The ocean was flat and the water was clear making it difficult to fool the few fish that were around. I managed to get a striper and a blue along with a couple of sea robins on a bucktail jig.  While this is nothing to write home about, it beats my last three outings in which I was skunked.

Hopefully these cooler nights and dropping water temperatures will get the fish moving in our direction and feeding.  

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2000 Sailfish Point
Manteo, NC US

GPS Latitude: 41.46440 Longitude: -71.34150
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