Fishing Lure

By Juno Bait on 9/11/2024 3:12:24 AM • Rank (11) • Views 12

OFFSHORE-  Dolphin fishing remains good offshore; with some good catches coming in from 500-800' feet of water.  Overall the average size remains in that roughly five pound range, with a few bigger fish in the mix.  Southeast winds and a little more movement in the ocean over the next few days will likely help push the dolphin in a little closer as well.  Trolling ballyhoo, Bonita strips, and squid remains a top producer for the dolphin.  No super defined weedlines; inst [...]

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12770 U.S. Highway 1
Juno Beach, FL US

GPS Latitude: 26.86383 Longitude: -80.05500
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Juno Bait, Inc
Juno Bait, Inc
Juno Bait + Tackle, your full service tackle shop in Northern Palm Beach County. Being located just a short distance from the Atlantic Ocean, Intracoa