Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 9/14/2024 4:37:24 AM • Rank (5) • Views 6


We’ve had some challenging weather lately for our captains but they’ve managed plenty of good days in between! Bluefish, red drum, trout, and Spanish mackerel for our inshore boats.

Offshore we’re seeing nice catches of blackfin tuna, dolphin, some wahoo, and several billfish releases.

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Map Location
P.O. Box 520
Hatteras, NC US

GPS Latitude: 35.21014 Longitude: -75.69924
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Teach's Lair Marina
Teach's Lair Marina
Teach's Lair is a full service Hatteras marina located at the south end of Hatteras Village, the closest point to the Gulf Stream north of Florida. Wh