Fishing Lure

By Knottelln on 9/19/2024 6:42:28 AM • Rank (7) • Views 8


You never know what's going to be out there. 5 miles off VB on a half day and threw into a pod of cobia... caught a double header gaffer dolphin and undersized cobia on the bucktail.

We have had some very productive Fishing Charters Out Of Virginia beach this year.  There are plenty of fishing days left..  Give us a call and we'll get you on the water.


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Map Location
200 Winston Salem Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA US

GPS Latitude: 36.83146 Longitude: -75.97677
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Matador Sport Fishing Charters
Matador Sport Fishing Charters
Matador Sportfishing Charters operates year-round from Rudee Inlet in Va Beach and Hatteras, NC. We offer inshore & offshore charters aboard the 42' R