
500 Records Found

712 days ago :: Rank: (34) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I had two trips today and the first one was with Kev and his son Connor and they wanted to try and get a bonefish.  The weather has been perfect and we had plenty of shots at schools of bonefish swimming in really shallow calm water but no take
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847 days ago :: Rank: (34) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I hadn't fished with Glenn in a while so I was really looking forward to fishing with him again today.  He was good with whatever we did so we started off fishing for snook.  It didn't take long for Glenn to get 5 snook in the boat
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468 days ago :: Rank: (33) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The Senior Gotcha is a grey-haired take on the classic gotcha pattern using Rainy’s new silver fox craft fur. This classic flats pattern works great for bonefish and permit if presented correctly. The pattern’s eyes can be substituted to
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796 days ago :: Rank: (33) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Matt and Ryan fished with me for the first time about 8 years ago under terrible conditions and Ryan caught a shark.  Since then Matt and I have fished a few time which included him sight casting a solid permit some years ago.  Today they
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832 days ago :: Rank: (33) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Well this turned out for the the best.  Stan had booked me for bonefish on fly and spin for Friday but after some change of plans on his end and an open slot on mine we changed it to Sunday.  I was expecting loads of boat traffic but it tu
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1318 days ago :: Rank: (33) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
El Macabí (Bonefish) se encuentra generalmente en los bajos (flats) intermareales manglares y arroyos. Con frecuencia congregándose en bancos de 100 o más los macabíes siguen un patrón diario de subir a las llanuras a medida
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673 days ago :: Rank: (32) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I saw this coming as the new moon stayed at around 0-2% for far too long.  What this means is that fishing generally becomes tough for pretty much almost all species and this was proven today.  My morning trip was with Jordan and we went s
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4940 days ago :: Rank: (32) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
There are times when you have to tell someone how it is and I had to do just that this morning.  See I had Alex and his brother Bombino onboard today for a half day of bonefish and permit.  These brothers had never fished the flats before
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691 days ago :: Rank: (31) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I had Raymond and his two girls this morning 13 year old twins Chloe and Jaime.  They wanted to catch a lot of different fish and we did just that.  The girls caught innumerable numbers of snappers jacks barracudas and more but the fishing
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103 days ago :: Rank: (29) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Wow November has not been like it typically is. Usually November we have absolutely perfect weather conditions but this November we have been beat up by some high winds. There were a few days where I was fishing in 25 to almost 30 mile an hour winds
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754 days ago :: Rank: (29) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Um yeah I don't know what to say right now.  I had Ted back on the skiff this morning and thought the pattern of slow fishing in the AM and then a big push of fish the afternoon would repeat itself.  I was wrong I like being wrong some
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115 days ago :: Rank: (28) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
It's been a good month with excellent fishing and then a nice long vacation before my season gets cranking and I have no time off.  So far this second half of the month there have been small tarpon willing to eat flies bonefishing has been
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761 days ago :: Rank: (28) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Alex and his brother Bombino booked me again today for some food fishing.  Step one was to look for schools of pilchards (bait) that I could cast net and then hit some spots for snappers grouper and other tasty species.  But the first step
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764 days ago :: Rank: (28) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I was looking forward to fishing with long time client Maria and throwing a fly with her.  We started off focusing on bonefish and 5 minutes into the trip she hooked and landed a tiny 10 bonefish so cute and a great sign of the health of our bo
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814 days ago :: Rank: (28) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I was looking forward to a great day on the water with Ted from St. Louis as we targeted bonefish and snook on fly and spin. However Biscayne Bay had other ideas.  The forecast called for 20 plus MPH winds but the first half of the trip was nic
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691 days ago :: Rank: (27) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The last few days I've been booked for a wide variety of trips everything from bonefish on fly to just catching whatever is biting.  Fishing with local client Alec on Monday we focused on snook and sharks and it was generally slow with the
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703 days ago :: Rank: (27) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
My morning trip was with Steve and his friend and they just wanted to catch whatever was the best bet.  Best bet has been fishing the finger channels so I took them to one and bounced jigs with shrimp.  Pretty easy stuff and you never know
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753 days ago :: Rank: (27) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
After yesterday's bonefish insanity I was holding my breath hoping it would continue for first time client Robert.  We were working with fly gear again today and the first flat was slow with one subtle take and a miss the second flat was de
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666 days ago :: Rank: (26) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
How does that even happen?  Well it starts with Dan and Bryce jumping aboard and then all hell breaking loose on the day we were fishing.  We got 2 hours in before storms and lighting ran us off the water but not before Bryce got a solid 1
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669 days ago :: Rank: (26) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Over the last few days there hasn't been much to report other than unusually slow fishing and some weird weather.  On Saturday the 8th regular client Paul and his boys were with for in the morning for shark fishing and we lost one shark.&nb
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