
241 Records Found

2350 days ago :: Rank: (223) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Bonnethead shark was released. Rare catch we only catch 1 or 2 per year.
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4217 days ago :: Rank: (222) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We began our afternoon charter catching trout and ladyfish with mud minnows under popping corks. As the tide fell we saw the fins of bonnethead sharks slicing through the water as they cruised the banks. We tossed whole blue crabs on 5/0 circle hooks
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1318 days ago :: Rank: (221) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
 Boy was it gloomy this morning! There were thunderclouds all around us but the wind was forecasted to hold steady at 11mph so we agreed...let's go fishing! I met Brad Lanier his father-in-law Jeff and brother-in-law Will down at the Sawpit
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4217 days ago :: Rank: (217) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Today I had the pleasure of fishing with friends and neighbors Mark and Nilda Laurint along with their son Brent home from college for a brief visit.  For a change we met out at the Goffinsville Park at 7:00am this morning and then headed over
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4259 days ago :: Rank: (216) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Catlin and Lesley Stults are staying at the Elizabeth Pointe Lodge  here on Amelia Island for their honeymoon and took in an Amelia Island back country fishing trip on The Anglers Mark this morning.  It was overcast but we had very little
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1278 days ago :: Rank: (214) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
  After fishing today my guests and I came up with a new service that I could add Relationship Building!  I had met Russ and Denise Kesel early this morning up at the Dee Dee Bartels Park boat ramp and they had along with them their son No
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1235 days ago :: Rank: (211) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
  We head a really nice day this morning- there was just a slight breeze and we had a cloud cover for the whole day. The rain showers stayed off to the north of us and it made for a very pleasant day of fishing. I had met Paul Genn and his fish
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3455 days ago :: Rank: (211) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Bonnethead Shark! Wednesday 8/19/15 Captiva fishing bonnethead shark Sanibel and Captiva. For more photos and/or fishing reports from our other Captains’ boats from other marinas  please also visit our Sanibel  Fort Myers  
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1240 days ago :: Rank: (208) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I was back to work today this time fishing with Steve and Carron Frost after meeting them down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp early. We made a short run up the Nassau River and stopped to fish a large marsh run out with jigs and live shrimp. The tide
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4201 days ago :: Rank: (206) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
College students Emee and Dillon Herbert were in town visiting their grandmother and took in an afternoon fishing trip on The Anglers Mark today.  We left the Atlantic Seafood dock at 3pm and headed up river making our first stop in behind Tige
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3514 days ago :: Rank: (201) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We did an afternoon trip today starting at 1pm and fishing an high and outgoing tide. I had Will Carlton and his friends Shay and Bob as we headed north up to the Jolley River to fish float rigs up near the marsh grass. We had very few bites but whe
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924 days ago :: Rank: (200) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
 We had a beautiful Sunday morning when I met the Huffman group down at Sawpit Creek boat ramp-Jacob and his father Kevin and brother Gunner. We headed up the intercoastal and dipped into Jackstaff and then into a creek and set up fishing with
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3471 days ago :: Rank: (200) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I fished this morning with Cathy Raulerson and her friends Craig and Greg meeting down at the Atlantic Seafood dock at the marina and heading north to fish the logs of Tiger Island on the last of an incoming tide. We had live shrimp and minnows fish
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4184 days ago :: Rank: (200) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The Colucciello family - Steve and Patti and their son Vince and his girlfriend Nikki were visiting Amelia  Island before school starts back and took in an Amelia Island back country fishing trip on  The Anglers Mark  this mornin
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961 days ago :: Rank: (199) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
 We had another hot day forecasted and they didn't miss this one! I met Brent Laurint and his girlfriend Brandi up at the Dee Dee Bartels Park boat ramp and I had made up my mind I was going to try and get them away from civilization a bit
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1355 days ago :: Rank: (198) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
  When that line is ripp'n and that big fish is digging deep the first thing you hope for is to just be able to see  him!  We had that happen this morning and when the fish came to the surface briefly near the boat and we saw it w
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1272 days ago :: Rank: (197) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
  Another perfect day for fishing this morning greeted us when I met Derek Poon and his sons Zach and Tyler down at the Sawpit Creek boat ramp. We had clear skies and only a slight breeze as we left the dock and headed up the Nassau River to ma
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1262 days ago :: Rank: (196) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
  We wrapped the week up with a beautiful August morning-sunshine and just a slight breeze.  The tide was still coming in when Bob and Kathy Miller and I had made the run from Sawpit Creek up to Pumpkin Hill. After the GPS caught and I set
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3205 days ago :: Rank: (196) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I fished with Tim Ayers again today along with his son Andrew and his dad Stan so a three generation fishing trip! We met down at the Atlantic Seafood dock early and headed north and up to the outside of Tiger Island to fish some flooding oyster bed
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4438 days ago :: Rank: (195) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
I fished the East Cut on Sunday and had a great time on the water with a couple friends and even met the owner of the Dargel Kat (Raptor boat). Nice meeting you out there jdeleon. Between my 2 buddies and myself we landed 3 bonnethead sharks and 1 b
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