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Brisbane Fishing

Brisbane Fishing

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, and the third most populated city in Australia. With the Brisbane River, Moreton Bay, and easy access to reef and offshore fishing, Brisbane is one of the top destinations for fishing in the world.

Fishing the waters around Brisbane can produce excellent bottom fishing from Moreton Bay all the way out to the deep. Common catches are many different species of grouper and snapper, Amberjack, Jew Fish, Pearl Perch, Red Throat Emperor, Teraglin Jew, Bar Cod, and Blue Eye Trevalla

Trolling the waters nearshore can produce many different species of mackerel and tuna, including Mack Tuna, Longtail Tuna, Bluefin Tuna, King fish, School Mackerel, and Spotted Mackerel. During the summer months, trolling offshore gives anglers the oportunity to catch Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Dolphin (Mahi-mahi), Sailfish, and Wahoo.

Brisbane Fishing Forecast

Load Prediction Reset

Target Species of Fish

Based on historical data for fishing {{ locationText }}, you should target one of the following species for this time of year:

Show all target species Recommendations above based on {{ fishDataAll.length }} species of fish and {{ totalFishCount }} fish counted for {{ latestUpdate }} around {{ locationText }}. To date, there are {{ destination.SpeciesCount.toLocaleString('en-us', 0) }} species of fish and a total of {{ destination.TotalFish.toLocaleString('en-us', 0) }} fish counted for {{ locationText }} and within a {{ forecastData.mile }} mile ({{Math.floor(forecastData.mile * 1.621371)}}) km radius since {{ oldestUpdate }}.


Please check local, state/province, and federal laws before fishing for any species found on this site. All data is based on historical data found for this area, and in some cases as far back as the year 1600.

View full Brisbane Fishing Forecast to see all species.

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Top Brisbane Fishing Spots

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The Top 10 Fishing Spots for Brisbane are the following:

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Top Brisbane Bait & Tackle Stores

  1. Tackle Land
    Our Tackle Technicians are service focused, excited about what they do and encourage and support all customers to embrace and enjoy the passion of fishing.

  2. Jones's Tackle
    Australia's Premier Store for specialist fishing tackle.

  3. Charlton's Fishing

  4. Alvey Reels
    Reliable and effective fishing reels built tough to withstand the effects of salt and sand with minimum maintenance.

  5. The Tackle Warehouse
    The Tackle Warehouse, Queenslandโ€™s largest fishing tackle retailer. For over 20 years, the Tackle Warehouse has been specialising in all forms of tackle for the freshwater, estuary and offshore angler.

  6. Water Tower Bait & Tackle

View more Brisbane Bait & Tackle Stores

Top Brisbane Fishing Charters & Guides

  1. Nomad Sportfishing
    Nomad Sportfishing operates pioneering and unique sportfishing, gamefishing and flyfishing mothership fishing charters along the eastern Queensland Coast of Australia.

  2. Outlaw Charters
    Outlaw Charters owned and operated by John Gooding. Est 1999. Provides offshore fishing daytrips from Brisbane.

  3. Frenzy Charters
    Our Brisbane based fishing charters, will target popular species such as Snapper, Pearl Perch, Trag Jew, Red Throat Emperor, Sweet Lip, King Fish, Amberjack, Jew Fish, Wahoo, Dolphin Fish and other quality table fish.

View more Brisbane Charters & Guides

Top Brisbane Marinas

  1. East Coast Marina
    East Coast Marina is only a short drive from Brisbane's CBD and approximately 20minutes from the airport. On Manly Harbour, we are the ideal boat storage location for locals and visitors to Brisbane, with direct access to beautiful Moreton Bay. C

  2. MBTBC Marina
    MBTBC Marina offers 333 x 10-24m mono and multi berths for sale and rent, 30 tonne travel-lift and Shipyard on site, Unleaded petrol, diesel and LP gas.

  3. Dockside Marina
    Just a four minute cruise from Brisbane's CBD

  4. Rivergate Marina and Shipyard

View more Brisbane Marinas

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