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As we come into this time of the year we see a bit of a rollercoaster out there. With swirling currents of different temperatures it can be challenging to say the least. One of those challenges is the massive amount of Whale food that comes in the form of Krill Squids, Krill Shrimps and many other different baits. Yes the Whales love it, so does every other species in or around the bay. As a result of this massive amounts of bait, at times you’re hard pressed as to which type of bait to use. And as always you’ll probably be wrong until you hit that magic combination or lure! But we have fish, boy do we have fish!
This Fishing Report was submitted on 12/27/2019 9:55:52 PM by Seamus and last updated on 12/27/2019 9:55:52 PM.
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