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February 7-14 2024

 | By Seamus on 2/17/2024 8:15:00 PM | Views (57)

 After a crazy and insane day bone fishing the erst of the week was with Scott in the morning and Mike in the afternoon of 2/7 and then Mike the rest of the week.  The rest of the week proved really slow for us as we had a hard time finding bonefish and tarpon in Biscayne Bay.  On the last day Mike and I fished, Friday, we went to the Everglades wherein proved to be really slow, heck there weren't even any sharks in Florida bay, how crazy is that!  We relaunched to fish the inside of the Everglades and it as still pretty slow with Mike landing a nice trout on fly and his friend Snow releasing three small lemon sharks we sought as a desperate attempt to bend the rods.  Things improved back in Biscayne Bay over the weekend as I fished with Mike and Ian on Saturday and Pam and her son Nathaniel on Sunday.  On these trips we looked to catch whatever would bend the rod and we found jacks of all sorts, snappers and more breaking the slow curse of the prior week.  The balance of the week was a with Tyrone from South Africa and local angler and client Alec.  We had a blast these last two days with Tyrone catching a number of species including yellow jacks and landing 4 sharks on the flats.  Alec wrapped up the week with nice grouper on soft plastics and monster yellow jacks plus a number of different species we were targeting for a state contest he is fishing.   Well, I'm glad the fishing heated up and I'm off to fish another week.  Stay tuned!

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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Catch Information



Yellow Jack
Yellow Jack

This Fishing Report was submitted on 2/17/2024 8:15:00 PM by Seamus and last updated on 2/22/2024 9:09:48 AM.


3311 Northwest 16th Street
Miami, FL US

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Miami Bonefishing
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Sight fishing the clear flats of Biscayne Bay for bonefish is one of the most challenging light tackle angling endeavors on the planet since our Miami

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