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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 3 January 2025 🎣

 | By Seamus on 1/3/2025 2:14:15 AM | Views (563)
Recfishwest Newsletter
Fishing Report

Welcome to 2025 and we hope your Christmas and New Year's break brought you bent rods! This deluxe dhuie snap taken under Busselton Jetty was courtesy of skilled underwater photographer, give his page a follow because this guy takes unreal fish photos. 

Our contributors
Sam Bock
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Sedin Hasanovic 
Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

Another pearler photo from showing off what our South-West is famous for - big salmon and surf. 

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Broome catches
Keep losing your barramundi every time it jumps out of the water? Try keeping your rod tip down as low as possible when you feel the fish coming to the surface to jump. This will maintain more pressure on the line if it does jump and it decreases the odds of the barra shaking the hooks free. 


Fishing in the town creeks has really picked up with mud crabs in both Dampier and Crab Creeks, blue-nosed salmon and good barramundi in Dampier Creek and lots of barramundi and threadfin salmon in Crab Creek. Live baits have worked well on the barramundi and threadies, although a few have taken on trolled hard-bodied lures and vibes. Tuna schools have been active in Roebuck Bay and diving birds have been a good indicator of the action. Trolling deeper diving lures or flicking small metal lures has worked nicely. While today will still see stronger south-westerly winds, calmer conditions are expected from Sunday morning onwards into next week with a touch of rain. 


It’s been slim pickings for shore fishers with strong winds ruling out most beach fishing, but the ever-reliable Town Beach Jetty has offered small trevally and queenfish and bigger models should be on the chew for those who fancy wading out at Entrance Point. In the Fitzroy River, Telegraph Pool has been the hotspot for barramundi. 

Big thanks to the crew from Tackle World Broome for their tips! Make sure you pay them a visit for the best gear and advice for your next fishing trip. 
Exmouth catches
This beauty of a land-based spango was a great way to kick off 2025 for @jasonletrann this week. Working surface lures aggressively in 1-2m deep water over the reef is a good way to entice strikes. 


Marlin activity has dipped slightly but crews out wide on the west side have been finding reasonable numbers of blues. Closer in, sailfish and black marlin activity has slowed. Dolphinfish and wahoo have been the main marlin bycatch. Bottom fishers have been getting good mixed bags with goldband snapper in the 80m-plus depths, while Rankin cod, red emperor and spangled emperor have been on the chew around the 40m marks. Decent Spanish mackerel have been hitting trolled Halco Laser Pros and garfish baits in 8-30m out west, with a 35kg model landed earlier this week which had a good chunk of its tail section sharked, so this monster would have been over 40kg before tax. The edges of the lagoons have yielded spangled emperor, while areas out and south of Tantabiddi have produced good numbers of red emperor and Rankin cod in 40m depths. Deep droppers have encountered ruby snapper and big cod out wide. A few Spanish mackerel have been landed at the Muirons along with spangled emperor, while out wider red emperor and Rankin cod have come to the party. Out wider still, goldband and saddletail snapper have been caught. In Exmouth Gulf good queenfish have been landed, while on the eastern side the 15-20m depths have yielded coral trout, Rankin cod and golden trevally. School mackerel are prolific throughout the Gulf, while on the shoals blue-lined emperor and spangled emperor have been the main species targeted. Reasonable numbers of squid have been taken off Bundegi and bigger models were landed around the light industrial area. Fly-fishers on the offshore flats have encountered golden trevally and queenfish. This morning saw calmer conditions but those pesky south-westerly winds will roar back in this week with a 2m swell. The Gulf should hold more shelter for the boaties. 


Yellowfin whiting have remained plentiful in Exmouth Gulf and those targeting them on Eco Gear ZX vibes have been getting some nice flathead as bycatch. The usual schools of trevally and queenfish have been harassing hardyhead schools there also, while a few mangrove jack have been hanging around the boat ramp. Whiting chasers have been doing a bit better towards Learmonth where the yellowfin whiting have been caught in the mornings. A few queenfish have been at Learmonth Jetty and mangrove jack have been around the pylons. Mangrove jack have been in the marina as well, along with cod and small trevally and queenfish, while decent bluebone have been cruising along the marina’s outer wall. Whiting, flathead, cod and mangrove jack have been active in Wapet Creek with the latter two species favouring small live baits. Plenty of spangled emperor have been taken from VLF Bay towards the tip of the Gulf with golden trevally and queenfish also seen cruising the flats. The Dunes, Mildura Wreck and Oysters have been the pick of the spots. At Tantabiddi, spangled emperor and mangrove jack have been caught along with the odd bluebone.

These great tips were courtesy of the friendly team at Tackle World Exmouth. Swing by their store for the best advice and gear ahead of your next trip! 


Shout out to one of our Business Supporters - Cheynes Beach Caravan Park - which is the first place the Recfishwest team and many tourists stay whenever the opportunity for a great fishing or holiday experience on the South Coast arises. 

Located 68km's east of Albany and surrounded by Waychinicup National Park, Arpenteur Nature Reserve and overlooking the stunning Southern Ocean, Cheynes Beach Caravan Park is the epitome of tranquility and is the best place to stay if you are thinking of chasing salmon, tailor, herring, skippy or many other favourite species right near your doorstep.  

With 61 caravan sites (with concrete slab or shade cloth), five group areas, shower and toilet blocks and 47 powered tent or camper trailer sites – there is plenty of spots to choose from and our Recfishwest team absolutely love staying here during our annual salmon fishing trips. The staff here are super friendly and are always happy to provide tips on how to get the best out of your stay. Click here to check out their website!
Kalbarri catches
@nickihuntfishing's Shimano Extraction rod and Talica 12 reel easily pulled in this mulloway that couldn't resist a bit of squid before releasing it to fight another day.  


Pink snapper have been plentiful right along the Kalbarri coast but most crews have been going north and north-west looking for deeper ground to target dhufish, which haven’t been in big numbers but a few red emperor and lots of baldchin groper have made up the shortfall. Pelagic wise, Lucky Bay has been full of baitfish and Spanish mackerel either side of a metre have been landed there. Out from Kalbarri, despite ideal water temperatures of 24C it has been a different story for pelagics as water clarity has been poor, thanks to inland rains which had the Murchison River flowing. The 2m swell and stronger southerly winds are sticking around this week but the mornings hold the preferred windows for the boaties. 


The dirty water has fired up mulloway activity in the Murchison River. School-sized fish have been taken at the marina jetty and bigger fish have come from the river mouth and Chinamans. At Frustrations, tailor to 80cm and mulloway around the metre mark have been caught. Back in the river, lots of blue swimmer crabs have been at the mouth, while near the boat ramp jetty bream to 40cm and cod up to 55cm have been caught. Yellowfin whiting chasers in the river have found the going hard, but on the higher afternoon tides when clean water has been coming in conditions have been better. Back to the beaches, Red Bluff and Wittecarra have held modest-sized tailor, while Wagoe has offered good tailor, a few pinkies and the odd mulloway. The cliffs around town have produced pink snapper, good-sized tailor and even a few skippy.

Shout out to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips! Feel free to venture into his store to ask for advice if you're wetting a line around Kalbarri!
Geraldton catches


Demersal fishing has been good south-west and north west of town in 25-38m where there have been good numbers of dhufish. Quite a few have been around 50cm but others have pushed 80cm. Pink snapper have been harder to find, but baldchin groper and cod have been in good numbers. With dirty water and no baitfish evident, pelagic activity has shut down and the poor water clarity has also put the brakes on squid activity. Unfortunately it's holding strong southerly winds with a consistent 2m swell for the next week, so it will be a rough and wet ride on the boats. 


Tailor fishing has been excellent, especially at the first and second points at the Greenough River mouth where many anglers have been getting their bag limits of eight in a dozen or so casts in the early mornings and late afternoons. Most tailor have been around 35cm, but a few 40cm models have popped up, along with pike and big herring. The reef at Southgates has produced good numbers of tailor also, but the sizes have been patchy and it has been a similar story at Tarcoola Beach and Glendinning Road. In town, the eastern breakwater has held tailor, again with mixed sizes, along with pike and skippy. On the foreshore near the Dome café a bit of burley has brought around herring and small flathead and flounder, while right on dark chopper tailor have shown up. The north side of the Batavia Coast Marina has offered a few tailor and pike and herring, plus squid when the water has been clear. The groynes along Chapman Road have held these species too, while the marina, the rock walls around the foreshore and Fishing Boat Harbour have held blue swimmer crabs. Young anglers using light gear in the Fishing Boat Harbour have been catching bream and juvenile pink snapper, along with cod up to 65cm. Up at the Drummond Cove reef tailor have been prolific and the odd larger model has been landed. North of Drummond a few pink snapper have been caught along with small mulloway.  

Thanks to the team at Geraldton Sports Centre for their tips! They will happily provide you with great gear and the solid advice for your next fishing trip. 
Lancelin catches


There have been plenty of snapper caught in 10-15m depths, especially by fishers getting out at dawn. Other than that, the best demersal catches have been coming from depths greater than 35m, with a number of boats managing some nice dhufish. On the pelagic front, yellowtail kingfish have been found around reef breaks and have been taking a mix of baits and lures. Random schools of bluefin and striped tuna were most common in 25-35m depths, while the FAD’s have been producing dolphinfish. In the bay, herring have been in great sizes and were quick to take small lures on the cast or troll. While the King George whiting have gone slightly off the boil, a little effort has still seen it possible to grab a reasonable feed. The flathead fishing has been as good as it gets with some stonker blue spot flathead to 65cm being caught around the bay. Unfortunately it's looking too rough for the boats over the next week with 2m swell and those pesky strong southerlies lingering. Early on Monday morning might potentially hold a window. 


The beaches have seen some classic summer tailor sessions at sunrise and sunset, with small bronze whaler sharks and flathead a common bycatch. The water quality along the nearshore of the bay has been poor, making the jetty fishing hit or miss depending on where the dirty pool of water sits. The sheltered beach inside Lancelin Island has been a more reliable proposition to catch a feed of herring and tailor for those holidaying in town without access to a 4WD. Early on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings at this stage should hold the best land-based fishing conditions this week but outside of that the strong southerly winds will make it tough. 

Big thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips on what's biting around Lancelin each week! If you want Peter to put you on to the fish directly, make sure you check out his Tailored Treks Tours page. Always a great time and Peter knows the best spots around Lancelin like the back of his hand. 
Esperance catches
@jesse.smithson and his pal managed to land five sunset bronze whalers outside of Esperance within an hour this week when the strong easterly winds decided to calm down. 


Dhufish and pink snapper have been plentiful at Figure of Eight Island and Red Island, while nannygai have been in good numbers at Baynes Reef and Mondrain Island. Big queen snapper and breaksea cod have been landed at Charley and Cull Islands, while there have been lots of squid caught at Cook Rocks and in Esperance Bay. Flat Rock has held some big KG's, while plump sand whiting have been abundant off Blue Haven Beach. Early on Sunday morning should hold the calmest conditions over the coming days if you wish to duck out. 


Mulloway to a metre and gummy sharks to 10kg have been landed at Israelite Bay, while Alexander Bay has held big schools of salmon and gummy sharks. Big skippy and flathead have been caught in Wylie Bay, while gummy sharks and salmon have come from Roses and 14-Mile beaches. Good-sized King George whiting and decent flathead have been the main fare at Bandy Creek Boat Harbour, while the Town and Taylor Street jetties have offered squid and garfish at night.  Big sand whiting have been caught at Blue Haven Beach, while bream have been firing in the Stokes Inlet.
Hats off to the very knowledgeable team at Southern Sports & Tackle for their tips! These guys love their fishing as well, so make sure you swing by their store for the best gear and advice before wetting a line around Esperance. 

Great Southern catches
Blue-eye trevalla are a highly sought after species off the south coast in deeper waters and the passionate fishing crew of @thetidaltale gave their biceps a burn to pull up these beauties in 300m via jigging. Worth the 18 nautical mile journey off Albany! 


Good mixed bags have come from King George Sound where squid have been fishing especially well and some decent-sized King George and sand whiting have been about along with lots of herring. Boats went far and wide out to the coral ground and beyond when conditions were very good last weekend but catches were meagre, with locals suggesting the conditions were just too still and calm. Saturday doesn't look too bad on the forecast before the stronger easterly winds return from Sunday onwards. 


A few salmon have been taken east of town but they have been hit or miss and no one location has been consistent. Other than that, most beaches have produced herring, skippy, tarwhine and sand whiting. Frenchman Bay and Whalers Cove have offered shelter from the prevailing easterlies and have been good options for herring, squid and small King George whiting. Emu Point has offered herring, snook and juvenile salmon, while the town marina has held herring, small skippy and a few squid. Bream have fired up in the King and Kalgan rivers, but mulloway have been quiet. Scoopers have been prowling around Princess Royal and Oyster harbours mainly at night where a trickle of blue swimmer catches have been coming in, but most have been just a few millimetres undersized.

Cheers to the Trailblazers Albany crew for their tips this week! Swing by their store if you're after some top gear and advice ahead of your next fishing trip. Remember, you'll also catch just as many fish off the beaches than the rocks and it is always much safer to go with this option on the south coast. 

South-West catches
The nose might look pretty ugly but it does add centimetres to the fish which is appreciated. This beauty landed in our South-West topped out at 95cm. If you manage to crack the magical metre mark for a pinkie, make sure you message your snap to the Recfishwest Instagram page! Photo credit: Aqua Culture


Pink snapper, baldchin groper and big dhufish have been abundant in 25-35m depths right out from Bunbury and also at Canal Rocks and Geographe Bay. Plenty of fish have been closer in as well with a couple of nice dhuies coming from 10m and 20m depths, with more fish landed at Bunbury’s artificial reef. Some of the pink snapper caught in Geographe Bay have been very big as well with a couple around the 90cm mark. Squid fishing has been rewarding, with Geographe Bay offering plenty for inshore anglers along with a few King George whiting. Those in the know have also been finding squid on the weed beds just out from Bunbury. Drop netters have found blue swimmer crab activity a bit slower in the Leschenault Estuary this week, but trolling for chopper tailor there has been decent. Kayakers have found squid off Abbey Beach, with the 5m depths fishing well.


Chopper tailor have been about in big numbers with all the beaches around town offering heaps. At Dalyellup chopper tailor have been swimming with juvenile salmon and a good mix of yellowfin and sand whiting have been caught there too, while a drone fisher picked up at big pink snapper there on New Year’s Eve. Plenty of tailor have been landed at Forrest Beach, Back Beach, Buffalo Beach, Belvedere Beach and the Bunbury Cut, with herring and sand whiting making up most of the bycatch. Preston Beach and Myalup produced average-sized tailor and herring, but there have been no reports of mulloway or pink snapper catches there. Herring have also been prolific in the Dunsborough area, along with yellowfin whiting in the early mornings, while tailor should be showing up at Elmore Road in the evenings. In Augusta, the ocean end of the Blackwood River has held bream, herring and yellowfin whiting, while a smallish dhufish was landed from the shore around Yallingup this week. In the Collie River bream have been in good numbers and sizes and have been showing a preference for bait. Big numbers of yellowfin whiting have been hitting surface lures and vibes in the Leschenault Estuary, continuing what has been an excellent season so far. The fish have been widespread and quite a few chopper tailor have been among the whiting bycatch. Busselton Jetty has fished very well for squid and also offered herring, skippy and sand whiting.

Big cheers to Whitey's Tackle & Camping for their top fishing tips as always! If you're in Australind or Bunbury and are keen to wet a line throughout our South-West make sure you ask their very friendly team who love their fishing for advice and stock up on gear at their store. If you're in Busselton, the 2 Oceans Tackle team are also incredibly helpful. 

With the warmer days settling in, the trout catches are starting to drop off slightly, but finding any running water or whitewash and casting at the back of it is the best bet for pulling in some fish. 
There have been few reports of trout catches, possibly because many of the dams have been busy with campers and water-skiers, but there have been some good hauls of redfin, especially from the Collie town site. Glen Mervyn and Wellington dams have held redfin as well as have the deeper water pockets around the Pemberton region. There has been little freshwater action reported in the Waroona and Harvey area. A reminder that the recreational marron fishing season is from 12 noon, 8 January to 12 noon, 5 February so get your nets and snares ready from midday on Wednesday!
Mandurah and surrounds
The yellowfin whiting catches have gone through the roof over the festive season, with Recfishwest's Sedin 'Sardine' Hasanovic and @hanyeoh13 making the trip down to chase these golden beauts in the shallows. Surface lures have been working best. 


Boats: Demersal chasers have done well in the 40m depths on dhufish, with Vexed Bottom Meats working well on them. Those targeting pink snapper have done best right on the Five-Fathom Bank where anchoring and burleying has produced good results. The Five has also held plenty of solid skippy, while amberjack and Samsonfish have been about as well. Sizeable King George whiting have been caught towards the Bouvards, while big baldchin groper have been widespread also. A few dolphinfish have been reported from the Mandurah FADs. Crabs have become more widespread in the estuary and most crews have been getting a feed. Those trolling for chopper tailor in the estuary have been doing well on them and have also landed juvenile salmon and big herring. The conditions aren't looking ideal over the next week with these consistent southerly winds beating through over the coming week, but the mornings from Sunday through to Tuesday should hold the best conditions. 

Land-based: After a frustrating spring and early summer, consistent catches of tailor have come from  local beaches, with decent choppers being taken in the early mornings and evenings from White Hills right through to Madora Bay. Expect herring and sand whiting among the bycatch. Of course, tailor have been overshadowed by the frenetic yellowfin whiting activity in the Peel-Harvey Estuary with the fish now widespread and most people were doing well as far up as Herron and Island Point (on the high tide).  The yellowfin whiting bycatch has included herring and chopper tailor. Scoopers in the estuary have had to work hard for crabs, but numbers and sizes have been improving with the Yunderup area a good starting point. The Dawesville Cut has offered herring and tailor as did the Mandurah bridges with the odd yellowfin whiting turning up as well. Herring have been thick at times, especially at the jetty near the bridge in the cut, while tailor have turned up there around 10pm. Bream activity has been slower in the Murray and Serpentine rivers.

Thinking of wetting a line around Mandurah? These great tips were courtesy of the super friendly and helpful team at Tackle World Miami so make sure you swing by their store for the best tips and gear before your next fishing trip! 


Boats: Good catches of dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper and breaksea cod have come from a range of depths, heading either towards Rottnest Island or to the Five-Fathom Bank and also at the back of Garden Island, with 35m a good starting depth. A few big King George whiting have been among the demersal bycatch. Squid fishing has been very good from 1.5m right out to 6-7m, with the usual haunts of Mangles Bay, Cockburn Sound, Parmelia Bank, behind Penguin Island and inside of Garden Island all producing squid and also offering skippy, sand whiting and King George whiting. Safety Bay has fished very well for sand whiting and the odd flathead. Tailor have been targeted around Mewstones, while a few dolphinfish have been taken at the Rockingham FADs and tuna, yellowtail kingfish and Samsonfish have been caught out towards the Five-Fathom Bank. Crabbing has been going strongly in Cockburn Sound with divers faring best and finding blue swimmer crabs in 5m or so. Drop netters have been getting their share too, while scoopers have found it a bit harder but night-time missions have often paid off. The mornings are the best time to send the boat out over the coming week before the midday southerly wind spike. 

Land-based: Tailor catches have been steady rather than spectacular at beaches such as Warnbro, Port Kennedy, Long Point and Secret Harbour. While sizes have been modest, numbers have been consistent. Plenty of herring and sand whiting have been about during the day at these beaches as well and snook and small mulloway have been swimming with the tailor schools. At the beach near the grain terminal lure fishers have been getting nice yellowfin whiting on the warmer days, along with the odd flathead. Long Point and the Penguin Island spit have also been good spots for lure throwers, offering flathead, flounder, yellowfin whiting, sand whiting, herring and chopper tailor. The Ammo Jetty and Rockingham and Palm Beach jetties have yielded sand whiting, herring, squid and chopper tailor, as has Woodman Point. Scaly mackerel have been showing up in big numbers at times at these spots but no predators seem to be chasing them. Another good land-based squidding option has been Point Peron, which also held herring and a few sand whiting. Shore-based divers swimming out from the Rockingham foreshore have been getting blue-swimmer crabs.
These great fishing tips were provided by the friendly team at Compleat Angler & Camping World in Rockingham, so make sure you chat to their experienced crew in store and stock up before heading out!
Perth catches

Some great dhuies have been landed off the metro coast over the past fortnight, with this 12kg model pulled up on @fishfrnzy.wa's boat. If you catch yourself a big dhuie like this that can feed plenty of people, do the right thing and switch your target species over to pelagics, squid or whiting as one of these big demersal specimens is more than enough. For tips on how to get the most out of your fish when filleting, watch this video


Many demersal chasers have been struggling to find dhufish with the deeper waters around Rottnest and Carnac islands proving the most reliable, while waters off Ocean Reef and Two Rocks have thrown up a few as well. Pink snapper, however, have been in good numbers, especially behind Carnac Island, off Mindarie and at the Three-Mile Reef, and also in close in 9-20m depths. Breaksea cod have been a plentiful bycatch. The West End of Rottnest has few yellowtail kingfish and tuna, with quite a few being caught on small metal slices flicked into the surge. The white water around Stragglers has offered big tailor, while the bays at Rottnest have fished well for squid and King George whiting. Smaller King George whiting have been taken at the Windmills, along with sand whiting, while sandies have been in good numbers in 10m of Cottesloe and City Beach. In the Swan River, chopper tailor have continued to fire at first and last light from the Narrows downstream, while those dropping nets for blue swimmer crabs have started to do well at Applecross and Como. A giant herring was landed by a fisher trolling for tailor in the middle Swan this week. Those strong southerly winds aren't making it easy for the boaties this summer but better windows could open up on the mornings between Sunday and Tuesday. 


The tailor seem to be firing up when that stronger 20+ knot south-westerly wind roars in over the Swan River lately, with enjoying a lovely session during the festive period. Casting into the darker drop offs is a good place to start. 

The Fremantle Moles have been quiet with only herring during the day and snook and chopper tailor caught when the south-westerly kicks in. A few squid have come from the rock walls along Mews Road, which have also yielded tarwhine, bream, skippy, herring and chopper tailor. A lot of beach fishers have been thwarted by weed, but tailor and herring have been caught at Swanbourne and Floreat and a few bigger tailor and the odd pink snapper have been taken from the northern beaches. In the Swan River, flathead and flounder continue to fire in the lower reaches, with good fish being landed from Nedlands downstream. As usual, they’ve not been fussy and have been happy to take jigs, soft plastics, vibes, artificial prawns and hard-bodied lures. Plenty of tailor have been in the Swan River, particularly around Applecross, the Narrows, Claremont and East Fremantle. A regular early-morning flathead chaser turned up at Claremont last Saturday and found the area busting up with birds and bait, so he put on a hard-body lure and landed 15 tailor up to 40cm in quick time, along with a pink snapper around 30cm and some big bull herring around the same size. He then switched to an Eco Gear ZX Vibe and landed a dozen flathead. Up river saw flathead in good numbers too, with the Causeway, Optus Stadium and Maylands fishing well where they have been kept company by bream, which have been mainly around structure as far up as Guildford. Scooping for blue swimmer crabs in the Swan has been best at night around Claremont and Bicton, while drop netters have been doing OK from the Bicton Baths and jetties around Mosman and Claremont and also at the Old Brewery. Yellowfin whiting chasers fishing near the Left Bank in East Fremantle have been catching some good fish on live baits late at night. Sunday and Monday morning should hold the better land-based weather windows at this stage. 

A big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Fremantle for their great tips! These guys love their fishing just as much as we all do, so make sure you ask their super friendly team for advice and stock up before wetting a line off the land or boat! 
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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper

Baldchin Groper
Baldchin Groper


Black Marlin
Black Marlin

Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin Tuna



Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod

Coral Trout
Coral Trout


Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish


Goldband Snapper
Goldband Snapper

Golden Trevally
Golden Trevally

Goldlined Seabream
Goldlined Seabream

Greater Amberjack
Greater Amberjack

Skipjack Tuna
Skipjack Tuna

This Fishing Report was submitted on 1/3/2025 2:14:15 AM by Seamus and last updated on 1/4/2025 12:48:35 AM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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