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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 17 May 2024 🎣

 | By Seamus on 5/17/2024 4:11:18 AM | Views (217)
Recfishwest Newsletter
Fishing Report
How many fish can you count cruising around King Reef in Exmouth? We gave up but did notice the Rankin cod in the bottom left corner! This great snap was courtesy of the skilled photographer Violeta J. Brosig from Blue Media Exmouth
Our contributors
Sam Bock
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Sedin Hasanovic 
Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

A big congrats to @anthonypecotic and the @sendnbend_sportsfishing crew on their epic Perth metro swordfish capture this week! This 96.6kg beauty came up from 600m in the trench out west of Rottnest and was landed on 37kg gear. A very rare capture off the Metro region and no part of this fish went to waste with a lot of mouths fed.  

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If you want to be included in our weekly State-wide Fishing Reports, message your best fishing photos and a description to our Instagram page @recfishwest.
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With just over a month left of the public comment period, Recfishwest is strongly urging all fishers to make a submission on the Government’s proposed South Coast Marine Parks - this is the best way to help protect access to our fishing spots. 

Fishers could lose access to fish a number of cherished beaches and offshore spots fished for generations if no-fishing zones go through as they have been proposed and it’s crucial that fishers stand up for fishing over the next few weeks by making a submission.

Many people have reported finding the Government’s marine parks online submission process confusing, complex and difficult to navigate, but emailing submissions instead is completely acceptable, relatively easy and a good way to go if anyone wishes to do so.

If your favourite fishing spots or areas where you might want to fish in the future fall under proposed sanctuary zones, send an email to with the subject line ‘South Coast Marine Park Submission’. In your email say you want to be able to still fish in these areas and why this is important to you.

Even if you live in or near Perth and venture down to the south coast to fish off the beautiful beaches or off a boat - make a submission!


Broome catches
Not a bad spot to pull in a fat and healthy barra for @jack_hambrecht! The Wyndham Supermarket Brown Water Classic was held over the weekend and since it started in 2012 with 60 competitors, it's now grown to see hundreds of fishers wetting a line each year. Well done to all participants and prize winners in this great family-friendly and community oriented comp! 


In 40m depths out wide red emperor, coral trout and Rankin cod have been the main catches and closer in tuna and Spanish mackerel have been caught, with Middle Lagoon one of the better spots. Spanish mackerel have been caught off James Price Point as well. In Roebuck Bay a few threadfin salmon have turned up and at the top of the tide tripletail have been worth targeting around the moorings. A few threadfin salmon have been in Dampier and Crab creeks but barramundi activity has slowed. The Fingers produced good threadfin salmon along with mud crabs. Some strong easterly winds will come roaring through this week along with undulating swells that will top out at about 2m, so expect it to be pretty rough out on the water. Staying in close where it’s more sheltered would be your best bet.


In Willie Creek mangrove jack have been hitting soft plastics, while the Town Beach Jetty held bream, javelinfish and small trevally, with trevally being caught right along the beach. Bigger trevally were caught at Entrance Point and the Port Jetty along with queenfish. At Quandong and Barred Creek, bluebone and tuna were active and there have been barramundi about, with one landed at Gantheaume Point this week. With these strong easterly winds forecast, ballooning for Spanish mackerel could be an option. A few whiting have been caught at Cable Beach, while in the Fitzroy River the better barramundi spots have again been Telegraph Pool and Langi Crossing.

Big thanks to the crew from Tackle World Broome for their tips! Make sure you pay them a visit for the best gear and advice for your next fishing trip. 
Exmouth catches
Double dolly delight for this lucky couple aboard one of the charters with @innkeepersportfishing off Exmouth! The FADs have been on fire for these stunning fish recently so if you can find an early window to duck out there before the midday easterlies this week, go get them. 


The ramps around Exmouth have been busy this week with crews making the most of the excellent conditions. Small black marlin and sailfish have been in good numbers out wide with the 50-200m depths fishing well. Trolled skirted lures have worked well as have garfish baits. Wahoo and tuna have been among the bycatch, while dolphinfish were in very good numbers at the FADs. Those targeting bottom species have done well on ruby snapper, pearl perch and cod in 80m depths. In the 40m depths, red emperor, coral trout and Rankin cod were doing the rounds. Both Helby Bank and on the fringe reefs has been firing for Spanish mackerel as well. The Muirons have offered trevally and tuna in 15-30m depths, while if you’re heading there to chase red emperor, coral trout and Rankin cod, depths of 25m has been the sweet spot for those species. In Exmouth Gulf crews targeting the shoals and King Reef did well throwing small metals and stickbaits at tuna and the odd school mackerel. King Reef held big trevally and blue-lined emperor. Squid catches in the Gulf continued to improve with drifting tending to work best. If you’re thinking of ducking out in the boats off Exmouth this week aim to go early morning or late into the afternoons or evenings as the easterly winds will spike around midday along with the swell.


At Learmonth and Bundegi bream, whiting and mangrove jack have been the main fare, with squid also worth targeting. Bundegi also offered small queenfish and trevally. In the town marina bream, javelinfish, small queenfish and small cod have been in good numbers. A few school mackerel have been caught from the ocean-side rockwalls and a decent Spanish mackerel was landed there earlier this week. At Wapet Creek, flathead, bream, small trevally and queenfish have been caught. Towards the Lighthouse and Mildura Wreck spangled emperor and bluebone have been in good numbers with Halco Slidogs and Nomad Madscads working well on them. Soft plastics have accounted for a few as well. Spangled emperor, queenfish and trevally have been active at Tantabiddi.    

These great tips were courtesy of the friendly team at Tackle World Exmouth. Swing by their store for the best advice and gear ahead of your next trip! 
Kalbarri catches
How's this for a land-based mackie! This whopper was landed by Finn Parr @finns_fishing_adventures this week in Kalbarri and with some moderate easterly winds sticking around, fishers are in for a chance of a mackie if they decide to go ballooning. 


Pelagic species have continued to tease. Loads of Spanish mackerel have been jumping but not so many have been caught, but enough to keep crews interested. Tuna have also been about with smaller lures seeming to work best on them. Near Bald Head a crew dropping jigs had a lot of bite-offs they believed came from Spanish mackerel, but the best Spanish mackerel this week again was reported from Lucky Bay. Closer in, pink snapper have been the main species, with catches reported mostly south of Kalbarri. The odd baldchin groper has been caught, but dhufish have come from much deeper water and not many of them popped up this week. Pot pullers having been getting plenty of crayfish across a range of depths. With the north-easterly winds tending to peak around midday with the swell this week, aim to take the boats out either very early or into the late afternoons and evenings when it's calmer.  


The cliffs have produced smallish pink snapper, the odd baldchin groper and plenty of big Samsonfish, which have been a struggle to haul up the cliff face so maybe bring a cliff gaff if possible. Witterecarra has been the prime tailor spot of late, with good-sized fish taking metal slices as well as mulie baits. Big tailor have also been caught at Back Beach on poppers and a few have come from Oyster Reef. In the Murchison River, a good mulloway was landed near the fishermen’s pens, while a little further up river good cod and bream have been caught along with small chopper tailor. The Sand Spit has been consistent for yellowfin whiting.

Shout out to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips! Feel free to venture into his store to ask for advice if you're wetting a line around Kalbarri!
Geraldton catches
The Abrolhos Islands have been very productive this week when the weather windows allowed it, with @jai.thorpe and his mate managing to find some great demersals including this dhufish along with some fat and healthy baldchin groper and coral trout. 


Activity has been very quiet with no substantial reports coming in. Harking back to last week dinghy fishers were targeting squid around Point Moore and this could be a good option if the water is clear. The same anglers tangled with tailor there as well, but there have been no reports of tailor caught there this week. The easterly wind should drop off with the swell on Saturday arvo which could hold a good window to duck out along with Sunday evening. From Tuesday next week it's looking promising for the boats. 


After dark and into the early morning hours the town’s rockwalls have offered herring, whiting and flathead. A few squid have been caught on the north side of the Batavia Coast Marina, while one or two school-sized mulloway showed up north of Drummond Cove towards Bowe River last week. Anglers chucking lures at Flat Rocks have found very few tailor and the sizes have been well down for this time of year. Weed and a strong surge has made fishing beaches closer to town difficult, but the north-easterly winds hanging around over the coming days along with a decreasing swell should make casting off the beaches easier if you can manage to find weed-free areas. 

Thanks to the team at Geraldton Sports Centre for their tips! They will happily provide you with great gear and the solid advice for your next fishing trip. 
Lancelin catches
Conor ventured out with Peter Fullarton this week and managed this nice tailor from one of the reef breaks, where his popper proved irresistible on the surface. 


A heads up for boat fishers - the Lancelin and Jurien Bay FADs have been retrieved ahead of the winter months for maintenance, but we will keep you posted on when they hit the drink again later this year! 

The seemingly endless summer keeps on giving, with sensational conditions seeing a good number of boats sending it out last weekend. Baldchin groper featured in most bags along with the usual mix of dhufish, breaksea cod and pink snapper. The pink snapper were particularly active inside the White Bank. Tuna have been difficult to find due to an absence of birds, but blind trolling between fishing spots has picked up some good fish. Inside the bay, squid were a popular target, there are plenty of snook and skippy responding well to lure casting or trolling and plenty of fun on light tackle. The afternoons and evenings look best this week for the boats as that's when the wind and swell will drop off. 


The new moon and a bit of swell got the mulloway going, with a mix of big fish crossing the magical metre mark and smaller schoolies in the gutters. Tailor to 50cm have been biting mostly in the early mornings, whereas the evenings have seen a lot of shark and ray activity so eat your Weetbix and brace your arms for a potential battle if you're soaking baits. Sand whiting and herring fishing has been sensational across pretty much all of the beaches close to town, with fish averaging an excellent size and plenty of them. 

A big Recfishwest thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips on what's biting around Lancelin each week! If you want Peter to put you on to the fish directly, make sure you check out his Tailored Treks Tours page. Always a great time and Peter knows the best spots around Lancelin like the back of his hand. 
Esperance catches


Tuna have been in good numbers at Cull Island, while nice Samsonfish have been taken out towards Mondrian Island. Nannygai have been thick at Figure of Eight and Boxer islands, while breaksea cod to 3kg have been caught near McKenzie Island. In Esperance Bay big squid (some with 40cm hoods), have been hitting pink squid jigs, while in Wylie Bay big snook have been prolific. Sizeable herring and sand whiting have been caught just out from Fourth Beach. It's light to moderate north-easterly winds which should make it relatively sheltered in some parts closer to shore, midday on Sunday currently looks best on the forecast but early on Wednesday is also looking quite calm. 

With just over a month left of the public comment period, Recfishwest is strongly urging all fishers to make a submission on the Government’s proposed South Coast Marine Parks.

We need as many fishers as possible to make a submission telling the Government how important fishing in these places is to them to give us the best chance of getting a good outcome.

YOU CAN NOW EMAIL YOUR SUBMISSION - which can be really easy – simply look at the green zones on DBCA’s map which is where fishing will be prohibited.

If your favourite fishing spots or areas where you might want to fish in the future fall in these green areas, send an email to with the subject line ‘South Coast Marine Park Submission’. In your email say you want to be able to still fish in these areas and why this is important to you.


Out east good gummy sharks and mulloway have been caught at Thomas River and Poison Creek, while big salmon up to 85cm have come from Tagon Beach along with lots of big skippy. Smaller salmon in the 2-3kg range have been plentiful at Dunns Beach, which were mixed in with chunky skippy. Lots of salmon have been holed up in Lucky Bay and squidding has been good in the corner of the bay. The Town Jetty offered lots of herring during the day and some squid, with the squid catches tending to be better at night. Taylor Street Jetty fished well for garfish, King George whiting and squid, while Bandy Creek Boat Harbour has produced big flathead and King George whiting. Blue Haven Beach held good sand whiting, while 10-Mile Lagoon has been consistent for salmon. Stokes Inlet has been the hotspot for bream up to 35cm this week.

Hats off to the very knowledgeable team at Southern Sports & Tackle for their tips! These guys love their fishing as well, so make sure you swing by their store for the best gear and advice before wetting a line around Esperance. 

Great Southern catches


Conditions have been excellent and the boat ramps were busy with crews heading out to the coral ground where the pink snapper, queen snapper and breaksea cod have been in good numbers. Dhufish catches have been down a little, although a couple of 70-80cm specimens popped up. Out on the deeper ground, nannygai have been caught in nice sizes and numbers. Boats trolling around Bald Head and the islands have been picking up tuna, along with the odd salmon. In King George Sound squid and King George whiting have been fishing well and the odd salmon has shown up as well. Princess Royal Harbour has been one of the better spots for squid. Sunday afternoon could bode well for the boaties with a 1.2m swell and calmer northerly winds expected. 


Salmon numbers have thinned out a little, but regular haunts like Sand Patch, Lowlands, Shelleys Beach, Cheynes Beach and Nanarup have produced a few. Salmon have been in better numbers around Denmark, with Ocean Beach and McGreary’s Rock fishing well. Reports of sand whiting and flathead have come from Middleton Beach, while squid numbers have picked up around the Town Marina, Emu Point and Frenchman Bay. The marina held plenty of herring and a few small skippy, as did Emu Point, while herring and small King George whiting have been caught at Frenchman Bay. Bream fishing has improved in the Kalgan River with soft plastics and mussel vibes both producing good catches. 

Cheers to the Trailblazers Albany crew for their tips this week! Swing by their store if you're after some top gear and advice ahead of your next fishing trip. Remember, you'll also catch just as many fish off the beaches than the rocks and it is always much safer to go with this option on the south coast. 

South-West catches
@dansfishin_southwest put in the hours one evening this week and came up trumps with this 115cm mulloway off the Busselton jetty. 


Very little has been happening despite plenty of boats heading out. Pink snapper activity has dried up and squid and King George whiting activity has been mostly concentrated in Geographe Bay where catches have been reasonable, but not outstanding. Off Bunbury a few Samsonfish have appeared in burley trails meant for pink snapper and closer in, herring have been in big numbers along with a few sand whiting. Kayakers off Forrest Beach have managed some decent-sized pink snapper. The swell will be quite low this week (will hover around 0.5m) with mostly moderate north-easterly winds but Saturday afternoon should glass off for a couple of hours around 3:00pm. 


It’s been a different story for land-based fishing, with pink snapper showing up in great numbers from Myalup right down to Busselton, with both casters and drone fishers getting in on the action. Some good mulloway were caught this week between Buffalo Beach and Dalyellup. Tailor have been quiet on local beaches, but herring have been thick right along the South-West coast. At the Bunbury Cut and Back Beach, herring and small skippy have been the main catches, while down at Busselton Jetty squid have been in good numbers along with aggressive herring. Good pink snapper have been caught around Dunsborough, mainly by drone fishers. This week most of the salmon activity has been at Bunker Bay, Eagle Bay and Hamelin Bay, with Yeagarup also fishing well.

Big cheers to Whitey's Tackle & Camping for their top fishing tips as always! If you're in Australind or Bunbury and are keen to wet a line throughout our South-West make sure you ask their very friendly team who love their fishing for advice and stock up on gear at their store. If you're in Busselton, the 2 Oceans Tackle team are also incredibly helpful. 

It's been a minute since we have seen a rainbow trout snap given the dry patch we've had! Simon Holland @southernforests_angler has been doing the rounds around Lefroy Brook and while the water levels are still very low, he was happy to see this healthy rainbow trout smash his fly, with the trout now preparing for spawning. 
Wellington and Harvey dams have held redfin perch in reasonable numbers, mainly in the deeper sections. They have been taking soft plastics and they key seems to have been to change lures regularly, especially at Harvey Dam. The upper reaches of the Collie River produced a few rainbow trout but they have been skittish. Redfin perch have been widespread in the Collie River although their sizes usually averaged around that 20-25cm mark. A few have been caught at Black Diamond Lake and slightly better ones have been around the swing bridge. Sizeable redfin have been caught down at Pemberton but it pays to move around and find deeper pockets of water that holds structure. 
Mandurah and surrounds


Boats: Nice pink snapper have been caught straight out from the heads, especially when burley has been used, with the pinkies likely feasting on blue swimmer crabs that have been washed out of the estuary. Pink snapper have also been hanging around structure on Five Fathom Bank where they have been kept company with Samsonfish and big skippy. At the back of Five Fathom, big sand whiting have been holed up, but King George whiting have mainly been a bycatch for those targeting demersal species. Dhufish have been caught in much shallower depths in the past week. As well as their regular 40m depths off Dawesville, they’ve been landed in 12-15m behind the reefs at Melros and Bouvard. They’ve been in good numbers too, with many boats getting their quota. Mixed in with the dhufish have been solid pink snapper, good breaksea cod and the odd big badchin groper. Out on the 25-30m depth line, bait balls have been appearing every 200-300m which have proved irresistible to tuna. Squid have been worth a crack out from Avalon, while in the estuary, dinghy fishers have done well on bull herring, chopper tailor and skippy.
Land-based: Salmon have popped up here and there, but not in any consistent numbers, with the odd fish coming from Silver Sands and White Hills. Pink snapper catches have been much more common, especially south of town, where drone fishers have been doing well. Mulloway have been caught south of town as well and White Hills produced big tailor at times, along with pink snapper. Herring were plentiful right along the Peel coast. The Mandurah traffic bridges and the Dawesville Cut have been holding heaps of herring and lots of silver bream too, while the canals and marinas in the estuary have rewarded fishers with big black bream.

Thinking of wetting a line around Mandurah? These great tips were courtesy of the super friendly and helpful team at Tackle World Miami so make sure you swing by their store for the best tips and gear before your next fishing trip! 


Boats: Inshore waters have been a bit quieter, but out the back it has been firing for dhufish, baldchin groper and pink snapper in 40m depths and beyond. Big King George whiting have been a bycatch for demersal chasers, but surprisingly for smaller vessels targeting them the numbers have been down. Sand whiting have made up the shortfall with good catches coming from Warnbro and Cockburn Sounds, Mangles Bay and inshore of Garden Island. Pink snapper have also been in the Sounds but only the odd fish has been landed. Plenty of undersized snapper were around, so perhaps a burst of rough weather is needed to bring in the bigger specimens. Squid catches and sizes have continued to improve in the Sounds, in Mangles Bay and at Garden Island and very few crews have missed out on a feed. The Gage Roads channel and the northern side of Garden Island have held big mulloway, some well over 20kg, with live baits working best on them. Samsonfish and a few yellowtail kingfish have been caught at Stragglers and Coventry Reef. Should be relatively flat this weekend with mostly light to moderate north-easterly winds. 

Rockingham seemed to be the pick of the spots this week for producing good numbers of demersals, with this 15.5kg dhufish coming over the side on Mothers Day for @wafishingofficial. This fish also spat out a 50cm cobbler so it goes to show the size of your jig or bait doesn't matter too much to their giant mouths!  

Land-based: Secret Harbour fished well for big tailor, with some over 50cm and it has also produced quite a few mulloway around the metre mark. Port Kennedy, Warnbro and Long Point have also been consistent for tailor. Squid and herring were the mainstays at Woodman Point and the Ammo Jetty, while Palm Beach Jetty and Rockingham Jetty have held similar species along with chopper tailor. Sand whiting and herring have been caught at the Penguin Island spit, while Point Peron has produced herring and squid. 

These great fishing tips were provided by the friendly team at Compleat Angler & Camping World in Rockingham, so make sure you chat to their experienced crew in store and stock up before heading out!
Perth catches
Near the Freo traffic bridges in the Swan River has always been a bit of a hotspot for big Sambos and throwing out a popper and working it aggressively through here is the best tactic for going toe to toe with these monsters, as @ourtribefishing discovered. It just goes to show you don't always have to punch out west of Rottnest to find them! 


A heads up to all boat fishers, the Metro FADs have been retrieved ahead of the winter months. There have been some great catches reported from the devices over the warmer months and we look forward to seeing them deployed again towards the end of this year! 

Demersal species were a little harder to find for many this week. Plenty of crews reported seeing good fish on the sounder, but they were reluctant to bite. Pink snapper were probably the most consistent catch and were active in a range of depths. In 90m straight out from Fremantle and south of Rottnest, 6-8kg dhufish have been caught along with big skippy. At Three-Mile Reef King George whiting have been in good numbers and small baldchin groper and the odd pink snapper have shown up as well. KG's have also been caught around Rottnest, while the island’s shallow bays have offered plump sand whiting, loads of herring and a few squid around the weed patches. At Rottnest’s West End and a little southwards from there weed has been plentiful and a nuisance for those trolling for tuna in 40m depths. Thankfully the weed has attracted plenty of small baitfish and crews casting 10-15g metals have been ravaged by tuna. At Mewstones, 35-45cm tailor have been in good numbers. Fremantle’s inshore waters have held King George whiting but not in great numbers. Kayakers off South Fremantle have been doing well on squid in 1-3m and likewise out from Coogee. Bigger boats have encountered them in 2-8m depths. Tailor activity in Swan River has generally been slow, but one or two cracking sessions have occurred right on sunset in the lower reaches. If you're wanting to duck out in the boats, the afternoons are your best bet this weekend and throughout the week, with rather strong north-easterly winds rolling through in the mornings before dropping right off around midday. 


Do you fish at South Mole and want vehicle access restored? Make sure you fill in Fremantle Ports short South Mole access survey by clicking here. 

Recfishwest is requesting Fremantle Ports restore vehicle access at South Mole in Fremantle, with the cherished land-based fishing spot being officially reopened to foot-traffic only.

South Mole was closed to fishers and the general public for seven weeks due to illegal camping, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. As one of the safest, most accessible and popular Metro land-based fishing spots, South Mole offers a wide range of species for fishers of all ages and abilities, so maintaining vehicle access for less able-bodied fishers to the Mole is extremely important.


The marinas around Fremantle and the Fishing Boat Harbour have held heaps of juvenile pink snapper, Samsonfish and tarwhine which have been great fun to target on micro jigs. In Fremantle Harbour itself herring have been in good numbers. North Mole continued to fish well for pink snapper from just legal size up to 90cm and several big mulloway were caught near the lighthouse this week. North Mole also held loads of herring and good numbers of squid. South Mole has reopened but not for cars (make sure you have your say on South Mole access in Freo Port's survey before 6 June), however, those prepared to walk out have caught skippy, herring and squid. Tailor fishers have done well in the Cottesloe area, especially at Grant Street. Salmon continued to tease with one or two coming from North Mole, while a couple were picked up at Swanbourne last weekend. One angler enjoyed a hot midweek session in the middle of the day near the Floreat groyne where he also picked up a some decent tailor. Floreat also offered herring, whiting, small skippy and the odd flathead, as has City Beach, while tailor and herring have come from Brighton Beach, Quinns and Alkimos. The far-north metro beaches have produced pink snapper and mulloway, especially for drone fishers, who have also landed the odd small dhufish. Things have been quiet in the Swan River, with a few flathead and the odd tailor coming from the lower reaches, while small flathead have been taking soft plastics behind Optus Stadium. Bream fishers have been doing best by working very lightly-weighted soft plastics or slowly retrieving small hard-bodied lures around structure at Canning Bridge, Garratt Road Bridge and Redcliffe Bridge. Around Guildford the bream have been smaller but less fussy. Mulloway catches have definitely improved and fish around the metre mark have been widespread, with catches reported in both the upper and lower reaches. Mulloway spots worth a try include the Narrows, the Old Brewery, Canning Bridge, Claremont Jetty, the Causeway, Belmont and Bayswater. 

A big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Fremantle for their great tips! These guys love their fishing just as much as we all do, so make sure you ask their super friendly team for advice and stock up before wetting a line off the land or boat! 
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Recfishwest · 3/45 Northside Drive Hillarys · Perth, WA 6025 · Australia

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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper

Baldchin Groper
Baldchin Groper


Black Bream
Black Bream

Black Marlin
Black Marlin


Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod

Coral Trout
Coral Trout


Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish

Goldlined Seabream
Goldlined Seabream

Gummy Shark
Gummy Shark


Mangrove Red Snapper
Mangrove Red Snapper



This Fishing Report was submitted on 5/17/2024 4:11:18 AM by Seamus and last updated on 5/21/2024 1:29:11 PM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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