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Fishing Report April 2013

 | By Seamus on 4/4/2013 3:30:00 AM | Views (308)
Hook Down Charters
Fishing Report April 2013
We didn’t have much of a “winter” here in Port Mansfield,but we did have plenty of wind.  It hasbeen either a strong north wind or immediately after a strong south wind.  There’ve been plenty of inconsistent fishingdays with the occasional good days.  Itseems the “inconsistent” days are slowly but surely becoming less thanmore. 
Things are starting to stabilize and a recent trip showedsigns of a “pattern”.  But at least it’sa sign.  If something works, stick withit and do it again.  If a lure works, useit and use it again.  I ran over a semi–school of reds, we turned around, walked through them and caught them.  Once we made the wade through them I decidedto let them settle back down, try another spot close and go back and hitthem.  We did just that and picked up anear limit on the final wade.  Hindsight,I would have made one more immediate wade back again and possibly have a fulllimit of reds.  But I didn’t.  As luck would have it I’m glad we didn’tbecause later, around 3pm a customer caught a trout of a lifetime – a nice 29inch trout on good ole Plum Blue Metal Flake/Chartreuse Ball Tail Shad. 
The day before, some 30 miles north of where we were Icaught a fat 28 inch trout on a Ball Tail Shad. This trout however had several other big ones with her, which made methink for a second there are still some big trout among us.  She came in less than knee deep water, aplace that other boats don’t dare to venture. A properly cupped propeller on my 20 foot classic Shallow Sport let usget to the sweet spot and more importantly let us get out of the sweetspot. 
The trout we found mostly came on the Ball Tail Shad inLagunaflauge/Chart, Plum Blue Metal Flake/Chart, Olive Red Metal Flake/Chartand one I am currently field testing.  Wedid have solid fish come on the 4 inch Paddle Tail in Strawberry/Cool Tip andPunch Metal Flake/Chart Tip.  We fishedno deeper than waist and as shallow as calf deep.
If things stabilize look for patterns to become moreidentifiable and consistent and remember to do and throw what works.  Grab what you have confidence with and throwit.  Please check out the pictures.  I tried to photograph our Lagunaflauge/Chart Tipin clear water, so you can see how it changes with the background.  It appears to have a greenish color, possiblydo to the sunlight combined with the dark green foliage combined with sand. 
We continue to receive awesomepictures with the new Mansfield Margarita and Flo Mingo, which seem to be thehot color at the moment.  We are gettinglots of calls, emails and text messages regarding these new colors.  We thank you! 
Wayne Davis
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Catch Information

Vermilion Snapper
Vermilion Snapper

This Fishing Report was submitted on 4/4/2013 3:30:00 AM by Seamus and last updated on 4/4/2013 3:30:00 AM.


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