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12/24/15 Offshore fishing report

 | By Seamus on 12/24/2015 4:16:06 PM | Views (587)

It's a Christmas Eve fishing report and there's been quite a few fish caught here the past week fishing offshore in Islamorada. The boats have been fishing outside the edge of the reef with live baits using kites as well as slow trolling, and also dropping around some of the wrecks. The bottom fishing on the edge of the reef as well as inside on the "patch reefs" has been active too. It has been on the windy side, but it hasn't stopped the boats from getting out. If you're worried about getting sea sick try taking original formula dramimine the night before, as well as again in the morning. Last weekend was the Islamorada Junior Sailfish Tournament and we had a couple teams from Bud n' Mary's in it. Capt. Aaron on the Buzz On fished his kids and a couple of their friends and over the 2 days they released 6 sailfish and finished in 2nd place. It was also their first ever sailfish so congrats!! The Kalex also caught a couple sailfish during the event and his young angler took home biggest tuna and biggest kingfish! Congrats!! 

The boats have been averaging 1 - 4 sailfish bites per trip the last few days, and really just making your bites count is the biggest factor. A couple days some of the boats haven't had bites, but there's been other fish like blackfin tuna, king mackerel, a couple mahi mahi, bonito, cero mackerel, etc. while waiting for the sailfish. 

On the reef and inside on the "patch reefs" theres been a good bite of yellowtail snapper, mangrove snapper, mutton snapper, a couple grouper, cero mackerel, and porgys. Fishing the patch reefs is a great alternative for when it's windy and rough, so always keep that in mind. The patch reefs are only a couple miles from shore and in 15 - 25' of water, so it's a little calmer there compared to edge of the reef when it's windy. Fish the conditions you have on the particular day and you'll enjoy it! Here's also a pic of a big barracuda a young angler caught on the Miss Islamorada Party boat on a recent trip. We've got a super busy week here after Christmas, but there's still a few options to go fishing, so give us a call at 305 664 2461 and we will do our best to set you up with a fishing trip! 


Tight Lines and Merry Christmas, 

Capt. Nick Stanczyk 

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Catch Information

Blackfin Tuna
Blackfin Tuna

Cero Mackerel
Cero Mackerel

Gray Snapper
Gray Snapper

Great Barracuda
Great Barracuda

King Mackerel
King Mackerel


Mutton Snapper
Mutton Snapper


Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Snapper

This Fishing Report was submitted on 12/24/2015 4:16:06 PM by Seamus and last updated on 12/25/2015 4:16:06 PM.


79851 Overseas Highway
Islamorada, FL US

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