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Digging deeper I see that the famous English poet William Blake wrote "The Tyger" in 1794, just a few short years after this map was published. Did William Blake ever visit Amelia Island? And as his ship passed between Tyger and Amelia, he was struck with inspiration? Probably not. But he didn't much care for how the English Monarchy was treating America and maybe he had gotten a glimpse of the map and maybe he was thinking of Rattlesnakes....
There are plenty of old families that still live here at Amelia Island that surely have more information on Tyger Island - hopefully they will chime in and I will add those to this account. You can email me at
This Fishing Report was submitted on 4/2/2021 6:07:00 PM by Seamus and last updated on 4/3/2021 12:36:06 AM.
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