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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 06 October 2023 🎣

 | By Seamus on 6/10/2023 3:39:00 AM | Views (95)
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Fishing Report
It's trout time! Make sure you bring your family down to the Waroona Troutfest at Drakesbrook Weir on October 21 between 10am-1pm to help Recfishwest hand-release hundreds of radiant rainbow and brown trout. More details on Troutfest can be found here. To see some incredible underwater snaps of not just rainbow trout, but pink snapper, dhufish and dozens of other recreational species, give local a follow on Instagram. He sent in this cracking rainbow trout snap this week and he loves his fishing! 
Our contributors
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Peter Fullarton
Sedin Hasanovic 
G'day <>,

With the demersal fishing closing back up at midnight on Sunday between Kalbarri and Augusta, there will be a late surge of fishers in boats keen to get out on the water to make the most of it with family and friends, so make sure you're courteous to others at the ramps given we're in for some nice weather! The next time the demersal season opens will be from December 16 until the end of January. 

Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

In case you can't see it, there is a very impressive humphead Maori wrasse in this photo, which played the camouflage card against the beautiful blue backdrop of the Rowley Shoals this week aboard Seaestar Charters. This species pulls like a freight train and Kristin from Seaestar Charters will put you on to some great fish like this aboard her vessel, so make sure you check out the Seaestar Charters website to make a booking. 

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Broome catches
@eviedickfos_fishing went toe to toe with this healthy 47cm tripletail off Broome this week and she catches some top quality species in WA's north, give her page a follow! Photo: @aussiechicksfishing


Spanish mackerel catches have been good in the middle of Roebuck Bay and also out at Disaster Rock, while boaties who headed out wide managed reasonable hauls of red emperor, Rankin cod and coral trout. Boaties targeting Crab Creek and The Fingers have done well on threadfin salmon and small barramundi, while mud crab catches have been reasonable at The Fingers. A lot of floating debris has been in Roebuck Bay courtesy of the spring tides and it provided shelter for good numbers of tripletail, with some big catches rolling through over the past week. Flicking vibes or stickbaits next to the debris is a good tactic for enticing the tripletail out to strike. The lower winds and swell will roll through from Friday with warmer temperatures, which should make it pleasant on the water off Broome. 


Apparently there has been a few reports of packaged prawns with white spot in supermarkets around Broome, which is a highly contagious and harmful viral disease that can spread to prawns, crabs, yabbies and lobsters. It's always best to buy your bait from a tackle shop, rather than purchasing this from supermarkets. If you see white spot on prawns, do not use this as bait as it could be very harmful to other species if consumed and report it to Fishwatch. Below is what a prawn with white spot looks like.

Town Beach Jetty offered bream and javelin fish as well as small trevally and queenfish. Bigger trevally and queenfish came from the Port Jetty along with the odd bluebone, while at Entrance Point anglers that waded out on the low tides to cast lures at the ledge landed some impressive trevally and the odd queenfish. Whiting catches at Cable Beach and Coconut Wells tapered off after the westerly winds made the water rather choppy, but the creek fishing has been reasonable with bream, mangrove jack and trevally at Barred and Willie creeks. In the Fitzroy River, the Cuttings was the pick of the spots for barramundi this past week. For the best tips and gear for your fishing expedition, make sure you visit the helpful pros at Tackle World Broome for advice and they will provide details on spots with the best access for a flick.
Exmouth catches
If you're chasing a quick and easy delicious feed of squid around Exmouth, they have been in good numbers straight out from the town marina and off Town Beach, the industrial estate and VLF Bay in as little as 1.5m depths, with Kyle Poole @salty_horse getting in on the action this week. 


The wind made fishing difficult at times but boats that headed out west did well on pearl perch and goldband snapper in 100m depths, with baits working best. Boats hugging the reef system were rewarded on both sides, with cod, mangrove jack, spangled emperor and Spanish flag taking squid and fish baits, soft plastics and even small hard-bodies in 10m depths. At the back of the reef, coronation trout, Rankin cod and blue-lined emperor have been caught on soft plastics and stickbaits. Boats trolling Halco Laser Pros and Strada Pro Trackas along the reef line did well on Spanish mackerel. Marlin activity was quieter, but sailfish were taken in good numbers at the top of the Gulf, mostly on live baits, while the islands produced Rankin cod and coral trout. Exmouth Reef and Cooper Shoal fished well for Spanish mackerel and cobia. Coral trout, blue-lined emperor, school mackerel and the odd Spanish mackerel have been caught throughout the Gulf and a big golden trevally was landed at King Reef this week, which has become a renowned spot for going toe to toe with the hard-fighting pelagic species. Squid have been in good numbers inside the Gulf in 1-5m depths, while down at the Bay of Rest a few mud crabs have been caught. This week has been ideal on the water with calmer southerly winds and low to moderate swells, although it should start getting a bit more choppy and rough from Tuesday onwards, so make the most of the last weekend of the school holidays. 


The Gulf's beaches fished very well for whiting this week, while Learmonth Jetty also offered squid, bream and small trevally. A surprise catch in the Town Marina this week was a very lost 50cm tailor. The marina also produced mangrove jack, bream and javelin fish, along with squid from the ocean-side rock wall. The industrial estate once again was a reliable squid spot, with just out from the rocks producing some good catches and whiting off the beach. Down at Bundegi queenfish have been harassing the bait schools and whiting, flathead and flounder have also been caught, while a barracuda was landed from the boat ramp earlier this week. Spangled emperor were in good numbers from the Mildura Wreck all the way down to Yardie Creek, while fly-fishers at the wreck reported spooking a few bluebone. Bream and mangrove jack were caught in Wapet Creek, while Tantabiddi held spangled emperor, dart and queenfish. Big thanks to the great crew from Tackle World Exmouth for their tips! 
Kalbarri catches
Big shoutout to more than 120 kids who had a great time wetting a line in pristine conditions during the Kalbarri Kids Whiting Competition! 


Pink snapper catches have been very good in a range of depths, but most of the boaties have done best in 15-20m depths with baits and soft plastics and collected dhufish and baldchin groper as bycatch. Fishing near the cliffs was also productive for demersals, with more catches reported north of town. At the Three-Mile Reef, boaties hooked what they initially believed to be a decent snapper, only for a northern forktail catfish to break the surface. If you manage to land one of these on the boat, avoid the nasty venomous spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins. It should be fantastic conditions on the water for the boaties in Kalbarri this weekend with barely a breath of wind expected and lower swells, so best of luck if you're heading out! 


The Murchison River provided plenty of family-friendly fishing fun and Recfishwest ventured up to Kalbarri for the final day of the Kids Whiting Competition hosted by the Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club, which always sees a big crowd of excited youngsters wetting a line. Most families managed good feeds of yellowfin whiting from the Sand Spit and a few chopper tailor have been patrolling the Spit’s drop-offs and also around the marina jetty in the afternoons. Decent bream were in the river from the marina jetty upstream, while some big cod have been caught along with a few mud crabs. Despite big swells at times, pink snapper around the 65cm mark were landed at Red Bluff, Pot Alley and Oyster Reef. Tailor catches have improved in size and numbers with Back Beach, Wittecarra and Red Bluff the better spots for them. Dart were caught at these locations also, while the surprise catch from Red Bluff this week was a golden trevally over 40cm. Lucky Bay has been busy with holiday anglers catching herring and tailor and when the swells were down, bigger tailor and pink snapper were caught at Wagoe. Big thanks to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips as always!
Geraldton catches
Carla made easy work of this solid mulloway off the tinnie with @mat.svenson this week, taking a quick snap before releasing this fish to fight another day. It's always worth releasing the bigger mulloway to keep the breeding cycle rolling. 


Demersal fishing hasn’t been easy with just a few fishable windows, but a crew that headed out 35km south-west of Dongara did well on big pinkies, sweetlip and baldchin groper. A few reports filtered in of dhufish catches closer to town with locations a tight secret, but African Reef and Pensioners Bank could be good starting points for dhufish and also pink snapper and baldchin groper. Inshore fishing was very quiet, but squid were caught on the weed beds from Point Moore around to St George’s. Thankfully the weather gods are playing nice for the last weekend of the school holidays with great boating conditions expected, so get out there and enjoy yourselves.   


Big tailor have been caught at Flat Rocks, while Lucy’s fished well for tailor, school mulloway and the odd pink snapper. The tailor run continued at Southgates, although weed has been a problem and the better conditions have been in the mornings. Point Moore held whiting in good numbers despite the sizes being down a tad, although blowies are starting to become a problem there so maybe try wetting a line there once the sun goes down. The reefs at Separation Point produced mixed bags of skippy, tailor and wrasse, while at the northern end of the Batavia Coast Marina patient anglers managed to find a few squid among the clear patches of water. At Drummonds Cove and Coronation Beach weed unfortunately dampened last week’s promising run of tailor and pink snapper, although this weekend could see more favourable conditions. Big thanks to Geraldton Sports Centre for their report as always! 
Lancelin catches


Demersal fishers were reporting the “ocean came alive” just before the storm hit last Sunday. Fishers reported a hot bite with almost everyone seemingly landing some cracker dhufish around the 10kg mark. Tuna schools were also passing through the 25-35m depths. Seas eased once the storms passed, which allowed boats to head out again. It’s looking like a cracker weekend coming up to see out the short demersal season and even small boats have a window to grab a decent fish too before the close. The bay continued to have some fantastic clear water, with dinghy and kayak fishing going well when casting small lures, resulting in a range of species including herring, skippy, snook, pike, flathead and squid to name a few. With great conditions rolling through this weekend, it is expected to be extremely busy along the coast for beach launches, so make sure you're courteous to others and be safe. 


The beach fishing this week was much the same story as the boats, with some slow fishing last week before the ocean came alive with a hot bite of tailor, school sharks and mulloway before the storms arrived. While the storm did stir up the seaweed in the wash, some good spots can still be found to cast a line. Schools of hardy heads have been moving along the shoreline, where there have been bust ups when the predators such as tailor and mulloway have taken advantage as they pass, which made it great fun casting lures into the action for some chunky tailor. Even the North point of the bay saw some good action with birds working as the tailor rounded up the bait schools. Hardy heads are also taking shelter under the jetty, so there’s been plenty of action there too. Big thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips as always and make sure you check out his Tailored Treks fishing tours! 
Esperance catches


Good numbers of 10-15kg Samson fish which is the preferred eating size on the south coast have come from the headlands at Cape Le Grand, Black Island, Woody Island and at Douglas Patch, while 30kg brute models have been landed at Giant Rocks. Observatory Island was the hotspot for queen snapper up to 9kg, which were mixed in with quite a few blue groper and harlequin fish. Further out behind Figure of Eight Island in 60m depths there have been good numbers of nannygai, while just about every bommie out wide held breaksea cod up to 2kg. West of town enjoyed a cracking run of dhufish up to 13kg, with Baines Reef and Figure of Eight Island the better spots. Closer in, the corner of Wylie Bay in 3-4m depth was good for chunky skippy and King George whiting on the edges of the weed. Plenty of sand whiting have been caught between Wylie Bay and Lion Island, while in Esperance Bay boats did well on squid between the port rock wall and the Town Jetty. Boats launching from Lucky Bay have caught harlequin fish and blue groper out from the headlands. There are some stronger easterly winds expected over the weekend with 1.5m swells but there are plenty of areas where you can find some shelter in the boats to wet a line. 


East of town fished well for gummy sharks in the 10-15kg range at Duke of Orleans Bay, Membinup Beach and also Table Top Beach, where a washed-up blue whale carcass has been a big attractor given the heightened sense of smell of gummy sharks. At Thomas River and Poison Creek small mulloway have been caught, while west of town big tailor, one confirmed at 85cm and another at 70cm, have been caught at Munglinup Reef. Plenty of salmon have also hit the sand at the 10-Mile Lagoon, the second carpark at Fourth Beach on the low tide and Salmon Beach. Skippy up to 2.5kg have been caught at Roses Beach, where anglers will need to let down their tyres because of the very soft sand. Closer to town Bandy Creek Boat Harbour held King George whiting to 40cm, while the town foreshore stretch from the Pier Hotel to the Thai restaurant was good for flathead up to 50cm and 35-40cm King George whiting. The rock wall at Taylor Street fished well for bull herring in the afternoons and the Tanker Jetty held squid throughout the day and garfish mostly at night. At Woody Lake bream up to 40cm have been taking bait and small soft plastics. Big thanks to Southern Sport & Tackle for their report as always! 

Great Southern catches
Day three of Gideon Mettam's @gidos_fishing_adventures trip on the south coast kicked off with some great action, with this blue groper landed along with Gido's first Samson fish on fly. Check out his latest YouTube video here


Either side of the gnarly weather saw boats doing well between the islands and out at the coral ground, mainly on pink and queen snapper, but breaksea cod and a few dhufish were in the mix as well. Boaties who found sheltered spots in King George Sound have caught King George whiting around 40cm, but the dirty water made squid harder to find. At Wilson Inlet, kayak fishers targeting the channels caught pink snapper around the 55cm mark. While the stronger north-easterly winds should hang around on Saturday, Sunday and Monday is looking glorious at this stage for the boaties with a low wind and 1.5-2m swell expected, so best of luck if you decide to head out for the last day of the school holidays. 


Shore fishers who managed to get out of the wind have done well on beaches either side of Albany, mainly on herring, whiting and skippy, but a few resident salmon have been landed as well. Fishing at Emu Point has been difficult due to the strong currents ripping through and Frenchman Bay, Misery Beach and Gull Rock offered better options for herring, whiting and skippy. The blustery conditions made it difficult for those chasing bread and butter species such as herring, skippy and whiting at the town marina and Middleton. Land-based squid chasers had lean results this week, but the water is clearing for the weekend which should see better results. At the Tourist Rocks at Cheynes Beach, big Samson fish have been caught along with herring and a few decent skippy. On the warmer days bream fishing has fired up in the King and Kalgan rivers, while the flying ant hatches starting to occur in the system usually signal mulloway action is about to pick up. In the Wilson Inlet the clearer water brought in on the high tide produced good catches of flathead, herring, skippy and King George whiting. Big thanks to the crew from Trailblazers in Albany for their tips!

South West catches
Was great to see the local youngsters getting in on the Geographe Bay action this week and there is no shortage of squid among its sheltered waters, with young Koda left beaming after pulling in this kraken! Photo courtesy of @insalt_fishing and @levi_bowman_fishing


Good captures of dhufish have come from both sides of town in depths of 40m and beyond, with good numbers and sizes recorded and plenty of pink snapper among them. Dhufish have come from closer in as well, but they have been harder to find. Big Samson fish have been causing havoc (but still plenty of fun) in the burley trials of inshore snapper chasers. Most boaties targeting squid and King George whiting have been heading to Geographe Bay where good numbers were found in 9m depths, but a bit more work has been needed to find squid since the blow came through this week. With the calmer conditions rolling through into the weekend, the squidding action should fire up nicely. In the Leschenault estuary, dinghy anglers did well trolling for chopper tailor. There should be a lot of boats punching out this weekend to make the most of the great weather and last couple of days of the demersal season being open, so make sure you're respectful to other boats and be safe out on the water. 

8-year-old @levi_bowman_fishing landed this beauty of a Sambo in Geographe Bay last week, which would have put up a great battle on the 1-3kg Insalt Finesse Explorer rod and vibe lure! Great catch Levi!


Mulloway and pink snapper action slowed down on the beaches north of town and stingrays have been the source of frustration and sore biceps, but the same beaches held reasonable numbers of chopper tailor with the odd one over 50cm, while herring and whiting catches were also steady. It’s been the same story at Busselton Jetty where this year’s stellar run of big pink snapper and mulloway seemed to stall this past week, but plenty of herring were caught there along with squid in the clearer patches. A few yellowfin whiting showed up in the estuary on warmer days and in the Bunbury Cut, while the beaches along it offered herring, chopper tailor and sand whiting. Buffalo Beach and the rock walls at Back Beach produced the same species, while bream were widespread in the Collie River with sizes also being impressive. Kudos to the crew from Whitey's Tackle for their tips!

@matt_risto landed this fat redfin perch this week close to Pemberton and a lot of the larger fish are brimming with tens of thousands of roe at the moment as they prepare to breed, so make sure you take this invasive species home for a 5-star quality feed as they have no size or bag limit. 
A few small rainbow trout have been kicking around in the Collie, Preston and Brunswick rivers, but Wellington and Harvey dams have been the better spots for redfin perch, which have shown a liking for soft plastics. Drakesbrook Weir also held redfin perch and small rainbows. In the Pemberton region small rainbow trout and decent redfin perch have been caught by kayak fishers using gold-coloured soft plastics and Rapala hard-bodies. Big Brook Dam also held brown and rainbow trout around the outskirts, while rainbows have been caught in Lefroy Brook in the shallower areas. If you catch any great trout or redfin, make sure you message us a snap of the catch to our Instagram page @recfishwest
Mandurah and surrounds
Mandurah's yellowfin whiting master @hanyeoh13 struck again this week, stalking a bunch of stonker fish over the sun-drenched flats of the Peel Inlet. Given we're in for a few hot days leading into the weekend, these silver bullets should be stacked throughout the shallows this week, so venture into Tackle World Miami for the best tips and gear for chasing them. 


Boaties who ventured out either side of the cold front found plenty of pink snapper on both sides of the Five-Fathom Bank. Some of the pinkies topped 90cm, with chunky skippy and decent-sized dhufish in the mix as well. In the 30-40m depths right along the Peel coast tuna were boiling on the surface and took most lures thrown at them, including metal slices, stickbaits and poppers. Dhufish were also caught from 40m+ depths out from Dawesville, while the 28m depth mark off Dawesville was the hotspot for thumping King George whiting this week. Fishing in the Peel-Harvey estuary also picked up, with tailor to 50cm caught by dinghy anglers trolling in the channels. Good numbers of juvenile salmon and decent skipjack entered the estuary, with hordes of herring also reported there. The Dawesville Cut fished well for herring, chopper tailor and good skippy, while the traffic bridges held plenty of herring. Good catches of bream came from the Serpentine and Murray rivers and also the estuary’s marinas and rock walls. Warm days fired up yellowfin whiting activity and anglers will be champing at the bit to hit the flats on Saturday, with a 30+ degree day forecast. Beaches north and south of town continued to fish well for herring and sand whiting, while a few chopper tailor started to show up and mulloway activity should only get better. Beaches with structure, especially south of town, produced pink snapper. Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning currently looks best for the boaties with some nicer weather rolling in, so best of luck if you're heading out. Make sure you pay a visit to the great crew from Tackle World Miami for the best tips and gear! 


Pink snapper and dhufish have been abundant in the 40m depths with some decent breaksea cod among them. The better spots have been behind Five-Fathom Bank and Garden Island. Inside of Five-Fathom and in Mangles Bay there have been good numbers of King George whiting, with lots of sand whiting on the same ground. Squid have been plentiful in Mangles Bay and in Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds and the rough weather and dirty water hasn’t slowed them down. There were also decent squid, a few tarwhine and sand whiting caught out from grain terminal. Chunky tailor around the kilo mark have been active around the exposed reefs at Mewstones, Stragglers and Rowboat Reef. As for land-based fishing around town, Secret Harbour to Madora Bay saw pink snapper and big greenback tailor in the 50-60cm range in good numbers, along with herring and sand whiting when conditions were calm. Rockingham and Palm Beach jetties held herring, sand whiting and a few squid as did the Coogee Marina. Chopper tailor have boosted herring and squid catches at the Ammo Jetty and Woodman Point, while Long Point held chopper tailor, herring, sand whiting and the occasional King George whiting. Flathead and flounder have also started to show up there on the warmer days. It's looking peachy across this entire weekend for both boat and land-based fishing forecasts, so enjoy yourself if you decide to wet a line. Big thanks to Compleat Angler Rockingham for their tips!  
Perth catches
The demersal catches have been rewarding off Two Rocks this past fortnight, with @joelborgers landing this healthy pinkie on @king_brown_lures KillerPrawn Scampi. 


Dhufish and pink snapper catches have been good around Rottnest in 30-45m depths. The dhufish have been decent size and most of the snapper are around 50-55cm in good numbers. Baldchin groper and breaksea cod have been among the bycatch. A crew originally targeting King George whiting behind Stragglers had a change of plan and got lucky, finding some whopper dhufish. Big King George whiting have come from the north side of Rottnest with pink snapper mixed in, while Samson fish, tuna and amberjack have been caught near the Rottnest Fish towers. The Windmills held KIng George whiting as well. Pink snapper have also come from Three-Mile Reef, while offshore from Mindarie pink snapper, dhufish and baldchin groper have been caught. Squid chasers have been targeting Parmelia Bank, South Beach and the old power station, starting out in 9m depths and drifting back in to as shallow as a metre with good results. For sand whiting, the 15m depths off Cottesloe and City Beach have been productive. In the Swan River, a couple of mulloway over a metre were caught in Mosman Bay, while chopper tailor numbers have been good. The choppers have ranged from 30-35cm and many anglers have stopped trolling when they find the fish holed up. Lures in natural or brighter colours around 80mm, such as Ocean’s Legacy 17g Sling Shots and CID Shiversticks have worked well in the late afternoons. We're expecting it to be very flat and enjoyable on the water this weekend for the boats, so the ramps will likely be very busy given the demersal season closes once again at midnight on Sunday. Make sure you are courteous to others at the ramps if they gather a crowd and try your luck at more remote areas if your favourite fishing spots are receiving plenty of attention. 


The red hot metro tailor run around Perth continues, with 8-year-old Isaac Pierson landing this cracking PB tailor at 53cm off Floreat beach shortly after first light on Saturday! A ganged mulie on a 12-foot beach rod did the trick and we're told that Isaac is quite skilled at identifying fish species each week in the report, keep up the great work and fishing Isaac! 

The reefs at Cottesloe and Swanbourne held good numbers of tailor, which were taking mulie baits and aggressively hitting lures such as Nomad Riptides in the early mornings. Tailor have also been caught at Brighton and Trigg beaches and Hillarys marina, inside and out. North Mole offered tailor at night, with glow sticks and mulie set-ups working well, while in the day herring have been caught there in good numbers when burley was used. South Mole held herring too, but dirty water made squidding hard work at most of the local rock walls. Some decent sand whiting have been plucked out from among the blowies at the small groyne south of the Fremantle Sailing Club. In the Swan River, good chopper tailor have come from the deeper sections in the lower reaches and at Canning Bridge. Flathead are about, but they have been hit or miss and most anglers have been covering a lot of territory to find them, but sizes have been in the 40-50cm range. Yellowfin whiting have been among the flathead bycatch around the Applecross area. Garratt Road Bridge, Burswood and the Causeway have fished well for bream, with a few soapy mulloway about at night, and small soft plastics and vibes have been effective on them, while in the Canning River just-sized bream have been in good numbers on the flats and drop-offs around Shelley. This weekend is looking great for a land-based flick with an easterly wind and warmer temperatures expected on Saturday morning. Best of luck if you're heading out and big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Freo for their tips! 
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Recfishwest · 3/45 Northside Drive Hillarys · Perth, WA 6025 · Australia

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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper

Baldchin Groper
Baldchin Groper


Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod

Brown Trout
Brown Trout


Coral Trout
Coral Trout


Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish

Golden Trevally
Golden Trevally

Great Barracuda
Great Barracuda

Greater Amberjack
Greater Amberjack

Gummy Shark
Gummy Shark

Mangrove Red Snapper
Mangrove Red Snapper




This Fishing Report was submitted on 6/10/2023 3:39:00 AM by Seamus and last updated on 10/7/2023 9:15:39 PM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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