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Deschutes River - November 3rd 2012

 | By Seamus on 3/28/2013 12:11:05 AM | Views (53)
Recorded:  Mostly cloudy50 ° F Fishing: Fair

Deschutes River Steelhead Report:

Okay, so the Deschutes has endured the worst of the Mt. jefferson Glacial run-off that occurred last month, and at this time, we are now seeing some real improvements in water clarity, and river levels.
As of yesterday, the flow from the pelton reregulating dam was recording a 5,040 CFS discharge. That is a little higher than normal, but not that much. The visibility is about 3 feet for humans, that's good, because remember that fish can see 15 to 20 feet in that density of turbidity.

There were steelhead hooked and landed in the Maupin area above and below Sherars Falls yesterday. One happy angler hooked up with 3, landing 2, a few miles down from the Rattlesnake camp. He was using a type 3 sink tip with dark colored (black, blue, & purple)  flies swung fairly close to shore.

As time passes, the water should continue to clear, and on those sunny fall days, you can start to use red, hot orange, and hot pink flies. Steelhead seem to respond to these colors very well this time of year.

Even though we haven’t seen our normal return of steelhead this season, there are a reasonable number of fish in the system that will remain in the Deschutes throughout the fall / winter months. al it takes is one cast for you to enjoy some steelhead happiness!   

please feel free to give us a call to get more detailed info re: fishing conditions and steelhead reports. (541) 395-2565 
Deschutes River Redside Trout Report:

Best time to fish for Redsides in the morning is from 9 until 12, and for evening fun, from 2 PM until dark. If its overcast, middle of the day can be magic with BWO’s and Mahogany duns. Caddis flies and May flies rule right now. The October (Fall) Caddis is in full hatch cycle. Lots of them emerging toward evening. Use a deep fished orange size 8 pupa pattern to get fun grabs close to shore. Even though you are seeing good numbers of adults flying around and laying eggs on the water late in the day, they are really not that available to the redsides because they “dab-lay” their eggs, only on the water for a split second. 

Patterns to have with you: BWO’s, 20’s, Net Spinning Caddis 16’s, Igloo Cased Caddis size 20,  Midge in size 20. Mahogany Duns size 16, October Caddis Pupa size 8, (weighted)      

Stay close to the banks and shady tree areas where you see foam lines when fishing spent Caddis dries, May fly duns, & May fly spinners. In the morning, stock fish in slow softer water below a riffle, and in back eddies, fish your Blue Wing Olive dries and emergers, & Midge pupa, Also don’t pass up those slack water areas inside current edges, and slow swirly white foam lines on those rocky steep bank runs.

Midday, fish fast water runs and pockets within those faster water types. Try some midsize attractor patterns, (8’s down to 14’s), on a two fly rig and an indicator to maybe pick up a fish or two before and after the “hopeful” midday hatch.

Switch flies often, unless of course your having success, and don’t forget to extend your tippet lengths to keep the fly drifting as long as you can, it will pay off.                      Get out there!

If you have Q’s, Please don’t hesitate to call, John, Nate, Joe, & Bruce will be glad to help!         (541) 395-2565,
See you later,
John Smeraglio
Deschutes Canyon Fly Shop
599 S. Hwy 197, Maupin, OR. 97037

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This Fishing Report was submitted on 3/28/2013 12:11:05 AM by Seamus and last updated on 3/28/2013 12:11:05 AM.


599 S Hwy 197
Maupin, OR US

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