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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 20 October 2023 🎣

 | By Seamus on 10/20/2023 3:52:19 AM | Views (381)
Recfishwest Newsletter
Fishing Report
In case you missed it, the Metro FADs fishing season has officially begun, with the deployment of four FADs off the Metro coast this week! The four most northern Metro FADs have gone in around 30 nautical miles off the coast out from Hillarys and Two Rocks in prime waters for dolphin fish, tuna and billfish. To see their coordinates and FADs fishing etiquette tips, check out our FADS webpage here. 
Our contributors
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Peter Fullarton
Sedin Hasanovic 
G'day <>,

Looking for a great family-friendly activity to dive into this weekend? Come on down and help Recfishwest hand-release hundreds of brown and rainbow trout into Drakesbrook Weir tomorrow, 21 October from 10am-1pm at Waroona Troutfest! It's a hands-on, inclusive event that allows mums, dads and kids to roll up their sleeves with a bunch of other fishing activities available to you including fly fishing tips and free rod hire. More Troutfest event details here. 

Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

We expected some solid Spanish mackies to be landed during the Accenture Mackerel 5000 recently in Dampier, but you can tell from the expressions of the onlookers in this photo that this 34.4kg monster was special! Easily one of the biggest we've seen in a long time and it will probably be a while until we see another mackie of this size weighed in at a comp. Kudos to the locals who kindly donated more than 60 Spanish mackerel heads to Recfishwest's Fishing for Science team. 

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Broome catches
Nothing like a PB mangrove jack to spice up your week! @celestemcdonald landed this bronze beauty this week among a rather inviting looking bunch of snags, where jacks will lie in wait before darting out to smash a stickbait or plastic flicked into the right area. Hot tip - weedless jig heads make it much easier to cast plastics deep into the tangle of branches while reducing your odds of getting snagged.  


Crab Creek and the Fingers were the best spots for threadfin salmon with live baits, prawns, vibes and deep divers accounting for good fish. Barramundi activity slowed in the creeks, but has improved greatly in the Fitzroy River. Spanish mackerel activity in Roebuck Bay has been hit and miss, but one angler encountered a big school of decent mackies not far off Entrance Point earlier in the week. Roebuck Bay also offered quite a few northern mulloway from the bommies around the 20m depth mark and tripletail have been taking prawn baits, soft plastics and small jerk baits around the moorings. Black marlin have been active but it was a fair way offshore, starting from about 60km out. The next week should see the calmest wind and swell conditions around the middle of the day although both Saturday and Sunday morning are looking inviting for the boaties. 


This has to be one of the biggest land-based barra's we've seen for a while! Hats off to @jayden_ieraci who experienced the thrill of hooking up to this 122cm chrome slab, which engulfed a surface lure only five metres from his feet. Fish of a lifetime! 

Town Beach Jetty was once again reliable for bream, trevally and queenfish, while bigger trevally and queenfish along with bluebone were caught from the Port Jetty and at Entrance Point. Windy conditions made getting a feed of whiting difficult from Cable Beach and Coconut Wells but Town Beach produced a few along with the odd blue-nosed salmon. The creeks were quieter, but Willie Creek held a few big mud crabs. Crab Creek was the pick of the creeks for shore fishers this week, producing small barramundi and blue-nosed salmon. Fitzroy River barramundi chasers remain very secretive about their spots but Telegraph Pool, Langi Crossing and the Cuttings have all produced fish, with the highlight definitely the monster barra caught on a Raptor Fizz Bait by Jayden Ieraci (seen above in our pic of the week). For the best tips and gear for your fishing expedition, make sure you visit the helpful pros at Tackle World Broome for advice and they will provide details on spots with the best access for a flick.
Exmouth catches
@broglefishogle got into some cracking tarpon action on the flats close to Exmouth and it's been a while since we've featured one of these silver specimens in our fishing report! They put up a great fight for their size. 


Inshore billfishing was rewarding with depths from 40m right out to 200m out west producing sailfish and black marlin, with a few blue marlin featuring in the deeper waters. Both trolled skirts and garfish baits worked well and the bycatch included plenty of dolphin fish and a few tuna and wahoo. Closer in Spanish mackerel were active along the reef line and bottom fishers did well on Rankin cod, red emperor and coral trout. Spanish mackerel catches were good at the Muirons along with sailfish, which favoured live baits. The islands also offered red emperor, blue-lined emperor and coral trout along with big golden and giant trevally but make sure you move around regularly to avoid the sharks and try free-spooling your reel and letting the pelagics outpace the jaws if the tax man is hot on their tail. The Gulf produced a few Spanish mackerel and school mackerel and queenfish have been about in good numbers. Along the shoals there were blue-lined emperor, spangled emperor and a few coral trout. Fly-fishers targeting the flats deep in the Gulf caught decent bluebone. Saturday and Sunday morning currently look best for the Exmouth boaties, with a swell of around 1.5m and light to moderate southerly winds. 

Kayli is seeing red! During the week Kayli @kayli.p scored her PB red emperor around 8-10kg offshore from Onslow on a Neap Tackle Bottom Dweller. It was a bit of a quiet trip to start with, but Kayli was absolutely stoked to land this beautiful fish and easily outfish the boys once again, well done Kayli! If you manage to catch any great fish around Onslow, Dampier or Port Hedland, we're happy to throw the pics into the report, so keep them coming! 


Learmonth Jetty continued to fish well for bream, whiting and squid along with queenfish, school mackerel and trevally. The odd Spanish mackerel was landed there as well, providing plenty of entertainment for fishers. At Bundegi, the boat ramp held a few squid, while small trevally, queenfish and school mackerel were still harassing the bait schools there. In the marina it was the usual mixed bag of mangrove jack, bream, cod and javelin fish along with squid from the outside rock wall. Up at the Lighthouse and Mildura Wreck bluebone and spangled emperor catches were good on both lures and baits. Tantabiddi offered spangled emperor, whiting, small queenfish and trevally. The mangrove jack activity picked up in Wapet Creek, where a bit of hard work has also produced delicious feeds of mud crabs. Big thanks to the great crew from Tackle World Exmouth for their tips! 
Kalbarri catches


There was a lot of baitfish activity offshore this past week, so trolling for tuna along the cliffs could be well worthwhile. Elsewhere, Jakes Beach offered decent whiting, while the sheltered areas around Red Bluff have been rather productive for squid. Locals have been enjoying improved crayfish captures although quite a few crays have been berried or tar-spotted, as to be expected early in the season. So make sure you handle them with care and they are returned to the drink quickly. The mornings are looking best if you're thinking of an early duck out before the wind makes it choppy from midday onwards this week. Saturday and Sunday morning should be calmest. 


Tailor fishing keeps getting better and the lower swells this week thankfully made it much easier. Wittecarra Creek produced plenty of decent choppers along with the odd metre-long mulloway. Better tailor came from Red Bluff along with pink snapper and a bust-off there was attributed to a big Spanish mackerel. Tuna bust-ups have also been seen from the shore in the bay at Jakes. The coastal gorges fished well for bigger tailor as well as pink snapper and Samson fish. Oyster Reef produced tailor on most days and inside the mouth of the Murchison River was a good spot for whiting. Chinamans held a few tailor as well and Wagoe fished superbly this week, producing mulloway, snapper, baldchin groper and big tailor. In the river, chopper tailor activity slowed down, but the Sand Spit produced decent whiting. Up river was quite productive with bream, cod and mulloway all caught often several kilometres inland. Mud crabs were still well spread throughout the system. Big thanks to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips as always!
Geraldton catches


Squid have been the main target for dinghy anglers around town but only a few reports of catches came in. The squid chasers were still being hassled by big pike snaffling their jigs. There was better news on the pelagic front with boats heading out towards the Abrolhos Islands coming across yellowfin tuna in the 10-15kg range, while waters not far off Drummonds Cove and Coronation Beach offered bonito and tuna. North of the Geraldton Port dinghy fishers hooked into what were believed to be school mackerel, but some pundits think they were small Spaniards. The moderate to strong southerly winds and 2m swell will stick around for most of this coming week, but there is thankfully a brief dip in the swell and wind expected tomorrow at midday and on Sunday morning if you're thinking of punching out. 


Drummonds Cove and heading northwards past Coronation Beach fished well for healthy tailor in the 35-50cm range, although the wind and weed was challenging at times. School mulloway have been among the tailor and a couple of good mulloway around the 15kg mark were also taken up that way. At Southgates and Tarcoola Beach tailor catches have been patchy, with many anglers having to wade out waist-deep to get past the weed, while the choppers were noticeably smaller. South of Flat Rocks down to Seven-Mile Beach 40-45cm tailor have been taken. Whiting fishing at Separation Point and Point Moore was a challenge, but patches of clear water were certainly worth a try and the north side of the marina has been worth a crack for squid. Big thanks to Geraldton Sports Centre for their report as always! 
Lancelin catches
Jayson Spencer @jspencer_fishing plucked this 1m+ mulloway from a lovely looking gutter off Lancelin this week. If you're looking for a good spot to soak a bait for these silver ghosts, look for sand that drops down sharply in the angle from the beach to the water as seen here from the rod holder to the water line. This is usually a good indicator that it deepens quite quickly and mulloway will tend to roam into these pockets where baitfish will gather. A lack of waves breaking also indicates a deeper pocket of water. 


Tuna schools have been widespread, with even surfers reporting seeing them smashing bait on the surface in the outer reef breaks. Lancelin Angling Club will be holding their inaugural ‘Tuna shootout’ this weekend, taking advantage of their abundance at this time of year as an alternative for club comps during the demersal ban periods. There are several interesting innovative club events this year, including some catch and cook ups back at the clubrooms. There’s been a good run of squid both within the bay and outside, especially over the seagrass meadows in 10-12m depths. The crays have been running well over the new moon, with catches likely to improve over the coming weeks once the hotly anticipated whites run kicks off. Saturday and Sunday are currently looking great on the forecast for ideal boating conditions, with a minimal wind and swell combining to make it glassy on the water. 


Tailor have not been in huge numbers, but are becoming a reliable proposition with at least a few fish coming from most sessions in the mornings and afternoons. There has been a big mix of sizes along the beaches, with chopper tailor around the 35-40cm mark and larger mulloway up to 25kg along the open beaches, while larger greenback tailor over 50cm and smaller school mulloway were found mostly in the whitewash of reefs and gutters. Dart have started to turn up early this year, which could be indicating a good summer season casting small lures to the wash for the little scrappers. Big thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips as always and make sure you check out his Tailored Treks fishing tours! 
Esperance catches
King George whiting have been in solid numbers recently, with land-based areas such as Bandy Creek Boat Harbour and Castletown Quays Beach offering plenty of the delicious species in decent sizes. Photo credit: @almcglashan. 


Cracking weather over the past week enabled crews to head out wide where they tangled with tuna around 15kg towards Long Island. Mondrain Island held plenty of nannygai, while queen snapper to 9kg have been caught at Douglas Patch. Good breaksea cod and harlequin fish have come from Sunday Patch and Leg of Lamb, while big Samson fish were caught at Bunbury Rock with smaller models coming from Black Island and Observatory Island. Snook and King George whiting were plentiful in Esperance Bay, while drifting anywhere throughout the bay also produced a feed of squid. The sand patches on the town side of Observatory Island was decent for sand whiting, while big flathead and good sand whiting have come from Wylie Bay. While the swell is relatively low this coming week, it's unfortunately going to become windy until at least Wednesday arvo, so the inshore areas are probably a better option. 


Thomas River produced mulloway to 80cm and gummy sharks averaging 7kg, along with skippy to 3kg and plenty of salmon among the bycatch. Bigger gummy sharks have been caught at Dunns Beach with plenty of salmon doing the rounds, while Rossiters Beach was productive for mulloway. Observatory and Fourth beaches have been the salmon hotspots closer to town, while skippy and big King George whiting have been caught at Bandy Creek Boat Harbour. Castletown Quays Beach offered King George whiting and flathead, while the Town Jetty held squid, herring and garfish. Bream to 43cm have been caught on soft plastics at Woody Lake, while bream have been taking both baits and lures at Stokes Inlet. Big thanks to Southern Sport & Tackle for their report as always! 

Great Southern catches
A prime example of fishing on the south coast done right. Wearing a lifejacket, tethering yourself to the rocks, fishing with a mate and a 60cm harlequin fish landed by Eli Mitter @elimitter. That's a cracking catch! 


The week began with three glamour days and crews that headed offshore were well rewarded. The coral grounds produced queen and pink snapper, nannygai, breaksea cod and dhufish, while offshore waters in 40m depths or so east of town at Two Peoples Bay and west at Bremer Bay and Cheynes Beach offered similar fare. On the continental shelf, nannygai, blue-eyed trevalla and hapuka were the order of the day. Tinny fishers who stayed in King George Sound had little trouble bagging out on squid and King George whiting around the 40cm mark with Frenchman Bay one of the better spots for KG's. The calmer conditions seen this morning should return on Sunday and Tuesday morning with a drop off in the wind and swell. 5am-11am on Sunday morning should hold a decent window. 


Shore fishing improved significantly, with beaches either side of town starting to produce herring, skippy, whiting and residential salmon. At Nanarup, droners have been chasing pink snapper and Samson fish with good results, while from the rocks east of Cheynes Beach saw queen snapper, skippy and Samson fish landed. Around West Cape Howe big harlequin fish, Samson fish and smallish pink snapper have been falling for big soft plastics, while crab baits have accounted for decent blue groper. East of town saw Parry Beach enjoy a good run of tailor. Mulloway remained elusive in the King and Kalgan rivers, but on warmer days bream fishing was rewarding. The warmer weather also produced good numbers of yellowfin whiting on the flats at Emu Point, while the Emu Point marina had a few small King George whiting, sand whiting herring and squid, as did the town marina. The rocks at Frenchman Bay also produced a few squid. Big thanks to the crew from Trailblazers in Albany for their tips!

South West catches
From little things big things grow and the crew from @2_oceans_tackle in Busselton jumped on the clever tactic of landing a few squid, throwing them on as live baits and turning them into reel-sizzling Samson fish. Given the glassy condtitions expected this weekend throughout the South-West, there should be plenty more squid getting around if you decide to give this tactic a go as Sambo's can't resist fresh squid.  


King George whiting fishing was hard work this week out of Bunbury, but those who persevered managed some big specimens. A much easier option was chasing the schools of tuna which have been hitting small metal slices. Most of the tuna were relatively close in and crews have been keeping an eye out for surface bust-ups and bird activity. There was plenty of Samson fish further out around the lumps and bommies, while dinghy anglers in Geographe Bay did well on squid, King George and sand whiting. There should be more great conditions expected this weekend with a glass off expected so get out there. 


Yellowfin whiting started to fire up on the Leschenault Estuary flats, with decent-sized fish greedily taking surface lures, especially on warmer days. The whiting were also keen on Eco Gear ZX Vibes, but these have been more difficult to fish with when there was weed around. For beach fishers, chopper tailor started to come to the party on both sides of town and herring have been in good numbers. South of town saw school mulloway and sand whiting have also started to improve. Back Beach and the Bunbury Cut offered herring and chopper tailor, while bream activity improved in the Collie River with mulloway also starting to stir. Busselton Jetty held quite a few herring and the squidding there was excellent as usual, with that trend expected to continue with the glassy conditions this weekend. Kudos to the crew from Whitey's Tackle for their tips!

Waroona Troutfest returns to Drakesbrook Weir tomorrow from 10am-1pm! Make sure you get there before 10am to make the most of hand-releasing hundreds of rainbow and brown trout because they are usually all released by the hundreds of people that come down within the first 45 minutes or so! 
Make sure you bring your family and friends down to Drakesbrook Weir tomorrow between 10am-1pm to help us release hundreds of brown and rainbow trout into their new homes! You can find more info about the Waroona Troutfest here. 

The bigger dams throughout the South-West all fished well for rainbow and brown trout, with fish being taken on flies and lures in the early mornings and on sunset at Harvey and Wellington dams. Redfin perch have been harder to find during the day as they tend to move deeper down and become lethargic as it warms, but most dams have produced them in the late afternoons and at first light. Bladed lures accounted for some big reddies. If you're coming down to Drakesbrook Weir tomorrow morning for Waroona Troutfest, Recfishwest will be offering free rod hire with hooks baited up with corn kernels if you want to have a crack at landing some trout. If you catch any great trout or redfin, make sure you message us a snap of the catch to our Instagram page @recfishwest. 
Mandurah and surrounds


Yellowfin whiting were a little bit fussy in the Peel-Harvey Estuary, but rising tides produced the hotter bites. It’s been a similar story for chopper tailor in the estuary as well, with the lack of tidal movement making the fish and clean water harder to find, but Point Grey has been one of the better tailor spots. Conditions are improving in the estuary and this week should fish better for both species. At the Dawesville Cut and Mandurah traffic bridges herring and chopper tailor catches have also been better on the high afternoon tides, while squid have also been landed at the Cut when the water was clear. The estuary end of the Cut produced small whiting in big numbers. King George whiting chasers have encountered fish averaging 50cm on the offshore lumps off Dawesville in 25-30m depths and beyond, while decent sand whiting were in great numbers inside the Five-Fathom Bank and along the weedy fringe inside the reef from Avalon heading northwards to James Service. That weedy fringe also offered plenty of squid and a few smaller KG's. Chunky tuna have also shown up at the Five-Fathom Bank. Back in the estuary system, bream catches have been decent in the Serpentine River and in the Murray River as far up as Ravenswood, and they have started to move back into the canals as well. Beach fishing on both sides of town picked up with chopper tailor very consistent, along with good numbers of herring and smallish sand whiting. Make sure you pay a visit to the great crew from Tackle World Miami for the best tips and gear! 


Warnbro and Cockburn Sounds, inside of Garden Island, Mangles Bay and Parmelia Bank are all fishing well for King George whiting and squid. Depth was not really a factor, it’s more a case of finding broken ground. The same locations also held decent sand whiting, skippy and herring. Tuna have been active on the Five-Fathom Bank and were taking a range of lures including small skirts, hard-bodies and metal slices. As for land-based fishing, tailor activity was good off the beach at Port Kennedy and Secret Harbour, with herring and whiting caught there throughout the day. School mulloway have been sighted swimming with the tailor schools, while outside of the closed snapper-spawning area, from Secret Harbour heading south, a few pink snapper have been in the mix. Long Point fished well for herring, chopper tailor and whiting, while flathead and flounder catches picked up there as well. Woodman Point and the Ammo Jetty held plenty of scalies and yellowtail, so it could be worth putting out a line for big mulloway while chasing tailor, herring, whiting and squid there. Rockingham and Palm Beach jetties produced a few chopper tailor in the evenings and herring and squid during the day. Point Peron and the Penguin Island Jetty have also been favourable land-based squidding options. Big thanks to Compleat Angler Rockingham for their tips!  
Perth catches
Jake Rotham @rothy_mate broke the ice for his first ever mulloway earlier this week and what a beauty it was, with this 1m+ silver specimen annihilating the 4-inch Paddle Tail plastic during a great arvo session on the Swan river. Nice work mate! 


King George whiting chasers have been doing well when using fresh squid baits in 40m depths around Rottnest Island and some big skippy have also come from the broken ground around there. Rotto's West End out towards the wrecks was also turning it on for pelagics, including amberjack around one metre, small Samson fish and the occasional yellowtail kingfish. Samson fish have been offshore from Mindarie and Hillarys along with a few skippy. Windmills continued to fish well, mainly for sand whiting and a few smaller King George whiting, while tailor trollers did well around Mewstones and Stragglers. The 15-20m depths of City Beach continued to produce sand whiting, while at South Fremantle squid and whiting catches have been good from the channel markers all the way down to Coogee. Trolling for chopper tailor has been productive in the lower and middle reaches of the Swan River around South Fremantle, Bicton and Point Walter. All of Saturday and early Sunday morning is looking beautiful on the water with minimal wind and swell likely to see a majority of the day a glass off on the water, but expect it to be choppy from Sunday arvo through to midday on Tuesday as the wind and swell picks back up again. 


The black bream activity took a healthy spike over the past week and the mussell vibe lures worked nicely, with @blake.liddelow landing this 1.28kg beauty near the Garrett Road bridge in Maylands. 

The Swan River fished very well for chopper tailor up to 45cm, with better spots including North Fremantle, Point Walter, Claremont, Point Resolution, Nedlands, Applecross Jetty, the Narrows, Canning Bridge and even the Causeway and the drop-offs at Burswood, so plenty of spots to choose from. The north side of the river apparently fished slightly better. Flathead catches improved in the Swan River and good fish around 40cm are being landed throughout the system, mainly on hard-bodied lures. Bream catches tapered off, but better reports came from Burswood in the deeper sections up river to Ascot and the Garratt Road Bridge. A few big mulloway were taken from Mosman Bay and the odd soapy was caught up river. At North Mole, unweighted mulies fished with glow sticks have been catching tailor and late in the week a couple pink snapper and a few chunky skippy were landed. Herring were caught at both moles during the day but burley was often needed to bring them around. Squid chasers have done best at South Mole and the Royal Perth Yacht Club walls further south. Beaches north of the river around Quinns produced decent tailor, while drone fishers managed the odd snapper. Tomorrow is looking fantastic for a land-based flick, with very relaxed winds and swell expected. Best of luck if you're heading out and big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Freo for their tips! 
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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper

Baldchin Groper
Baldchin Groper


Black Bream
Black Bream

Black Marlin
Black Marlin

Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin


Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod

Brown Trout
Brown Trout

Coral Trout
Coral Trout


Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish


Giant Trevally
Giant Trevally

Greater Amberjack
Greater Amberjack

Gummy Shark
Gummy Shark

This Fishing Report was submitted on 10/20/2023 3:52:19 AM by Seamus and last updated on 10/20/2023 4:30:53 AM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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