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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 15 December 2023 🎣

 | By Seamus on 12/15/2023 1:52:00 AM | Views (362)
Recfishwest Newsletter
Fishing Report
Demersal fishing open between Kalbarri and Augusta from tomorrow, 16 December until midnight, 31 January. 

The green light for fishing for demersals officially arrives tomorrow! As thousands of boaties are expected to be venturing to the ramps this weekend, make sure you are courteous to others and most importantly, treat these fish with respect and follow our advice in the video link below. 
Our contributors
Sam Bock
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Sedin Hasanovic 
Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

That's a lot of sashimi! The @peak_sportfishing crew didn't complain with this mighty bycatch between the blue marlin bites off Exmouth! 

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Check out the top 2023 fishing videos from WA's most popular online fishers! 

To wrap up 2023, we’ve reached out to some of WA’s most well-known fishers across YouTube and Instagram asking them to show us their favourite videos from this year, including Gideon Mettam, Chris Dixon, Saltfix, Fishin' Wishin and Jade Suzanne! 

The content they chose below showcases some of the year’s best fishing spots, catches and action from right across WA. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did – and make sure you subscribe and follow their pages for more great content like this!

Click here to check out their top picks which include some great fishing action! 

Broome catches
The best pal to have is one who can fly a helicopter. Check out @coitoutdoors living his best life in the beautiful Kimberley with this glimmering barra! 


Trevally have been caught from Roebuck Bay‘s lumps and bommies and on the edge of the Deeps, where there also have been fingermark. Northern mulloway were in good numbers around the bay’s ledges and drop-offs and they have also moved into the channels at the front end of Crab and Dampier creeks. Dampier Creek is no longer the bridesmaid and has offered better fishing than Crab Creek this past week, mainly because Crab Creek is full of jellyfish, although Little Crab Creek also produced good numbers of mud crabs, as did Willie Creek. Barramundi were in good sizes and numbers in Dampier Creek, with several fish over a metre landed along with plenty of solid fish around 80cm. Jackall Squirell and Samaki hard-bodies have been getting the job done. There are blue salmon in both creeks as well as odd threadfin salmon and queenfish. The stronger westerly to south-westerly winds are sticking around this week but there should still be sheltered areas for a flick. 


Barramundi have been biting on the night-time high tides at the Port Jetty with Nomad Squidtrex vibes and soft plastics working well on them. A few trevally have also been at the jetty in the evenings. The Town Beach Jetty had plenty of bream and was the pick of the whiting spots this week. Willie Creek offered mangrove jack, small barramundi and blue-nosed salmon, while Dampier Creek produced a few small barramundi. In the Fitzroy River, Willare Bridge and Telegraph Pool fished well for barramundi on both lures and live baits.

Big thanks to the crew from Tackle World Broome for their tips! Make sure you pay them a visit for the best gear and advice for your next fishing trip. 
Exmouth catches
One of the @ningalooflyfishing crew had a day off guiding so took his next door neighbor Blair Sewell permit fishing for a few hours. Blair ended up catching his second ever permit on fly at the front of the boat. Top conditions for a hard-fighting species. 


It was a very busy week for the boaties in town. Exmouth Game Fishing Club’s Heavy Tackle Tournament was a big success, drawing a field of more than 30 boats. The Send’n’Bend crew took home the chocolates with a tally of seven fish. Despite the glassy conditions on Saturday and Sunday, most fish were caught on the opening day with when conditions were very rough. Plenty of blue marlin over 100kg were landed along with half a dozen blacks and about eight striped marlin. It's worth noting a 400kg black marlin was tagged this week which is an exceptional effort. Deep droppers also made the most of the weekend’s glamour conditions and found big ruby snapper in the 250-300m depths. On the way back many crews caught good numbers of goldband snapper in 80-150m depths. A few coral trout have come from the back of the Ningaloo Reef, along with cod, bluebone and blue-lined emperor. Squid baits have worked well on the bluebone. At Helby Bank, Spanish mackerel have been in good numbers. The Muirons produced 20kg-plus Spanish mackerel and quite a few cobia and at the back of the northern side in 55m depths red emperor have been plentiful. Spanish mackerel were also caught off the northern tip of the Gulf. Cobia have also pushed into the Gulf and have been in good numbers at Camplin and Cooper shoals. Big schools of gold-spot trevally were encountered in 17-20m depths with six-inch soft plastics fished on a one-ounce jig head proving effective on them. Tuna have also been encountered around bait balls but they have been skittish and not of great size, while blue-lined emperor catches have been reasonable. Crews have had to work harder for a feed of squid, while down towards the Bay of Rest fly-fishers on the offshore flats have caught bluebone and tuskfish. The stronger south-westerly winds are sticking around this week but the mornings are looking best for fishing. 


The Bundegi flats have fished very well for queenfish with plenty nudging the metre mark. Most anglers targeting them have been throwing metal slices for distance then switching to slow-sinking stickbaits when the fish are closer in. Decent trevally have been mixed in with the queenfish. Whiting have been caught in good numbers on prawn baits at Town Beach and the golf course beach where they have shown a liking for small surface lures. At Learmonth, bream and mangrove jack have been hanging around the jetty, while the Town Marina held bream and small cod and queenfish. Spangled emperor were in good numbers at the tip of the Gulf but the trick has been to set up a burley trail, perhaps sacrificing half a block of mulies, to get them interested. Strong winds have ruled out most fishing at Tantabiddi.

These great tips were courtesy of the friendly team at Tackle World Exmouth. Swing by their store for the best advice and gear ahead of your next trip! 
Kalbarri catches
Shimano ambassador @nickihuntfishing has made the most of the demersal ban by catching some delicious squid recently, but come Saturday she'll be back out dropping lines to the bottom! 


Warmer and clearer water and plenty of baitfish have fired up tuna on both sides of town. A decent tuna was taken further out at Baldface but there have also been quite a few tuna on the Three-Mile Reef. Crayfishing has been slow going around town but crays have been plentiful at Horrocks. The wind is a bit all over the place for the re-opening of the demersal season kicking off tomorrow but some good windows should appear over the mornings this week. 


Tailor continue to be the main catch at Red Bluff and Wittecarra Creek which also held good numbers of dart and the odd pink snapper. At the river mouth near Chinamans big tailor, some nudging 70cm, have been smashing Halco Roosta poppers. Big tailor have also been reported from Frustrations and Oyster reefs. Fishing in the Murchison River has been steady with yellowfin whiting at the Sand Spit and chopper tailor in the evenings at the Town Marina. Up river there have been big numbers of bream, with quite a few around the 35cm mark. Mud crabs are still being caught in the river along with a few blue swimmer crabs.  

Kudos to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips! Feel free to venture into his store to ask for advice if you're wetting a line around Kalbarri!
Geraldton catches
@vinrush has been chasing a beasty black spotted tuskfish on the spear for years and managed to find this 12.2kg whopper in the Abrolhos Islands thanks to the summer currents moving down! That's a proper stonker. 


While bigger boats have been preparing for the opening of the demersal season this weekend, squid chasers have enjoyed good conditions and plenty of action in front of the Batavia Coast Marina and from Separation Point to Pages Beach. They have also been using burley and catching big herring and a few pike. While the weather this weekend doesn't line up perfectly for the demersal green light, Tuesday afternoon onwards into next week is looking very inviting for the boats.


Coronations Beach offered excellent tailor fishing from the north and south ends and also good mixed bags of school mulloway, dart, herring, pike and whiting. Drummonds Cove produced tailor, herring and pike in the evenings and reef walkers there have caught bigger tailor, along with herring and pike in the mornings. A pink snapper around 65cm was landed within the bay at Drummonds Cove a few days back. Squid have come from the disabled platform at the Batavia Coast Marina, which also offered blue swimmer crabs, while the stretch along Chapman Road produced tailor, pike and herring. The groynes near Town Beach fished well for tailor, herring, whiting and pike, while the back of the breakwater held small tailor and reasonable whiting. Tarcoola Beach was reliable for tailor up to 55cm, while the reef at Southgates also held good numbers of tailor. The first and second points at Greenough offered tailor, herring and pike.

Thanks to the team at Geraldton Sports Centre for their tips! They will happily provide you with great gear and the solid advice for your next fishing trip. 
Lancelin catches


The white cray run finished after the lobster have moved out to the shelf very quickly last week during a period of big seas. Larger boats have been holding off wetting a line until the opening of the demersal season this weekend, which should see plenty of excited fishers heading out. Small boats and kayaks have fished the bays sheltered waters mostly for herring, skippy or King George whiting, with some big sizes doing the rounds. There should be a window tomorrow morning to duck out in the boat with a moderate easterly wind accompanying a 2m swell. The stronger winds will be kicking in throughout the afternoons over the coming days. Wednesday and Thursday next week also look great for the boats at this stage. 


Summer chopper tailor to 45cm have been caught along most of the beaches as the sun sets and rises. Small whaler sharks have been caught mostly after sunset. The jetty tends to have a pool of dirty water on the morning low tides, clearing in the afternoon highs and fishing well for herring and tailor in the evenings. As for bread and butter species, the gutters up in the bombing range have been the best spot to find a few herring and dart. Otherwise, Eddies Island has been the spot to catch a few herring off the sand by flicking out a 15g twisty, which always does the job and avoids the blowfish.

A big Recfishwest thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips on what's biting around Lancelin each week! If you want Peter to put you on to the fish directly, make sure you check out his Tailored Treks Tours page. Always a great time and Peter knows the best spots around Lancelin like the back of his hand. 
Esperance catches


Good numbers of nannygai have come from Boxer Island, while Sunk Rocks offered breaksea cod and queen snapper. Samson fish have been caught at Douglas Patch and big blue groper and harlequin fish have come from behind Charley Island. Small tuna have been caught around Long Island and behind Charley and Cull islands. Esperance Bay and Cook Rocks produced big squid. Plenty of sand whiting have come from Fourth Beach and Wylie Bay, while King George whiting have also come from Wylie Bay and out in front of Bandy Creek Boat Harbour. O’Brien’s is sheltered from the south-easterly winds and has been producing decent King George whiting. Tomorrow morning should see the calmest easterly winds for the next week before they are expected to spike from midday along with the swell. 


Thomas River held lots of 4kg mulloway which have been active right on high tide and taking fresh squid baits. Alexander Bay was good for gummy sharks and salmon, while Dunns Beach offered big skippy and salmon. Mulloway around 70cm have been on the chew bang on high tide at 14-Mile Beach, while the beach on the commercial side of Bandy Creek Boat Harbour held good numbers of King George whiting which have favoured coral prawns. Squid have been active at the Town Jetty, mainly early in the mornings and garfish have shown up there too. Fourth Beach produced tailor and salmon and the Taylor Street Jetty rock wall was good for herring, especially when the grain ships are being loaded and free burley is being spread across the bay. Bream up to 43cm are taking lures and baits at Woody Lake and Stokes Inlet.  

Hats off to the very knowledgeable team at Southern Sports & Tackle for their tips! These guys love their fishing as well, so make sure you swing by their store for the best gear and advice before wetting a line around Esperance. 

Great Southern catches
Yellowtail kingfish can be like blowies on the south coast to keen fishers like @dixonsfishing except they taste great, fight much better and aren't as ugly as a mule. 


Slim pickings this week due to the weather. Most boats have been restricted to King George Sound which produced the usual fare of King George whiting and squid. Reports of blue swimmer crabs and yellowfin whiting have come from Oyster Harbour. The conditions today were great but this weekend and next week will see the stronger winds and swell return. Tomorrow morning could hold a nice window. 


When the swells have been down rock fishers who have found a bit of shelter have caught skippy, harlequin fish, breaksea cod and sweep. Squid have been caught at Emu Point, Frenchman Bay, the town marina and from the rocks at Whale World. The town marina also held a few herring and small skippy, while herring and juvenile salmon have been caught at Emu Point and the odd small King George whiting has been landed at Frenchman Bay. Bream were landed in the King and Kalgan rivers and a decent mulloway was landed at the Lower King Bridge earlier this week. King George whiting and herring have been caught from beaches close to Denmark, while the Denmark River has produced a few bream.

Kudos to the Trailblazers Albany crew for their tips this week! Swing by their store if you're after some top gear and advice ahead of your next fishing trip. 

South West catches
The @2_oceans_tackle crew scratched the Sambo itch recently and had a sunrise jig off our South-West, a great way to warm the arms up for the incoming demersal season opening on Saturday! 


White crayfish have marched out to deeper water, where potters and divers are getting them in reasonable numbers. Closer in, reds have been about but it has been harder work getting a feed. Boaties have been doing reasonably well on crabs in the Leschenault estuary and they have also come across good numbers of tailor and herring. Geographe Bay has been reliable for squid and King George whiting. Blue swimmers have been caught in 2-3m depths out from Busselton and school mulloway around the metre mark have come from the Capes around Yallingup. It should be very nice on the water tomorrow morning and the swell is very low this week, so best of luck if you're heading out for demersals! 


Yellowfin whiting catches were excellent in the Leschenault estuary with the fish widespread. There have also been plenty of herring and chopper tailor caught by anglers targeting them from the drop-offs and as a bycatch for whiting fishers. The Bunbury Cut fished well for herring and chopper tailor, while the Collie River offered soapy mulloway and a few bream. Decent-sized tailor, herring and yellowfin whiting have been caught at Back Beach, while the stretch from Buffalo to Preston has been relatively quiet with chopper tailor the main catches, though with the new moon just past, mulloway could be a chance. Squid have been in good numbers off Busselton Jetty, along with herring, while Dalyellup fished well for herring and chopper tailor. Geographe Bay held good numbers of yellowfin whiting, and skippy and breaksea cod have been caught off the rocks at Augusta. In the Blackwood River bream have been active at Alexandra Bridge and Molloy Island.

Big cheers to Whitey's Tackle & Camping for their top fishing tips as always! If you're in Australind or Bunbury and are keen to wet a line throughout our South-West make sure you ask their very friendly team who love their fishing for advice and stock up on gear at their store. If you're in Busselton, the 2 Oceans Tackle team are also incredibly helpful. 

There are still plenty of big, beautiful trout doing the rounds in our South-West as @dready_krueger discovered this week and we also saw proof of a 49cm monster of a redfin perch landed as well. If you manage to crack the magical 50cm mark for a redfin perch, make sure you send in the snap holding the fish with the water behind you as it will surely take out pic of the week! 
Harvey Dam and the dams around Waroona have held small rainbow trout, the odd small brown trout and plenty of redfin perch, although they too are on the small side. Some of the better trout fishing has been in the small feeder streams and run-out creeks from the dams, often in quite shallow areas. Stealth is required though as the fish are easily spooked. Soft plastics such as Zman Grubz have worked well on trout, motor oil for deeper sections and brighter colours in the skinny water. Collie River held rainbow trout and better-sized perch, with Honeymoon Pool a good starting point. For big redfin perch, some almost 50cm, any of the waterways around the Pemberton region have been reliable and small brown and rainbow trout have come from the Gloucester Road Bridge and at the mouth of Lefroy Brook.
Mandurah and surrounds
If you're heading out for a demersal fish tomorrow off Mandurah, maybe venture out to the FADs while you're out there because they were firing this week! Zac Sutherland @zacsworld.base landed this nice dolphinfish and apparently there have been plenty sighted. Mandurah FADs coordinates can be found here. 


Yellowfin whiting fishing has been red-hot and the fish are widespread throughout the estuary system and were aggressive, hitting TT SwitchPrawn vibes and surface lures such as Bassday Suga Pens. Surprisingly, a couple of garfish have snaffled surface lures meant for yellowfin whiting and whiting chasers using vibes have picked up the odd decent flounder. The crabbing season has also started well with many more legal size crabs about than usual for this time of year. For scoopers, good hauls have come from the Yunderup area. Tailor and herring have been in big numbers and are being caught by shore anglers fishing the drop-offs or by boaties trolling or anchoring near the channels. Surface lures such as Bassday Suga Pens and Shimano Flash Boosts have worked well on both species. Bream have also been seen in the estuary canals. Offshore, tuna have been caught in 15-20m depths and further out Spanish mackerel have been seen jumping. There have been plenty of baitfish around the FADS so a trip out to the 90m line could get a result. Inshore, sand whiting have been caught in reasonable numbers. White crayfish seem to have headed out to the 40-50m depths but there are still reds closer in. Even shore-based divers have found a few in 2-3m depths out from Avalon and Falcon and quite a few boats in close have caught tailor and skippy in between pulling their pots. There has been plenty of clean water flowing into the Dawesville Cut, attracting good numbers of squid to the estuary end, while tailor have been caught under the lights at night. The Mandurah traffic bridges have also held a few small chopper tailor. Beach fishing has been quiet with herring and a few chopper tailor the main catches. Better tailor have been caught at White Hills at times and Madora Bay has been consistent for chopper tailor. Saturday morning until about 11am is looking best for both boat and land-based fishing around town. 

Thinking of wetting a line around Mandurah? These great tips were courtesy of the super friendly and helpful team at Tackle World Miami so make sure you swing by their store for the best tips and gear before your next fishing trip! 


Crayfish, squid and whiting activity has slowed a fair bit but Cockburn Sound and Mangles Bay have been fairly reliable for squid. Decent King George whiting have been caught around Garden Island and skippy have been on the Five-Fathom Bank. Parmelia Bank offered sand whiting. As for land-based fishing, tailor around the 40cm mark have been caught in good numbers in the evenings at Port Kennedy and Secret Harbour beaches and at Long Point. The beaches also saw school mulloway either side of a metre landed in reasonable numbers and a big mulloway of 1.2m was landed after dark on Tuesday. Woodman Point and the Ammo Jetty held small tailor, herring and a few squid and Woodman Point has also produced some nice flathead. Flounder and flathead also started to appear at the Penguin Island Spit and sand whiting and herring have been among the tailor at Long Point. Point Peron has also held tailor, a few skippy and some squid. Both mornings are your best bet this weekend. 

These great fishing tips were provided by the great team at Compleat Angler & Camping World in Rockingham, so make sure you chat to their experienced crew in store and stock up before heading out!
Perth catches
They might have a face only a mother can love but there has been plenty of love between Swan River fishers and flathead over the past few weeks. @hanyeoh13 got into the action recently chasing these ambush predators in the shallows. 


King George whiting have been at Rottnest, the Windmills and also the Three-Mile Reef. Big schools of decent-sized tuna have been active in 40m depths south of Rottnest and plenty of dolphinfish have been spotted at the southern FADs in 70m, but they have been reluctant to bite. Several have been landed on poppers though, which seems to be razzing them up. Around the wrecks near Rottnest in 100m depths there were Samson fish lurking about 20m under the boats with some bigger ones that have proved unstoppable. Sand whiting catches have been good inshore and herring have been in big numbers. Good skippy were taken from the Gage Roads channel on Jigpara and Palms micro jigs. Tailor numbers around Mewstones and Stragglers have tapered off a little, but heaps of herring have turned up instead. Waters between Gage Roads and the Fremantle Sailing Club fished well for squid in the 9m depths. In the lower and middle reaches of the Swan River trolling for chopper tailor has been worthwhile, while drop netters have done well on blue swimmer crabs at Blackwall Reach, Mosman Bay, the channel near the old Swan Brewery and at Deep Water Point in the Canning River. Best of luck if you're heading out for a demersal fish this wekeend! Both mornings should be relatively flat but expect the southerly winds to swing in by midday. Remember to be courteous to others at the ramps and the FADs are also firing nicely on the water. For the best stewardship tips when fishing for demersals this weekend, check out our latest video here with great advice from Recfishwest's Matt Gillett.  


There have been fewer scaly mackerel in Fremantle Harbour but plenty of yellowtail scad were snaffling sabiki rigs after dark. Bigger predators have been hard to find though. Good tailor catches have come from the rock walls along Capo D’Orlando Drive and at South Beach, especially after dark. Herring have been at North Mole and an hour either side of sunset the mole has fished well for tailor and the odd decent skippy has been landed there as well. At South Mole herring and squid catches have been reasonable. Good squid and a few cuttlefish have been caught from the rocks at the Fremantle Yacht Club. City Beach and Floreat have fished well for herring and chopper tailor, while bigger tailor have been caught from Quinns Rocks and further north. In the Swan River chopper tailor are in good numbers from Fremantle Harbour up to the Narrows, while East Fremantle has fished well for yellowfin whiting at times but the warmer weather seems to fire them up more. Flathead and flounder are still in very good numbers in the lower reaches, with Rocky Bay, Point Walter, Claremont and East Fremantle among the better spots. The odd cobbler has also been caught by flathead chasers using jigs and soft plastics. The Canning River fished well for bream as far up as Riverton but they have become scarcer in the middle and upper reaches of the Swan, where the big schools of baitfish seemed to have thinned out. A few soapy mulloway have come from Burswood, Ascot and Maylands, and bigger mulloway have been among the tailor schools at Canning Bridge. Both mornings are looking best for a land-based flick this weekend and some strong easterlies are expected next week. 

A big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Fremantle for their great tips! These guys love their fishing just as much as we all do, so make sure you ask their super friendly team for advice and stock up before wetting a line off the land or boat! 
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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper


Black Marlin
Black Marlin

Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin


Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod

Brown Trout
Brown Trout


Coral Trout
Coral Trout

Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish


Fourfinger Threadfin
Fourfinger Threadfin

Gummy Shark
Gummy Shark


Mangrove Red Snapper
Mangrove Red Snapper




This Fishing Report was submitted on 12/15/2023 1:52:00 AM by Seamus and last updated on 12/15/2023 5:25:59 AM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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