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Recfishwest's State-wide Fishing Report 20 December 2024 🎣

 | By Seamus on 12/19/2024 10:35:11 PM | Views (560)
Recfishwest Newsletter
Fishing Report

We hope our last fishing report for 2024 brings you good luck and bent rods! Enjoy safe fishing with your friends and family during the Christmas and New Year break and our next fishing report will be hitting your inbox on Friday, January 3rd! 

Our contributors
Sam Bock
Sam Russell
Jarrad Lawford
Sedin Hasanovic 
Want to know the best tips for taking great fish photos and also on how to handle fish out of the water? We've got you covered with our responsible fish handling and photography tips page. The page gives a perfect explanation on the types of images we love to use in our weekly Fishing Report and why. 

If you've got a cracking fish photo you want to send in, remember to keep sending us your catches by tagging #recfishwest in your online posts! You can also follow and private message your catches to our Instagram page @recfishwest and make sure you let us know where and how you caught it!  

Keep up to date with events, clinics, news and amazing catches across WA by following our Instagram page @recfishwest and give our Recfishwest Facebook page a like!

For your photos to appear in the weekly fishing report, please make sure they reflect our responsible fish handling practices (so fish held horizontally, no blood, hand under the belly, no fingers in gills, etc), just like the images below.

If you're planning to head out this week, stay safe, take plenty of photos and have fun! 

William Bennett


Pic of the Week!

How's this for a cracking sailfish action shot from @kwillo89 up in Exmouth aboard with @peak_sportfishing! The billfishing has been electric over the past few weeks so make sure you get out there and start trolling. 

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Broome catches
That's a hefty barra! Nick Allen, a long-term Lake Kununurra Barramundi Stocking Group (LKBSG) member, caught the monster estimated at around 35kg on a Irukandji Sicario 5" Monarch soft plastic before releasing the fish back into the lake. It's great to see anglers reaping the benefits of the long-term stocking program that has stocked more than 1.5 million barra into Lake Kunurra since 2013.


Neap tides have been favourable for fishing in Roebuck Bay with good numbers of threadfin salmon to 90cm being caught at the Fingers. Barramundi fishing at Crab and Dampier creeks should improve with the smaller tides. These creeks have offered a few mud crabs, while the moorings in the bay have thrown up a few tripletail. No one has been heading offshore due to the stronger winds and there are some moderate south-westerly winds sticking around this weekend, but some brief calmer windows may open up around midday and in the afternoons just before Christmas. 


Town Beach Jetty has been inconsistent but has produced small queenfish and trevally at times. With the small tides, barramundi are a chance there at night. At Entrance Point better queenfish and trevally have been landed. Rain has made access to Willie and Barred Creek difficult and there have been no reports from these locations. The Fitzroy River has started to flow but it is full of mud and debris and the fishing has been much quieter than normal.

Big thanks to the crew from Tackle World Broome for their tips! Make sure you pay them a visit for the best gear and advice for your next fishing trip. 
Exmouth catches
Some incredible colours on this big blue marlin landed by @crookmatty_ earlier this week. There have been fantastic blue marlin captures over the past fortnight, tis the season! 


Recent rain has made Exmouth Gulf waters a little murky and clear patches have been hard to find, especially towards the islands. To combat this most crews have opted to use baits or vibes and both of which have worked well on the shoals for blue-lined emperor, Chinaman cod, coral trout and small Rankin cod. A few small Spanish mackerel have turned up as well, along with school and shark mackerel. Squid have been much harder to find but with all the nutrients flowing into the Gulf, blue swimmer crabs and mud crabs should be up and about in a few days time. At the Muirons, divers who found clear water have gone home with crayfish for Christmas, while stickbaits and poppers thrown over the top of reefs have produced Spanish mackerel. There have been some very big coral trout caught at the islands with most fish averaging 65cm and many locals are saying it’s been the best season for trout they can remember. Rankin cod and red emperor have been landed at the islands as well, especially in 40-45m depths. Billfishing has been superb on the west side in 500m-plus depths, where landing five or six blue marlin a day has been standard fare. In 400-600m depths black marlin have been abundant and one boat enjoyed the billfish grand slam of blue, black and striped marlin, along with a sailfish. Big yellowfin tuna continue to be among the blue marlin bycatch, while in 250-400m wahoo and dolphinfish have been landed. A crew bottom fishing in 150m north of Helby Bank came across a school of pink snapper and also caught pearl perch and big cod, while plenty of goldband snapper have been taken in similar depths well south of Tantabiddi. On Helby Bank brassy and giant trevally have been hitting stickbaits and a few cobia have been about. Boats fishing right in close have caught Spanish mackerel, queenfish and small giant trevally, along with spangled emperor and Chinaman cod. The next few days look best with the calmer south-westerly winds before the southerlies and swell pick up from Christmas so get out there now. 

A beauty of a yellowfin captured by 12-year old Nash from Broome alongside the @peak_sportfishing crew who provided the youngster with a pelagic and billfish session he'll remember for a lifetime!


Finding clear water has been key to getting among the hordes of hungry whiting that have been on the chew in the Gulf. Walking along any beach to spot the clearer patches while flicking small prawn baits into waist-high water has proven successful with fish plentiful. At Learmonth Jetty a few school mackerel have been landed, while good flathead have been taken at the mouth of Wapet Creek. At the Bundegi boat ramp queenfish and small trevally have been feeding on hardyhead schools, while the town marina has held bream, cod and small queenfish and trevally. It has been worth fishing the outside of the marina wall where a couple of bigger queenfish have been caught on stickbaits and live baits. Those prepared to battle the heat and flies and make the uncomfortable trip towards the tip of the Cape have found spangled emperor, lots of queenfish and a few bluebone at VLF Bay, Oysters, Mildura Wreck and the Lighthouse. At Tantabiddi, small cobia, cod and spangled emperor have been landed.

These great tips were courtesy of the friendly team at Tackle World Exmouth. Swing by their store for the best advice and gear ahead of your next trip! 


Shout out to one of our Business Supporters - Australia Wide Marine Servicing, an Elite Suzuki Marine dealer that specialises in new Suzuki Outboard repowers, Suzuki service, and genuine spare parts.

Located in Karratha, they have extensive experience across all major brands with their servicing, which includes inboard, outboard, sterndrive and petrol and diesel engines. Make sure you reach out to these guys for expert advice and peace of mind out on the water. 

If you want to sign up as a Recfishwest Business Supporter and receive vast advertising benefits through all of the Recfishwest channels, click here!
Kalbarri catches
@nickihuntfishing's Shimano Saragosa 14000 made easy work of this shovelnose in the shallows this week, taking a quick snap before gently letting this great fish go to fight another day. 


Big swells ruled out demersal activity early this week but late last week when conditions were ideal, those chasing pelagic species found bait schools in abundance and had several solid strikes and a couple of bite-offs at the Sand Patch and in close at the south end of the cliffs. Crayfish catches have tapered right off with many happy to leave their pots out for now. Last week saw one or two boats sneak out and fish in close near Red Bluff, targeting yellowfin whiting successfully. Both Sunday and Monday look great on the forecast. 


The Red Bluff to Wittecarra stretch has been firing for tailor around the 50cm mark, especially first thing in the morning. Big herring and some decent dart have been among the bycatch. Young lads fishing from the cliffs late last week when the swells were down found big tailor, baldchin groper and pink snapper at Goats Gulch and Pot Alley (make sure you wear lifejackets if doing this). Big tailor have been taken at Wagoe where there has been plenty of working-bird activity, but the strong southerlies there have ruled out sending out a balloon. At Frustrations tailor and school mulloway have been landed, while bigger mulloway were encountered by quad-bike fishers further north. Chinamans has produced tailor action for fishers casting poppers. In the Murchison River blue swimmer crabs and mud crabs have been active, good bream have been found up river and the Sand Spit has offered a few yellowfin whiting.

Shout out to Dean from Kalbarri Sports and Dive for his tips! Feel free to venture into his store to ask for advice if you're wetting a line around Kalbarri!
Geraldton catches


Strong southerlies and big swells have ruled out the first few days of the demersal season. Inshore, a few squid have popped up at Point Moore, Separation Point and St Georges, while before the swells picked up crayfishers shored up Christmas supplies after setting their pots in 40-50m depths. There might be a couple of okay windows from midday on Sunday through to Monday morning albeit with a swell above 2m, so take caution. 


Tailor catches have been good at Southgates and the Greenough River mouth and before the wind and swell got gnarly drone fishers south of Greenough River picked up pink snapper and dhufish. Towards Dongara, tailor have been plentiful and some good mulloway were taken down that way when the moon was full. Back at Greenough River mouth pike were swimming with the tailor schools, while small chopper tailor have been caught behind the Lives. The groyne north of the Batavia Coast Marina has offered pike and herring and the odd big tailor to 50cm, while at Tarcoola there have been a few tailor and the odd school mulloway. A few garfish have been caught at Drummond Cove but blowfish numbers there have been terrible. Blowies have also thwarted young bream and cod chasers at the town rock groynes, making short work of their soft plastics. Whiting catches around town have been patchy.

Thanks to the team at Geraldton Sports Centre for their tips! They will happily provide you with great gear and the solid advice for your next fishing trip. 
Lancelin catches
Charles and his mates headed out with Peter Fullarton on his Tailored Treks and landed a bunch of nice tailor up to 52cm when the wind decided to calm down. 


There was a second big push of whites with many reporting 20-30 crays per pot. Recent swell and wind has frustrated lobster fishers and it can be tempting to make the call to go to sea knowing the pots are full when the weather conditions are rough, but we strongly recommend to stay on land and check them when the weather is ideal for the safety of yourself, your crew, and Lancelin Sea Rescue. There is not much to report for the opening of the demersal season unfortunately as the weather has been too hardcore. The conditions look better at the moment with lower swell and the easterly winds should drop out for a short window in the mornings. The forecast on Monday to catch a few fish looks great in time for Christmas. A school of yellowtail kingfish has been teasing anglers in the white wash alongside the leads channel throughout the week, with only the occasional opportunity when the swell was low late last week to sneak in close enough to send out a cast, where lures were pack attacked by 60-70cm fish. 


Tailor catches kicked off in time for the holidays with a run of 45-50cm+ fish. The bite times have been unusual, with fish coming on mid-morning. Warmer waters have seen more tropical species with guitar fish a bycatch during the week, while northwest blowies and sharks have been annoying tailor fishers. Drone fishers have been absent during the strong winds but with more favourable conditions, snapper catches should pick up considering the recent rough weather. 

Big thanks to Peter Fullarton for his tips on what's biting around Lancelin each week! If you want Peter to put you on to the fish directly, make sure you check out his Tailored Treks Tours page. Always a great time and Peter knows the best spots around Lancelin like the back of his hand. 
Esperance catches
Christmas food shopping sorted for @lachy_warren off Esperance this week! It's always incredible fun when these hard-fighting pelagics rise to smash anything on the surface. 


Tuna have been plentiful at Davey Island, while big nannygai and Samsonfish to 30kg have been landed at Water Witch. Baynes Reef and Red Island have been consistent for pink snapper and dhufish, while breaksea cod and harlequin fish have been landed at Figure of Eight and Long Islands. Off Chapman Point, the 10m depths have fired for big sand whiting, while good numbers of King George whiting have been hanging around the edge of the weed at Lovers Cove. Squid have been in good numbers at Cook Rocks and Flat Rock, while Esperance Bay has held herring and snook. These howling easterlies will make it rough on the water so it would be best to stay in close or find shelter. 


@jesse.smithson tested out his new drone outside of town on sunset and it produced the goods, with this healthy bronzie coming ashore after a solid battle. 

Wind conditions have been very kind for beach fishers so far this summer, leading to some excellent catches. Israelite Bay has produced mulloway to a metre and small gummy sharks, while Thomas River has held lots of gummy sharks, big skippy and mulloway to 80cm. It’s recommended fishers there check their baits often as sand crabs have been thick. Alexander Bay has held good salmon and sizeable skippy, while Stockyards has some good gutters which have yielded flathead, sand whiting and tarwhine. Roses and Warrenup beaches have held gummy sharks and salmon, while at Munglinup there have been plenty of gummy sharks around 5kg. Town Jetty and the Taylor Street Jetty have fished well for big herring and squid, while the town foreshore and Bandy Creek Boat harbour have offered King George whiting in good numbers. At Woody Lake bream to 45cm have been landed. 
Hats off to the very knowledgeable team at Southern Sports & Tackle for their tips! These guys love their fishing as well, so make sure you swing by their store for the best gear and advice before wetting a line around Esperance. 

Great Southern catches
This lovely dhuie landed by @baydenwaldock off Augusta kick started his demersal fishing season! For the best tips on how to play your part for demersals while also getting the most out of your catch, check out our three-minute video here


Howling easterlies have shut down pretty much all fishing, even in the harbours, and they look to prevail up until Christmas. When conditions eventually ease, it’s likely King George Sound will offer its usual fare of squid and King George whiting and it could also be worth dropping a few nets in Princess Royal Harbour for blue swimmer crabs. Late on Monday and early on Christmas morning may hold better conditions. 


The town marina has offered respite from the wind and produced herring, squid and small skippy among the numerous pickers. Frenchman Bay has also been sheltered to some extent and has offered small King George whiting, skippy, herring and squid. Bream have been in the King and Kalgan rivers along with the odd small mulloway. Scoopers often do well on blue swimmer crabs around this time of year.

Cheers to the Trailblazers Albany crew for their tips this week! Swing by their store if you're after some top gear and advice ahead of your next fishing trip. Remember, you'll also catch just as many fish off the beaches than the rocks and it is always much safer to go with this option on the south coast. 

South-West catches
With some hot days on the forecast for the South-West over the coming week the flats are only going to fire up even more for yellowfin whiting on the surface, so get out there like @harry_fowler_fishing did this week and make the most of it. 


Most demersal chasers headed out from Geographe Bay rather than Bunbury because it offered more shelter in the challenging conditions. Dhufish catches dominated, with quite a few 15kg models landed. Around Bunbury, pot pullers have got their Christmas cray stocks up but make sure you're checking the pots when the conditions are ideal and don't brave the rough weather as this is very dangerous. Crabbers have been working hard in the Leschanault Estuary and most crews have got a feed after a few hours, but the sizes have been nothing special and quite a few have been empty. The estuary has also fished well for chopper tailor with quite a few fish now nudging the 40cm mark. Inshore waters of Geographe Bay have produced a few squid and King George whiting. Sunday afternoon through to Monday at midday look best for the boats. 


The Leschenault Estuary has been firing for yellowfin whiting, both at the back and front of the system, and numbers and sizes have been excellent. Eco Gear ZX and TT SwitchPrawn vibes have worked well, especially when the fish are finnicky, but most people have been having a ball enticing aggressive strikes on surface lures such as Bassday Suga Pens and Zipbaits Skinny Pop JRs. Geographe Bay, Siesta Park and beaches closer to Dunsborough have produced yellowfin whiting on bait, with small pieces of prawn working well. Around Bunbury, Back Beach, Dalyellup and Buffalo Beach have been consistent for chopper tailor and herring and the more highly regarded big-fish beaches such as Preston and Myalup have produced the same fare, plus a few sand whiting thrown in. The Bunbury Cut has offered chopper tailor, herring, tarwhine and sand whiting, while the Busselton Jetty has held herring, sand whiting and reasonable numbers of squid. In the Collie River bream have been caught, mainly on baits. Scooping for crabs in the Leschenault Estuary has been hard work.

Big cheers to Whitey's Tackle & Camping for their top fishing tips as always! If you're in Australind or Bunbury and are keen to wet a line throughout our South-West make sure you ask their very friendly team who love their fishing for advice and stock up on gear at their store. If you're in Busselton, the 2 Oceans Tackle team are also incredibly helpful. 

An epic solo session on sunrise for @leanbackfishing_ saw him land a hat-trick of browns, including a cracker of a PB on fly. All released to fight another day. 
Bassday Suga Pens and Zipbaits Skinny Pop JRs (same surface lures that have been awesome for yellowfin whiting in Bunbury and Mandurah) have been working very well on redfin perch in the Collie River, enticing aggressive strikes right on sunset. Redfin perch have also been caught in Wellington, Harvey and Glen Mervyn Dam and Lake Kepwari and Black Diamond Lake could be worth a try for redfin as well. Plenty of small rainbow trout have been sighted at Honeymoon Pool, but they continue to be reluctant to take baits, lures or flies. Moving slowly and staying hidden is advised. 
Mandurah and surrounds
Looks like the Christmas feast is sorted for @mandurah_fisho! The reports of whites catches have gone through the roof over the past week so get in on the action whether you're diving or soaking pots!


Boats: Crews who found weather windows got on to some good pink snapper on the inshore banks, which have also held big numbers of skippy, while a couple of nice dhufish were taken there and at the Bouvards when conditions allowed. At the back of the Five-Fathom Bank, yellowtail kingfish chasers have been nagged by the big numbers of Samsonfish. Sand whiting have been on the inside of the Five in their usual big numbers. King George whiting have also been mostly snubbed but a few big ones have been part of the demersal bycatch. Crayfish have continued to be prolific and those who managed to drop their pots out wide did particularly well this week. The Peel-Harvey Estuary has held solid tailor around the 40cm mark, abundant herring and plenty of juvenile salmon, while drop netters prepared to work hard have been getting a feed of blue swimmer crabs, with South Yunderup one of the better spots. Both mornings this weekend look decent for the boaties. 

Land-based: Yellowfin whiting have been going gangbusters in the Peel-Harvey Estuary and sizes and numbers have been very good. The most consistent spots have been on the western side of the estuary and many of the whiting chasers have been smashed with the chopper tailor and herring bycatch. A few squid have been taken from the Dawesville Cut and they have also been in the marinas. The cut has held a few tailor and plenty of herring, while the traffic bridges have offered herring, chopper tailor and a few yellowfin whiting. The warm weather did not shut down bream activity in the Murray and Serpentine rivers this week, while in the estuary, like whiting chasers, scoopers have been doing better on blue manna crabs on the western side of the estuary, with Coodanup producing quite a few. Beach fishing for tailor has been thwarted by the big swells that have pummelled the exposed Peel coast in recent weeks. The tip of Falcon Bay and the reef at Tims Thicket offer a bit of reef protection at times and could be worth a crack. When swells ease tailor catches should pick up again and herring and sand whiting numbers should improve as well.

Thinking of wetting a line around Mandurah? These great tips were courtesy of the super friendly and helpful team at Tackle World Miami so make sure you swing by their store for the best tips and gear before your next fishing trip! 


Boats: The usual marks behind Garden and Carnac islands and towards the Five-Fathom Bank produced a few dhufish in mostly modest sizes and surprisingly little demersal bycatch. King George whiting have been mixed in with sand whiting, but the latter have dominated catches inside of Garden Island, on Parmelia Bank, behind Penguin Island and in Mangles Bay. Squid catches in these locations have been steady rather than spectacular. Most of the white crays have been in deeper water, but crews that haven’t stocked up on crays for Christmas have been content to drop their pots closer in and pick up a few reds. Mewstones has held good tailor in the white water and the broken ground in Cockburn Sound has produced chunky skippy. Crabbing in Cockburn Sound has slowed but those prepared to work hard have managed to pick up a few. A few dolphinfish have been caught at the South Rockingham FADs. The next few days should be relatively flat on the water for the boats. 

Land-based: The superb run of tailor on local beaches has continued with good fish taken at dawn and dusk at Kwinana, Secret Harbour and Port Kennedy beaches and at Long Point. These beaches have also held herring and sand whiting and a few school mulloway have been mixed in with the tailor. At the Penguin Island spit good mixed bags of flathead, herring, flounder and sand whiting, along with the odd yellowfin whiting have been taken, while the grain terminal beach has yielded some nice yellowfin whiting. Rockingham, Palm Beach, the Ammo Jetty and Woodman Point have offered chopper tailor, skippy and herring but squid catches have been down, with land-based squid chasers doing better at Point Peron where they have also picked up herring. 
These great fishing tips were provided by the friendly team at Compleat Angler & Camping World in Rockingham, so make sure you chat to their experienced crew in store and stock up before heading out!
Perth catches

The lumps around Rottnest have been rewarding a lot of fishers with yellowtail kingfish recently. This 98cm cracker had @eddiesheppard1"s reel sizzling and they've also been appearing at the inshore reefs such as Mewstones and Stragglers. Make sure you donate the frames and head to DPIRD so we can see if these are the kingies we've been stocking for years! 


Some good demersals came over the side this week despite the difficult conditions early on. At Rottnest some decent pink snapper were taken around the craypots, along with some breaksea cod and the odd big King George whiting. If you're wanting to check pots, make sure you do so when the weather is favourable and the swell is lower as pulling pots when it's rough or near breakers is very dangerous. Smaller pinkies but decent King George whiting have been caught in 20-30m out that way, with many taken by crayfishers after they have pulled their pots. Squid catches have slowed and they have mainly been in 7m-plus depths off South Fremantle, while sand whiting have been taken of City Beach and South Fremantle. At the FADs there have been lots of small tuna and also a few dolphinfish, but the dollies have been reluctant to take anything but live baits. Big mulloway have been caught at Mosman Bay and Blackwall Reach and tailor are plentiful for those trolling from the Narrows downstream, although sizes have dwindled to the mid to high-30cm range. Drop netters have been doing well on blue swimmer crabs around the Narrows and the old brewery, but also close to the river mouth at East and North Fremantle. Early on Sunday and Monday look best over the coming days and Tuesday onwards will see the raging southerlies return, so aim to get out early over the next few days and make the most of it before Christmas. 


North Mole has produced a few good tailor although it has mostly been one or two 50cm models among 35-40cm choppers, but overall they have not been in great numbers. Herring have been plentiful at both North and South moles, while the rock walls around South Fremantle have held heaps of herring. Inside the marinas and Freo Fishing Boat Harbour, bream and tarwhine have been hanging about but many are small, however good tailor have been taken right on dark on mulies fished under floats and glow sticks. Small squid have been taken along Capo D’Orlando Drive. Weed and swells have made tailor fishing from local beaches difficult, but Floreat and City Beach have held some modest sizes along with herring. In the Swan River flathead have continued to fish well from Applecross downstream. Sizes have been down a little, but good fish have been taken at Nedlands, Claremont, Bicton, Freshwater Bay, Mosman Park, Point Walter and East Fremantle. Flounder numbers have fallen but some good ones have been taken around Aquarama in East Fremantle. At Bicton, flathead chasers have been picking up small yellowfin whiting on Eco Gear ZX vibes. Plenty of bigger yellowfin have been ghosting on the flats but they have shown little interest in lures. Tailor have been in good numbers in the river as well with better spots being under the lights at the Narrows, Canning Bridge, Como Jetty, Point Walter Jetty, the flats at Applecross and Claremont, along with the jetties in Mosman and North Fremantle. They have preferred surface lures and Twistys rather than stickbaits. At Applecross the schools harassing baitfish turned out be mostly herring around the 30cm mark rather than tailor, and big yellowtail grunter have been a nuisance there as well. Bream chasers have found fish at Heirisson Island, Optus Stadium, Maylands and Garratt Road Bridge and as far up as Guildford. Soapy mulloway have been swimming with them. Mornings look best over the coming days for a land-based session. Tuesday onwards is looking windy and choppy!

A big thanks to Anglers Fishing World in Fremantle for their great tips! These guys love their fishing just as much as we all do, so make sure you ask their super friendly team for advice and stock up before wetting a line off the land or boat! 
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Catch Information

Australasian Snapper
Australasian Snapper

Baldchin Groper
Baldchin Groper


Black Marlin
Black Marlin

Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin


Breaksea Cod
Breaksea Cod


Coral Trout
Coral Trout


Dusky Flathead
Dusky Flathead

Flathead Catfish
Flathead Catfish


Giant Trevally
Giant Trevally

Goldband Snapper
Goldband Snapper

Goldlined Seabream
Goldlined Seabream

Grunter Bream
Grunter Bream

This Fishing Report was submitted on 12/19/2024 10:35:11 PM by Seamus and last updated on 12/21/2024 12:18:51 AM.


3/45 Northside Drive
Hillarys, WA AU

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