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Green Mountain Troutfitters

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By Seamus on 6/8/2019 9:09:00 PM • Views (258)
Guided trip 6/8 We have finally settled into some dry weather and while flows are still above average most rivers are in great shape.  Water temps are well below average although the...

By Seamus on 5/24/2019 9:50:00 PM • Views (358)
A young angler learning the craft 5/24 Here we are in late May and the fishing is still behind schedule.  Memorial day weekend usually marks some of the best fishing of the year but this year it is taking its time coming around.  Constant rain and c...

By Seamus on 5/13/2019 8:10:00 PM • Views (270)
Wild brown caught 5/13 Things are warming up very slowly.  Above average rain and cold temps persist and continue to make the fishing rather challenging.  I did my first trip of the season this weekend.  We had 3/4 inches of rain and cold water temp...

By Seamus on 4/28/2019 10:24:00 AM • Views (294)
The rain keeps coming this April and the rivers have yet to settle down for any period of time.  Most local rivers have been unfishable but there are some clean water options if you look around and or willing to drive.  Adding to that with snowmelt...

By Seamus on 4/13/2019 7:53:00 AM • Views (391)
2018 brown trout Welcome to the 2019 trout season here in Vermont.  We had a very long snowy winter and as a result we should see a great deal of run off to contend with. As of today there is still 111 inches of snow at the Mt. Mansfield stake.  Tha...

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