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G.A. Miller & Robert Clark Striper Guide Service

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By Seamus on 7/22/2017 2:38:57 PM • Views (228)
A couple of those good sized fish out of texoma waters. #laketexoma #texoma #texomaland #fishtexoma #fishing #fish #striper #stripedbass #striperfishing #schoolteacher #summertime #guideservice #pottsboro #kidslovefishing #keepers #monster

By Seamus on 7/21/2017 3:19:41 PM • Views (369)
Pulling some big fish on just about every trip. Still using big slabs and getting a good box on just about every trip. #laketexoma #texoma #texomaland #fishtexoma #fishing #fish #striper #striperfishing #stripedbass #guide #guideservice #pottsboro #k...

By Seamus on 7/17/2017 9:21:10 AM • Views (253)
Boats everywhere driving all over the top of each other but I managed to get a real good box together with several over 20". First day in months without a sand bass. #fish #fishing #striper #stripedbass #lake #laketexoma #texoma #texomaland #fishtexo...

By Seamus on 7/14/2017 4:46:09 PM • Views (213)
The fishing has stayed fairly steady for the most part. If you can get away from the trollers there is no problem getting fish. Birds working most days and small fish on top. #laketexoma #texoma #texomaland #fishtexoma #fishing #fish #striper #stripe...

By Seamus on 6/26/2017 8:44:03 AM • Views (248)
Heck of a sunset from the Tanglewood resort tower. Definitely the most beautiful location on the lake in my opinion. If your coming to the area give @tanglewood_resort a call. They have great rooms and services. #laketexoma #texoma #texomaland #fisht...

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