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Bayou Charters & Silver Side Lodge

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By Seamus on 6/23/2018 5:56:35 AM • Views (704)
Everyone loves their Father and everyone loves getting FREE stuff!  We are giving away a trip for the “Ultimate Father’s Day Giveaway” presented by our friends at Academy Sports + Outdoors

By Seamus on 6/23/2018 5:56:32 AM • Views (902)
Once again one of our clients caught a tagged redfish from another recreational angler.

By Seamus on 6/23/2018 5:56:32 AM • Views (645)
I would like to welcome our newest member Kaylee to our Bayou Charters office staff.

By Seamus on 6/23/2018 5:56:28 AM • Views (869)
Summer Bull Redfishing is getting close!!!

By Seamus on 3/2/2017 5:52:59 AM • Views (1019)
Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Fusce molestie semsit sed interdum anteamet adipiscing risus.

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