Fishing Lure

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 7/19/2024 9:55:34 PM • Rank (275) • Views 276


I keep expecting Guntersville to slow down but it just gets better. I did 2 trips this week and we caught 40 per day with several big fish. The grass is the healthiest I have seen it in a long time and the bass population is at an apex. We caught fish from 2 feet to 20 feet and on every stop. Our best baits out deep are a hair jig and a spoon. Up shallow a pop r and a jig have done really well. Willow flies hatched out the first of the week and it was fun to watch the bluegill devour them and ofcourse the bass were close by. As the days get shorter the fishing will keep getting better. If you are interested in fishing with a USCG licensed captain call 256-744-5185. 

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Shane Ellis Fishing Service
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