Fishing Lure

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 8/2/2024 10:55:52 PM • Rank (209) • Views 210


The days are getting shorter and the fish are on the move. The pre fall shad migration has started relative to the length of day and thermocline depletion. The bass are locked on bait and they are following it from the river channel as they move towards the fall staging areas. We have been catching 30-40 per day with several nice fish each day. The best baits out deep are a hair jig and a spoon and the fish that have moved shallow are being caught on a pop R and a chatterbait. The schooling activity will increase daily and this is the time of year when sheer numbers are the best. If you are interested in fishing with a USCG licensed captain call 256-744-5185. 

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