Fishing Lure

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 9/9/2024 10:43:21 PM • Rank (205) • Views 206


Down goes Kermit!!!! If you like turning off your graphs and getting up in the thick stuff hook up your boat and head to Guntersville. The frogging and flipping bite is the best I have seen it in decades. 30 bites a day all big ones. Grab some braid,a flipping stick and get in the nastiest stuff you can find. If your heart can't take an 8 pounder blowing up on a frog this isn't a safe place for you right now. My clients have been catching big ones all week and it's just getting started. Cooler nights will yield incredible action. If you are interested in fishing with USCG licensed captain call 256-744-5185.

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GPS Latitude: 34.77692 Longitude: -85.84559
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Shane Ellis Fishing Service
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