Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 2/28/2025 11:42:34 PM • Rank (7) • Views 8


I am sorry about the lack of reports, but computer I’ve had some issues. I’m back on fishing reports. The winds have been continuous since Christmas which don’t eliminate fishing Flamingo. wind directions play a big part of where we can fish on any given day. This is why most of us guides have hundreds of spots thru out Everglades National Park.

This is a daily challenge to always catch enough fish to please myself and my customers. No fish today you don’t come back tomorrow!

I have a ton of pictures from the last months or so but computer don’t let me bring them up. As you can see the fishing is good and we are catching Snook, Tarpon, Redfish, Trout, and plenty of others like the Goliath Grouper. I am very happy to be on the No Live Bait Needed team and I promise you the lures work. Take a look at them while shopping for tackle, they work!

I’m busy the rest of the week and I’ll make sure to get the reports out quickly. I’m going to get on the Tarpon for a few days in the back country.

Caught lookin charters a family friendly charter company so wife and kids are welcome. If interested in catching fish and having a fun day give me a call at 305 333 8149.


Capt. Jim Hobales

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Map Location
7900 Northwest 174th Terrace
Miami, FL US

GPS Latitude: 25.93197 Longitude: -80.33045
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Caught Lookin Charters
Caught Lookin Charters
16 years guiding experience and a kid friendly charter. Fishing out of Government Cut, Biscayne Bay, and Flamingo.