Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 2/28/2025 11:42:36 PM • Rank (6) • Views 7



It’s been kind of slow, but I still need and want to be on water. I can always call my buddy Mike to help me stay on the fish, Mike keeps my boat running and I appreciate. He' also catches allot of fish. I asked him if he wanted to go Target some giant Tarpon in the Flamingo Back country. I was watching the water temp’s last few days waiting for them to get above 72. We left marina at 6;15 in the dark hoping to find some Tarpon that were eating before the full moon set. I have had some luck over the years doing this. We found some giants and made allot of cast but there was no interest. We did catch a bunch of Trout while fishing for Tarpon.

I said let go find some Snook and Redfish? We ran north and found some more Tarpon that seemed happy just not happy enough to eat our #NLBN Baits. The tide was falling and really a full moon low. We ran out looking for Tripletails and Mackerel, they were scarce. We ran back inside and waited for the tide rise. While we waited, we got into a pretty good snook/Trout bite. We were only throwing #NLBN products, Paddle tails 3 and 5 inch, the new K tails. We used all colors to see if it would make a difference, they ate them all. We were using #Biscayne Rods and #Penn Reels

Don’t Forget your Bajio Sunglasses!

We kept casting and the tide came in some, that’s when Redfish showed up. There were also Trout to 23” s feeding in the area. We fished the rising tide for around 2 hours, until the bite slowed down. We caught 20 plus Redfish and even more Trout.

We had caught some Jacks and I said let’s go play with the Goliath Groupers. First cast produced a small but tough Goliath, I let Mike go first because he caught the first Goliath on this spot while Tarpon fishing. I also caught a 13-inch Snapper on a 5 Inch white NLBN paddle tail that I was using for Goliath Groupers.

We decided to go back and look for Tarpon. It was breezy but water temps got up to 75, there were a few other guys somewhat in the area.

We continued to cast the 5-inch Paddle tail in white, I also put out a live Ladyfish. It’s kind of Ironic since we were casting a lure called NO LIve Bait Needed but sometimes you have to try things you know work, when fish aren’t biting. The Ladyfish worked! I was the lucky one standing closet to the rod when it doubled over, when a giant Tarpon jumped behind the boat. The Monster Tarpon pulled allot of line first run, his second run almost spooled me. It’s hard to put a poundage to the giant fish because people won’t believe what you say. I don’t exaggerate and when I say big it’s big! It took about 20 minutes to get the giant boat side, she wasn’t ready, but I tried to get her to jump one more time. The leader got frayed trying but I got the leader release, awesome come and try it .You will love it!

We left today with 1 grand Slam Tarpon, Snook, Redfish, and Trout and 5 Slams Snook ,Redfsih and Trout!

If you are interested in this kind of trip, give me a call at 305 333 8149. I fish Flamingo which is in Everglades National Park, Key Lago and all of Biscayne Bay. Caught Lookin Charters is a family friendly charter.

Let; go Catch’em,

Captain Jim Hobales

Instagram @ caught lookin charters

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7900 Northwest 174th Terrace
Miami, FL US

GPS Latitude: 25.93197 Longitude: -80.33045
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Caught Lookin Charters
Caught Lookin Charters
16 years guiding experience and a kid friendly charter. Fishing out of Government Cut, Biscayne Bay, and Flamingo.