Fishing Tips

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2133)
To tie off to a pilling in a strong current, start by moving into the current until your bow is just past the pilling. Toss a long rope with a fender tied to the other end well past the pilling and drift back. The fender will carry the rope back. Catch it and tie off.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2133)
If you like to pull a dredge or spreader bar, try attaching it to your down rigger cable. This makes for quick recovery and doesn't tie up a rod holder.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (1992)
If you rig with stingers try this to allow for various sizes of bait fish. Tie or crimp your stinger hook to the line. Next put a crimp at the beginning of the expected size range. Slip your hook on and then put a crimp at the end of the range. Your front hook can move between the two crimps to fit the bait.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (1906)
When site fishing, trolling, or just moving around in a boat try to keep the sun to your back. The glare from the sun will make it extremely difficult to see fish if you don't.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2007)
If you are planning to release a fish handle it as little as possible. Fish have a slime coating that protects them from disease, human contact can remove the slime and leave the fish vulnerable. Wetting your hands or wearing gloves also helps.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (1990)
Always net a fish head first. It is easier on the fish and they can't swim backwards.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2145)
If practicing release fishing use heavier tackle. The shorter fight will leave the fish in better shape to recover.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2112)
Ever pull an anchor up a couple hundred feet? Try an anchor ball.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2172)
Anchoring on a spot in strong wind or current is tricky. A sea anchor can help create drag and make the task easier. If you don't have a sea anchor a large bucket and rope will work.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2084)
To rig a balloon as a live bait float, try using a three way swivel. One point goes to your line, one to the bait leader, and the last to a snap. Hook the snap to the ring on the bottom of the balloon. The bait will swim freely and the balloon will stay attached to the snap even after it pops.

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (3615)
Treble hook alternative

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2255)
Follow the birds

By navillus on 3/21/2011 • Views (2229)
RFA to protect your fishing rights

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (1685)
Walleye fishing techniques often require additional fishing gear. Read about walleye fishing techniques and what you'll need to use them at HowStuffWorks.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (1796)
Walleye river fishing can be a lot of fun if you know what you're doing. Learn all about walleye river fishing at HowStuffWorks.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (2626)
Ever wonder how to hold a walleye once you finally catch one? Learn how to hold a walleye properly at HowStuffWorks.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (1669)
To choose walleye lures and baits anglers must know technique they intend to use. Learn how to choose walleye lures and baits at HowStuffWorks.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (1831)
The walleye spawn is an interesting time of year for anglers. Learn all about the walleye spawn and how it affects fishing at HowStuffWorks.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:18 AM • Views (1557)
The right trout fishing gear can make a big difference on your fishing trip. Learn what trout fishing gear trout masters always like to have on them.

By Seamus on 3/21/2011 1:23:17 AM • Views (1626)
Trout fishing lures and baits need to be worked in different manners. Learn all about trout fishing lures and baits at HowStuffWorks.

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