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Cape Town Fishing

Cape Town Fishing Forecast

Load Prediction Reset

Target Species of Fish

Based on historical data for fishing {{ locationText }}, you should target one of the following species for this time of year:

Show all target species Recommendations above based on {{ fishDataAll.length }} species of fish and {{ totalFishCount }} fish counted for {{ latestUpdate }} around {{ locationText }}. To date, there are {{ destination.SpeciesCount.toLocaleString('en-us', 0) }} species of fish and a total of {{ destination.TotalFish.toLocaleString('en-us', 0) }} fish counted for {{ locationText }} and within a {{ forecastData.mile }} mile ({{Math.floor(forecastData.mile * 1.621371)}}) km radius since {{ oldestUpdate }}.


Please check local, state/province, and federal laws before fishing for any species found on this site. All data is based on historical data found for this area, and in some cases as far back as the year 1600.

View full Cape Town Fishing Forecast to see all species.

Latest Cape Town Fishing Reports

  • Heavy Tackle Paradox
    It is an opinion that I hear all the time that heavier gear lands fish more rapidly and with less stress to the fish and that light gear advocates are killing fish through the

  • Euro-nymphing
    Euro-nymphing isn’t simply “Chuck and Duck” Now it so happens that I have been fortunate enough to spend something in the region of forty years fishing some of the best dry fl

  • Damp Conditions & Line Stick
    Damp days Euro-Nymphing and line stick. I have been doing OK here on the upper Wye in mid-Wales rarely actually suffering a blank but always wondering if things shouldn’t be b

  • River Clettwr
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  • Disappointed
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  • A Day of Firsts
    Yesterday was a day of firsts in fact quite a few firsts for me the executive summary: The notion to target some bass started about a week ago when I  had to visit Aberystwyth

  • Hundred House
    With my Wye/Usk foundation “wild streams” annual permit I can attack any number of wild streams if they haven’t been booked for the day. The website is remarkably efficient in

  • Insignificant Fish
    It is early March here in mid-Wales and spring is trying to bring a burst of new life to town. There are daffodils on every grass verge and new lambs are starting to populate

  • Winter Madness
    This past December was one of the wettest on record we had water leaking through the mortar of the chimney breast and spreading chill damp patches on the walls of the loft spa

  • Fly Boxes
    It has been wet and windy here in Mid-Wales although we have avoided most of the “Yellow Weather Warnings” which seem to bypass us to the North West or East. I have taken some

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The Top 10 Fishing Spots for Cape Town are the following:

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Top Cape Town Bait & Tackle Stores

  1. TackleTart carp fishing specialist

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Top Cape Town Fishing Charters & Guides

  1. Inkwazi Flyfishing Safaris
    South African Team Member, World Championship Competitor, Fly Fishing Author, Journalist and Casting Instructor TIM ROLSTON can show you some of the very best and most taxing fly fishing in the country.

  2. Admiral Charters Madagascar

  3. Classic Cape Charters

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