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12-3-13 Reef Fishing Report from the Offshore Charter boats

 | By Seamus on 11/27/2013 1:40:36 AM | Views (70)

The past week we have seen some great fishing in Islamorada. There was one slow day in the mix when the current had switched making touch fishing conditions, but every day is different and you never know when you're going to have that fishing trip of a life time! Overall the sailfish have been steady. Almost all the boats who have been putting there time in focusing on sailfish have had from 2 - 4 bites on the full day trips, and in fishing every bite counts, so making the most of them is the difference between having a great day compared to having a slow day. You never know which day will be "your" day, but on Sunday the Catch 22 had one of those days, and their anglers released 10 sailfish! All on light tackle spinning gear! But all the boats including the Man O War, Redfish, Relentless, Reel McCoy, Bn'M , Kalex, Bn'M II, Fearless, Gon fishin V, Strictly Business, Pretty Work, Cloud Nine, and Predator have all got in on the sailfish action! The bottom fishing on the reef has been on fire a few days when conditoins are right, (when the current is with the wind and the water is a little dirtier). This action included yellowtail snapper, mutton snapper, black grouper, red grouper, mangrove snapper, and some cero mackerel all in the mix. There has also been a handful of king mackerel caught on the reef edge and just out side around the wrecks. We are approaching the 50th anniversary Islamorada Sailfish Tournament this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with many of the Bud n' Mary's Boat fishing it. It's always a great tournament with tough competition and we'll see how the boats do this year! On Friday night, after the first day of fishing, we are hosting the 50th anniversary party at the "sparrows nest" at the back of the marina, which is open to the public. Tickets will be on sale at the "nest". Come on down and have some food and drinks with the host "Wild Bill" from Deadliest Catch. The Bn'M II also got out daytime swordfishing on Sunday and put Vince on his first broadbill swordfish. The Bn'M also hit the blackfin tuna one trip good, with fish up to 23 lbs, but then a couple more boats went the next day and said the bite was turned off. There has been a few stray mahi here and there as well, but as we get more into winter the Tuna and the occasional mahi will be a bonus suprise. This week looks great here for fishing so give the office a call at 305 664 2461 and let them set you up on a charter!

Capt. Nick Stanczyk


Catch 22 with a Happy Group after having an epic day releasing 10 sailfish!

Man O War with a sailfish on the Leader (best way to take a picture with the fish in the water)

Nice mutton snapper from the Bn'M II

Bn'M with a great catch of blackfin tuna, a couple mahi, and a sailfish to top things off

Pile of great eating fish from the Relentless including snapper, grouper, and mackerel

Great jump shot of a sailfish "on the leader" aboard the Bn'M II

Big mutton snapper from the Man O War

Daytime Broadbill Swordfish caught with Capt. Nick Stanczyk


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Catch Information

Black Grouper
Black Grouper

Blackfin Tuna
Blackfin Tuna

Cero Mackerel
Cero Mackerel

Gray Snapper
Gray Snapper

King Mackerel
King Mackerel


Mutton Snapper
Mutton Snapper

Red Drum
Red Drum

Red Grouper
Red Grouper



Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Snapper

This Fishing Report was submitted on 11/27/2013 1:40:36 AM by Seamus and last updated on 12/4/2013 1:40:36 AM.


79851 Overseas Highway
Islamorada, FL US

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