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By Seamus on 7/6/2023 9:32:19 AM • Views (56)
All fishing report can be view on our facebook page Click on the link below

By Seamus on 6/25/2023 5:44:08 PM • Views (65)
The Bayview Rod and on her first fluke trip every rips it was slow today. We actually had better fishing with poor conditions today. Overall we landed 12 keepers to and about 25 shorts. Halie Coffey on her first fluke trip ever boated a limit. Doug...

By Seamus on 6/25/2023 10:18:56 AM • Views (61)
Fishing has been pretty good and consistent this past week. Sorry for the lack of posts but our Facebook page is up to date.Here are some pictures from this week.

By Seamus on 6/16/2023 9:28:08 AM • Views (50)
Well mother nature made things difficult Thursday conditions were poor - wind against the tide both trips. The Students and faculty from ST. Thomas Aquinas High School Edison NJ saw slow fishing ending the day with a handful of keepers and a dozen s...

By Seamus on 6/14/2023 2:49:33 PM • Views (53)
It's a banner day when you have to throw back 20 keepers. Full boat limit by 10:30. Sailing open Friday 6/16 7 AM Thursday 6/15 5PM. SATURDAY 6/16 and SUNDAY 6/17. We need 8 to Sail. (WE ARE filling up on these two dates so don't wait until the last...

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