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Shane Ellis Fishing Service

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By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 1/16/2025 • Views (73)
Neely Henry is absolutey full of bass and they are biting. I did 1 guide trip at Neely this week and 1 at guntersville. The Neely trip yielded a total catch rate of 14 bass with most in the 2.75lb range. If you think you need to fish slow and deep...

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 1/8/2025 • Views (176)
It's cold outside but the fishing at guntersville is hot. This last week I did 2 guide trips and we had great catch rates and the best size of the year. In the winter I average about 20 bass landed per day and the average size is 3.75 pounds. M...

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 1/2/2025 • Views (115)
It's getting fun out there now. There are fish in every depth zone and you can catch them any way you like. If you want to shake a fluke style bait that will produce. If you want to power fish that can work too. This last week I did 4 guide tri...

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 12/25/2024 • Views (195)
If Santa didn't make it to you it's not your fault. The fishing at guntersville is just too good and he had to stop and catch a few. I have fished this lake for 40 years and it has had its ups and downs for sure. However it's currently...

By Guntersville FIshing Charter on 12/18/2024 • Views (273)
Wow!!! This week was special for sure. It has been 65 degrees and cloudy all week which prompted a big group to move into feeding areas. I had 3 guide trips this week and we landed big ones after big ones. The average catch rate was 17 fish per day...

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