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added 5/3/2012

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By Seamus on 10/16/2012 3:33:40 PM • Views (481)
Admittedly I am bad about keeping up with fishing reports so I will try to play catch up with whats going on along the Cape Fear Coast. If you want to view daily reports and photos  follow us on Facebook at

By Seamus on 9/20/2012 11:15:19 AM • Views (438)
The summertime fishing from Topsail Island to Southport is very good right now. There are a few slow days when the wind and weather doesn't cooperate but on most trips we have been catching good numbers of red drum and flounder with the occasional s...

By Seamus on 6/22/2012 12:38:06 AM • Views (426)
Summertime is off to a good start here on the Cape Fear Coast. Redfish continue to be our number one targeted species. They are in their summertime pattern of singles to small groups of up to 30 fish and are scattered up and down the ICW from Topsai...

By Seamus on 6/1/2012 1:29:54 PM • Views (351)
Redfishing along the Cape Fear Coast continues to be great for fly and spin anglers when conditions allow. With two tropical storms over the recent weeks we have had some very windy days. Good news is that even with the rainfall and dirty water the f...

By Seamus on 5/19/2012 2:47:31 AM • Views (326)
Hello friends and anglers. For those who dont know me yet here is a little background info to get this blog started. My name is Allen Cain and I am a fly and light tackle fishing guide in Wilmington NC. I grew up hunting and fishing the Piedmont reg...

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