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added 3/14/2013

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By Seamus on 8/3/2020 1:46:01 PM • Views (155)
Hopper Time. Even with all the nay-saying and craziness going on in the world these days one thing is for certain - it still kicks ass when a trout eats a giant piece of foam floating down a cut bank. While this season has had it's ups and downs with...

By Seamus on 6/8/2020 12:31:42 PM • Views (140)
Just when things start settling in to being "normal" you get dealt a snowstorm and rapidly rising rivers. You know what they say - if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes. As if this season isn't challenging enough with cancellations re-schedule...

By Seamus on 5/26/2020 12:15:17 PM • Views (142)
With our first annual or semi-annual guide school behind us it is time to start looking down the road to what is in store this summer. Before I do that - I need to shout out to the students and instructors that made the week of guide school such a su...

By Seamus on 5/11/2020 1:17:11 PM • Views (145)
Let's go fishing. The rivers are in prime pre-runoff shape right now the caddis are getting rolling and the fish are biting. With the state starting to open back up for business - there are a few people out and about but we are VERY far from crowded...

By Seamus on 3/12/2020 5:12:04 PM • Views (144)
March 12th 2020 Things are starting to look a little more like a trout fishing destination around here lately. By all accounts our snow pack looks to be in the 100%+ range so that is a good thing. While we typically pick up a bunch of the white stuff...

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