Canyons, Ledges, Rocks, and Shoals

Fishing Status has 42659 Banks, Canyons, Humps, Ledges, Rocks, Seamounts, Shoals, and Trenches in the database. Providing cover and shelter to many different species of fish, ledges , rocks, and other rocky or hilly structure are fish magnets that many call home.

Please check your local laws before fishing or diving on any of the rocks provided in our database.


Most Popular Rocks

By xfernal on 7/31/2016 • Views (1779)
The Southeast end of the middle Outer Hump and known swordfish grounds.

By Seamus on 4/21/2013 • Views (1778)
27.7949333333333 -83.79095 Good spot for red snapper.

By xfernal on 3/12/2021 • Views (1772)
Lots of nice riprap to work here. Usually some grass on the other side. Also, make sure to hit the boat docks along the outside.

By xfernal on 6/29/2017 • Views (1766)

By xfernal on 1/21/2016 • Views (1762)
Washington Shoal

By Seamus on 5/5/2017 • Views (1729)

By Seamus on 8/22/2018 • Views (1726)

By Seamus on 5/7/2023 • Views (1705)
Depth 180' N 34 51.250 W 75 31.500 0003194213 89999830723

By Seamus on 4/21/2023 • Views (1714)
If you are looking to catch some bass on the lake, the Witches Ditch is a prime spot, and for good reason. It is one of the best Eufaula fishing spots in the area, and a lot of bass are caught here, and a few tournaments have been won with some fat bass from this hole. After entering the shallow mouth of the area, a pumping station can be seen on...

By Seamus on 10/31/2018 • Views (1703)

By xfernal on 11/24/2016 • Views (1700)
Redhead Hole

By xfernal on 10/12/2016 • Views (1686)
Decent deep water ledge that will hold fish.

By Seamus on 3/20/2011 • Views (1684)
33.8825 -78.2228333333333

By xfernal on 12/28/2016 • Views (1681)
This is the north end of 230 rocks. A ridge runs from 230 rocks to 240 rocks with a nice ledge down it. A good place to troll for tuna.

By Seamus on 5/5/2017 • Views (1677)

By xfernal on 7/6/2017 • Views (1677)

By xfernal on 3/28/2017 • Views (1675)
Slick Willies Spot

By Seamus on 5/6/2011 • Views (1665)
29.9437 -88.0416666666667

By Seamus on 4/26/2017 • Views (1657)

By xfernal on 2/9/2017 • Views (1654)
First constructed in 1992 and still being added onto. Over 25,000 tons of quarry rock, concrete and steel Triton missile tower, and 300 tons concrete rubble have been used. This is the deepest reef of the Fish and Game reefs at 165 feet of depth. Good fishing for sand bass and pelagics in the summer months and rock fish in the winter months.

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Latest and Updated Rocks

By Seamus on 1/15/2025 • Views (34)

By Seamus on 8/27/2024 • Views (59)

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:10:23 AM • Views (48)
Lots of rocks in this cove.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:08:15 AM • Views (47)
Large rock

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:07:00 AM • Views (42)
Lots of rock to work down this bank.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:03:38 AM • Views (49)
Rocky point

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:02:40 AM • Views (51)
Good rocky point

By xfernal on 1/20/2024 • Views (203)
This spot is the center of a ledge that runs for at least half a mile. The eighth of a mile or so to the east northeast and west southwest of this spot holds Golden Tilefish. I suspect there is more in the area. 

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (145)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (187)