Canyons, Ledges, Rocks, and Shoals

Fishing Status has 42659 Banks, Canyons, Humps, Ledges, Rocks, Seamounts, Shoals, and Trenches in the database. Providing cover and shelter to many different species of fish, ledges , rocks, and other rocky or hilly structure are fish magnets that many call home.

Please check your local laws before fishing or diving on any of the rocks provided in our database.


Most Popular Rocks

By Seamus on 5/6/2011 • Views (1966)
28.864133333333 -82.83265

By xfernal on 12/7/2016 • Views (1952)
Good rocky hump here that holds snapper and grouper.

By xfernal on 2/24/2017 • Views (1927)
Captain Hills Grouper Rock

By xfernal on 12/10/2016 • Views (1899)
This is the east end of one of the best ledges off Marco. The ledge runs over a quarter mile. Snapper and Grouper are here much of the year.

By xfernal on 12/30/2016 • Views (1898)
Black Sea Bass spot

By xfernal on 3/23/2017 • Views (1888)
The Bull Ledge

By Seamus on 5/8/2011 • Views (1884)

By xfernal on 3/28/2017 • Views (1873)
Carney Ledge

By xfernal on 3/4/2017 • Views (1863)
Good ledge that holds fish.

By xfernal on 11/26/2015 • Views (1855)
Deep water hump off Boynton Beach

By xfernal on 7/10/2022 • Views (1848)
Jack Spot is a well known old school White Marlin fishing spot. Thosands of White Marlin have been caught on these grounds. Bluefin Tuna are also known to hang around here. Mako Shark, Yellowfin tuna,. Mahi-mahi, King Mackerel, Cobia Atlantic Bonito, False Ablacore, and Bluefish.are all know visitors to this hump. 50-100 feet in depth...

By xfernal on 1/4/2017 • Views (1844)
Channel with a ledge here that will hold fish.

By xfernal on 3/28/2017 • Views (1844)
Rebecca Shoal

By xfernal on 6/1/2017 • Views (1841)
The Ditch

By Seamus on 4/26/2017 • Views (1839)

By xfernal on 3/19/2016 • Views (1827)
Good ledge off the point with the river channel real close to this spot. Good place to work for bass.

By xfernal on 10/21/2016 • Views (1827)
This point on the island has good deep ledges.

By xfernal on 3/4/2017 • Views (1811)
Timbos Spot

By xfernal on 1/22/2017 • Views (1799)

By xfernal on 8/7/2013 • Views (1801)
Chicken Rock

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Latest and Updated Rocks

By Seamus on 1/15/2025 • Views (32)

By Seamus on 8/27/2024 • Views (59)

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:10:23 AM • Views (47)
Lots of rocks in this cove.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:08:15 AM • Views (47)
Large rock

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:07:00 AM • Views (41)
Lots of rock to work down this bank.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:03:38 AM • Views (48)
Rocky point

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:02:40 AM • Views (50)
Good rocky point

By xfernal on 1/20/2024 • Views (202)
This spot is the center of a ledge that runs for at least half a mile. The eighth of a mile or so to the east northeast and west southwest of this spot holds Golden Tilefish. I suspect there is more in the area. 

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (145)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (187)