Canyons, Ledges, Rocks, and Shoals

Fishing Status has 42659 Banks, Canyons, Humps, Ledges, Rocks, Seamounts, Shoals, and Trenches in the database. Providing cover and shelter to many different species of fish, ledges , rocks, and other rocky or hilly structure are fish magnets that many call home.

Please check your local laws before fishing or diving on any of the rocks provided in our database.


Most Popular Rocks

By Seamus on 1/14/2018 • Views (2042)

By xfernal on 1/23/2022 • Views (2037)
Nice ledge here that drops quickly.

By xfernal on 7/6/2016 • Views (2030)
Stock Hump

By xfernal on 12/14/2016 • Views (2018)
Good ledge for snapper and sometimes grouper.

By xfernal on 3/7/2022 • Views (2044)
This is a deep drop from 984' to over 3000' in less than 2000' of distance.

By Seamus on 3/20/2011 • Views (2001)
94' deep N34 03.381 W077 10.898 34.056369960308075 -77.181629994884133

By Samts on 6/2/2016 • Views (1993)
Submerged Bridge

By Robb on 7/13/2016 • Views (1981)

By xfernal on 5/1/2014 • Views (1977)
On Thursday April 24, 2014, the D.M. One was sunk as a artificial reef 9 miles NE off Port St. Lucie. The wreck lays in the upright position in 186' of water. The very uppermost spot of the main upper structure above the bridge at 103' deep and the deck level is 164' deep.

By xfernal on 2/12/2018 • Views (1965)
Submerged Bridge

By xfernal on 9/18/2018 • Views (1994)
This long ridge holds baitfish thoughout the spring, and summer, and attracks stripers and crappie when they're spawning. 35 38.115 N, 80 15.626 W

By Seamus on 3/20/2011 • Views (1953)
Ledge 50' deep N 33 45.700 W 78 08.820 33.761699963361025 -78.146989960223436

By xfernal on 12/2/2016 • Views (1955)
Bethel Bank

By Seamus on 3/15/2017 • Views (1943)
100/400 is an area with a long ledge in approximately 190 feet of water. Good trolling action can occur along this ledge when water temperatures are favorable. There is also decent bottom fishing along the ledge and drop offs.

By xfernal on 1/22/2017 • Views (1944)
Davids Ledge

By Seamus on 4/26/2017 • Views (1940)

By xfernal on 12/10/2016 • Views (1929)
This is the west end of one of the best ledges off Marco. Snapper and Grouper are here much of the year.

By xfernal on 3/4/2017 • Views (1928)
Good ledges along the bank that go to the river channel. Holds lots of bass.

By Seamus on 5/6/2011 • Views (1923)
28.864133333333 -82.83265

By Seamus on 12/5/2018 • Views (1900)

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Latest and Updated Rocks

By Seamus on 8/27/2024 • Views (14)

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:10:23 AM • Views (26)
Lots of rocks in this cove.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:08:15 AM • Views (21)
Large rock

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:07:00 AM • Views (17)
Lots of rock to work down this bank.

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:03:38 AM • Views (18)
Rocky point

By Touching Bottom on 7/20/2024 12:02:40 AM • Views (21)
Good rocky point

By xfernal on 1/20/2024 • Views (139)
This spot is the center of a ledge that runs for at least half a mile. The eighth of a mile or so to the east northeast and west southwest of this spot holds Golden Tilefish. I suspect there is more in the area. 

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (97)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (121)

By Seamus on 12/29/2023 • Views (91)