Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 5/2/2024 7:34:43 AM • Rank (87) • Views 88


Wow, wow, wow!  What a way to end the month!  These last 7 days have been solid with just a "slow" trip mixed in.  We begin this week's report with Richard from TX and he wanted to target tarpon and snook.  This is tarpon season right?  I ask because we searched high and low on the oceanside flats for tarpon in their usual migration routes and it was devoid of life.  After putting in too many hours into this we changed it up and targeted snook and bonefish.  Both were good and Richard had a number of snook blow up his top water but miss.  To dull the pain of missing so many snook, he caught some trout and well, bonefish.  Yes!  

The next day Richard and I focused on snook and this worked out with Richard landing his first snook and then another one to make up for the prior day.  

Having Sunday off, I was back to work on Monday with Tyler and Bill.  Tyler really wanted to target bonefish and permit so we focused on bonefish first and Bill got his first one.  Once the winds laid down a bit we hit some permit flats and found none, actually there wasn't much life on the flats as not only were permit MIA but so were sharks, rays and barracudas, all the signs of life we look for.  

I wrapped up the month with Joel and Paul who wanted to focus on just catching fish and having a good time.  With lures tied to 30lb florocarbon leader we hit the mangroves where Joel landed a nice snook and Paul lost a slob snook due to a spit hook.  Ouch!  Moving along the trip they caught sea trout, jacks and barracuda until the tide was right and I took them bone fishing.  I'm glad I did as the guys hooked 8 bonefish and landed 7, wow!  Great job guys!  Well, we're done with April and we ended strong.  Now we are on to May, one of my favorite months in Miami.  

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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