Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 12/23/2024 1:27:23 AM • Rank (21) • Views 22


 I have to admit, it's been a tough December so far, well until this week.  The first week or so of December I was busy with charters and it was a grind.  The weather was good, the moon phase was great and the water temps were perfect and yet fishing was a grind.  During this time we didn't catch and bonefish or snook and most of the trips were working hard for the fish we did land.  As is typical this tome of year I had a bout a week off while travelers settled in from their Thanksgiving travels and work slowed down.  During this time the wind cranked up and it was windy over 20 MPH every day I was off.  Then this week I started to get busy again and thankfully the fishing turned back on.  Yes!  I had a double on my return back to work with Jared catching snook in the morning trip and Evan and Sam landing bonefish, pompano, snappers and jacks in the afternoon trip.  The last two days I was out of the Everglades and Alec loaded up on Thursday catching redfish, trout, shark, ladyfish, jacks and more and some shots at a bunch of tarpon.  We ended the trip and 2024 on a perfect note with Alec landing a double of nice redfish literally on the last cast.  Wow!  The following day I was back in the Everglades with Anders fly fishing for snook, redfish, tarpon and anything else.  We started the morning throwing flies at tarpon that refused to eat and landing a bunch of jacks and ladyfish.  As we moved around the 'Glades we sight casted at triple tail and tarpon but no eats.  With the windy increasing ahead of the cold front, the water getting really muddy and the tide extremely low we had few options.  However, I took him to the end of a creek and there he caught ladyfish on almost every cast and on the last cast of the day he landed his first redfish.  Wow, what a way to end the trip and a two day stretch in the Everglades.  

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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