Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 2/7/2025 9:17:24 AM • Rank (9) • Views 10


My oh my this January has been a cold one, but we've been able to get on the water almost every day and get some fish to the boat. Sure it took five layers for me to stay warm, but the fish didn't care, my clients were tough and we had a blast in the process.  This cold weather has caused the fish to become a bit lethargic but fishing a little deeper and slower has produced bonefish pretty consistently and as the end of the month neared, the air temperature started to warm up, the water temperature warmed up and the fishing has been pretty solid. The channels are starting to get stacked up with all kinds of species, such as yellow jacks, porgies, mutton snappers, and more while the flats are holding bonefish, sharks and barracudas. The good thing about this cold January is that it should be pushing massive amounts of tarpon into Miami and with this warm spell, it should trigger a solid tarpon bite over the next week.  So far this has been a solid 2025 and the fish have cooperated as expected.


Capt.  Mo Estevez 


Follow me on Instagram @MiamiBonefishing 

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Miami, FL US

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