
111 Records Found

4654 days ago :: Rank: (12925) :: Categories: Species, Saltwater, Mackerel
Spanish Mackerel are found in the western Atlantic north to the Chesapeake Bay and occasionally to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and south to Yucatan, Mexico. It appears that one Atlantic and one or more Gulf groups of Spanish mackerel occur in
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4648 days ago :: Rank: (12211) :: Categories: Species, Saltwater, Mackerel
The wahoo is a scombrid fish found worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas. There are indications of seasonal concentrations off the Pacific coasts of Panama, Costa Rica and Baja California in the summer, off Grand Cayman (Atlantic) in the winte
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4652 days ago :: Rank: (11016) :: Categories: Species, Saltwater, Mackerel
The king mackerel is a migratory species of mackerel of the western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. It is an important species to both the commercial and recreational fishing industries. The king mackerel is a medium-sized fish, typically encou
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3265 days ago :: Rank: (1252) :: Categories: Reports
Saludos from The Island of enchantment. Over a month from our last report so lets catch up. The fishing in the North east of PR trench Mixed bag. The PR trench was slow, the water quality was not optimal and the water temperature to cold. Only a few
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3091 days ago :: Rank: (1193) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We've had some super calm weather the past week here fishing in Islamorada in September. The week before was rough with strong winds but it looks like it's going to be super nice the rest of this week. The strongest bite of fish we have had
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2970 days ago :: Rank: (1147) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Fished with the Mikes in Islamorada today. We had the usual wind to deal with but we found fish anyway. Big Mike caught his first permit today. It was a beauty and weighed 17 pounds. We also had jacks cero mackerel mangrove snappers and mutton snapp
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2638 days ago :: Rank: (1144) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We had a strong cold front here in the Florida Keys last week with Temperatures in the Mid 50's! Sure that doesn't sound cold to a lot of people but when you run on the boat and the water is chilled it makes a cold ride for us South Florida
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2632 days ago :: Rank: (1100) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Well Christmas is here but you wouldn't have any idea of that living here in South Florida. We're experiencing an unusually warm late december and it almost feels like summer outside. Temperatuers the last few days have been in the 80s going
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2657 days ago :: Rank: (1084) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Here are some photos from last week’s charters during Thanksgiving holiday. We have been enjoying good fishing for sailfish king mackerel barracuda bonito and cero mackerel about 1 mile offshore. When the ocean is flat there have been reports o
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2566 days ago :: Rank: (1065) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Well February is just about over with and boy has it been a warm one! I think I read it's the hottest February on record in the South Florida area with it being around 8 degrees above average temperature for the entire month. We haven't had
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4949 days ago :: Rank: (1051) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
NEW YORK HARBOR TO RARITAN BAY Ambrose Channel has been the focal point of fluke fishing lately. Those using braided lines and heavy sinkers or jigs have been enjoying steady action with enough keepers to provide a meal. Fred Fessel and I fished the
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3063 days ago :: Rank: (998) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Sorry I missed last weeks fishing report I was out of town but now I'm back to tell you what's been biting in Islamorada so far this October. We've been seeing some sailfish caught and released most days the past couple weeks on the edge
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3106 days ago :: Rank: (970) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
If you fished down here last weekend at Bud n' Mary's Marina you might have got in on the EPIC sailfish bite!!! It was an unheard of bite of fish for this time of year but the conditions lined up right with the current water color depth and
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3934 days ago :: Rank: (952) :: Categories: Reports
The May Report goes as follow. The Seas were overall nice for the majority of the month, although rain increased the water quality was always average to good. Plenty of bait in the trench, Flying fish, Bonita, Skip Jacks, Black fins and also a few y
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3673 days ago :: Rank: (947) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
It was a cold week for us here in Islamorada. We had temperatures in the low 50's a couple days but it finally started to warm up yesterday. Most of our deep sea fishing boats have been out on charters the last few days fishing here in Islamorad
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4015 days ago :: Rank: (910) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We're half way through March here while offshore fishing in Islamorada and it's spring time fishing! The spring months always give us opportunities at a little bit of everything. The charter boats have been fishing both the reef/wrecks as we
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3139 days ago :: Rank: (888) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The winds look to be calming down the next week here in Islamorada. We had some windy weather the past ten days but it didn't stop the boats from getting out and catching some fish. Last week we saw some of the best catches of mahi so far this s
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2690 days ago :: Rank: (885) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The marina is looking better everyday since Hurricane IRMA. We've got most of our rooms and the ocean front house available to stay in and should have our houseboats ready to stay on in December. We've had a handful of boats fishing most day
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3967 days ago :: Rank: (807) :: Categories: Reports
Saludos again from the island of Enchantment April went all the way from Fools to Easter week with plenty of action and everything from flat to sporty seas. The first two weeks of April were marked by great sea conditions and bird piles with respec
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3989 days ago :: Rank: (795) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We've had some wind here the last few days while deep sea fishing in Islamorada but we still have plenty of boats get out each day. We had a cold front pass through a couple days ago so the winds followed the typically pattern west and then to t
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