
111 Records Found

4352 days ago :: Rank: (63) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Had a great day on the flats the other day. tons of ladyfish sea trout jacks and sharks.  Here’s Mike with a nice cero mackerel.
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4121 days ago :: Rank: (61) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
The past week we have seen some great fishing in Islamorada. There was one slow day in the mix when the current had switched making touch fishing conditions but every day is different and you never know when you're going to have that fishing tri
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5089 days ago :: Rank: (61) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
For fishing fanatics the Florida Keys are a relatively nearby paradise almost any time but spring is probably best of all as the winds of winter tend to moderate while temperatures generally stay below summer highs -- and many game fish are at their
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4045 days ago :: Rank: (60) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
We had a minor front come through over the weekend but not much of a temperature drop just a few degrees though it did give us some northerly wind directions. Didn't seem to affect the tarpon much as there have still been swarms around. Capt. Bi
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4161 days ago :: Rank: (54) :: Categories: Reports, Fishing
Today we fished with Eric and Tom along with 3 of their guests who did not speak English and we never did get their name. All the same we went right to trolling the reef. While trolling was on the slow side today we did manage to catch 5 kingfish and
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4844 days ago :: Rank: (33) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
‘Tis the season for mackerel in Marathon and the Middle Keys. King Spanish and cero mackerel are here in abundance this time of year and they’re all prime for the smoker.  Here in south Florida you’re likely to get more gifts f
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4768 days ago :: Rank: (23) :: Categories:
Sails Chasing Ballyhoo in 25ft of water Home Anglers My Profile Directory Reports News Audio Images Events SST Charts Tools Hotspots Tips About Contact Advertise Sails Chasing Ballyhoo in 25ft of water By FS Bot on 2/12/2012 11:18:20 PM • Rank
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5096 days ago :: Rank: (14) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
Cobia fishing under migrating rays has been very good in the Florida Keys lately but a wind shift to the south changed everything Sunday -- and Richard Stanczyk of Bud N' Mary's Marina in Islamorada figured that would be a problem for cobia
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13 days ago :: Rank: (11) :: Categories: Fishing, Reports
This past week the Miami Boat show was in town every year myself and Capt. Alan Sherman get to fish with different employees from Yamaha Marine. Its always fun because these guys don’t fish much and anything that pulls drag is fun. We met them
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