Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 3/6/2025 7:47:23 AM • Rank (6) • Views 7


Well, I survived Valentine's Day at home and the balance of February was great. We had a couple of mild cold fronts that kept the weather cool and the skies crystal clear. The tarpon fishing sparked up again as we landed a few tarpon on fly and hooked a few more on spin on different charters. Meanwhile, on the flats bonefishing was fantastic with a bit of a slowdown towards the end of the month around the new moon and fishing in the channels has been fair with lots of sharks on the flats, including plenty of big barracudas in the 15 to 25 pound range. Yesterday we had a perfect calm day and while we hooked three bonefish and landed one, I kept my eyes open for permit, but only saw what looked to be one big permit about 100 yards away from us moving solo.  It's been a great way to wrap up the month with some great clients, solid fishing and some really nice fish to the boat. March is when Tarpon season kicks into high gear and I have high hopes that this will be a good tarpon season. Stay tuned and we will both find out.

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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